【ChatGPT】英語解説を日本語で読む【2023年4月22日|@Tiff In Tech】
00:00 - イントロ
00:57 - 自律型AI
01:16 - AgentGPT
04:41 - Ora.sh
05:38 - Meetcody.ai
07:11 - Jasper
09:08 - literallyanything.io
10:57 - AIについての私の考え
12:03 - アウトロ
We are going to be sharing or talking about five alternatives to ChatGPT because as you know, ChatGPT has been everywhere in the media and online.
And honestly, I think it's a great tool for various cases.
But there are many tools out there for coding, productivity and different use cases that are so much better than ChatGPT.
Today's video, we're going to focus on tools around coding and productivity, most of them that can be used for either.
So we're not going to cover very common tools such as Tab 9 or Copilot, ones that we're all familiar with.
ですから、Tab 9やCopilotのような、私たちがよく知っているツールは取り上げないつもりです。
I'm going to try and find some ones or some tools that are very different or that you might have not heard about that you can implement in your daily life, whether you're coding, being more productive, wanting this tool to do varying things for you that you can use.
All right, let's jump into it.
Also, hit that subscribe button if you haven't already.
Let's go.
Oh, I don't know where we're going.
I'm sitting down here.
OK, have you heard of autonomous AI?
I recently came across this and I'm blown away by this technology.
It no longer needs you to put in a prompt.
The the AI can learn from past prompts and tasks and continue iterating.
This is wild.
Let me talk more about it.
Before we get into exactly what AgentGPT is, I wanted to take a step back, though, because AgentGPT is one of the first of its kind.
We've been hearing a lot or maybe you are just starting to hear about it now about autonomous AI, which is essentially being able to train your own AI chatbot with its data so it will continue to learn from its own data, getting smarter and smarter.
It's really wild.
Like it kind of puts ChatGPT to shame, in my opinion, as to what it can do.
OK, I have some notes on it here because this is something I'm still learning about.
So AutoGPT is a tool that lets you achieve your goals by allowing LLMs to think, plan and execute actions autonomously.
So what this means is unlike ChatGPT where you need to input your question or your prompt, you do not need to do that with autonomous AI.
It will continue to think and take decisions rationally on its own.
It's really the next step in AI.
And up until Agent GPT, if you wanted to play around with autonomous AI, you needed to code to do so, which there are tons of different tutorials out there.
And it's a really great exercise.
Maybe we should make a video doing that, actually.
Leave in the comments if you're interested in that.
But you needed to do it locally on your machine and have some knowledge of code.
Now with Agent GPT, if you are a coder or you are a non-technical person, you can play around and have access to autonomous AI.
しかし、Agent GPTを使えば、コーダーであっても、非技術者であっても、自律的なAIにアクセスして遊ぶことができます。
So let's pull it up on screen here.
OK, as you can see on screen here, I have AgentGPT pulled up.
And let's start by giving this a name.
You see the door move behind me, Mr. Muggs.
Hi, Mr. Muggs.
Hi, Mommy.
ハイ ママ
It's like a ghost.
Anyways, Agent GPT, let's give this a name.
とにかくエージェントGPT これを名前にしよう
Let's call this code GPT because we want it to help us with code.
このコードをGPTと呼びましょう コードで私たちを助けて欲しいからです。
This could be productivity, GPT, whatever you wanted to name it.
And the goal is, let's say, let's make the goal to build websites fast.
And I don't know if that's the greatest goal for this, but let's try it.
Deploy Agent.
So it's in thinking.
It's thinking, meaning it's going through its data, looking and adding some tasks here.
Develop a website builder, implement an automatic.
Hey, let's just let it live its life for a second here.
All right, develop a website builder, implement an automatic content generation feature, utilize the code generation tools, integrate a responsive design framework.
And these are the steps that it is going to start doing, which is incredible.
Integrated content management system.
I mean, it's brilliant.
It's taking the steps to how would I build a website fast?
And well, we're sorry for this demo.
We cannot have our agents running for too long.
So, of course, you need to sign in.
But this is incredible.
So you're essentially giving it a goal and letting it take on these tasks to complete them.
So if we were to sign in and go through this process even further, it would start executing, as you can see here, and continue through this entire process.
So this has been used.
I've seen cases of it being used for people who want it to manage their entire social media channels, people who wanted to build them websites or apps, manage their calendar.
It will literally take on the tasks for you.
It's really incredible and kind of terrifying at the same time.
Once again, this is AgentGPT, but you can also make your own autonomous AI through the code.
A lot of times there is examples with Python, which is really interesting.
But this is a great way to have a platform to tinker around with.
Next on the list is more for you app developers out there or anyone who is really interested, even from a business perspective, of coming up with really interesting ideas for technology.
So maybe you want to build the app.
Maybe you just want to understand or have some ideas around apps or technologies to build.
You need to check out Aura.sh.
OK, I have up on screen here Aura.sh, and this is really cool.
It allows you to build essentially AI apps in seconds.
And let's keep in mind this is some marketing material in seconds, but it does happen very quickly that you can use existing prompts and build a smart contract or build a web application, whatever you are looking for.
You can get that code in seconds.
And they say on the website they use GPT-4.
I have heard mixed reviews that it's GPT-3 that they structured to appear as GPT-4 in their responses.
But regardless, it's still a very interesting tool to play around with.
Meet Cody is a newer one that I found and I've been really tinkering around with it.
Meet Codyは、私が見つけた新しいもので、本当にいじくりまわしているんです。
Let me show you more.
OK, so I found Meet Cody a while ago and I've just been using it for tinkering.
しばらく前にMeet Codyを見つけ、いじくり回すために使っていました。
I haven't actually used it for business purposes, which is its whole spiel or its whole main thing.
But I just wanted to see if it could help manage some aspects of my business.
And it's very interesting here on screen.
So what it allows you to do is instant answer to your business questions.
It understands your business over time as you are continuing to feed a data about it.
You can upload any documents, whether it be Google, Notion, et cetera, and continue to build upon its knowledge about your business.
And then also, too, what I like is it's essentially they refer to it as an assistant like ChatGPT with the benefit of being able to train on your business, your team, processes and clients.
So also, too, the fact that it can train with your processes and clients is another big win for me.
So as a tool, I think that so I'll put up on screen here some prompts that it's really good at.
I love this one where it's explain what we do like I'm five, which honestly, sometimes, especially if you're working for a technical company, having a clear way to explain what your company does, even if you built the company, is sometimes really difficult.
And this is just a really fun way to do it.
But once again, it can be human resources, marketing, IT procedures, and it really understands your company.
This is an AI that you can utilize to what is the word it's so much more custom than say ChatGPT or any of these other AI systems out there.
I really like it so far, and it definitely will help boost your productivity by being able to understand your business.
The way the script is written for this video script, I don't really do scripts, but I mean script meaning like bullet points of information is always on this tool I'm about to talk about.
It's pretty much been, it's not a free tool, but it's pretty affordable and it's something that in my opinion is the number one AI tool that I use today that is worth actually paying for.
I feel like I've re-emphasized this so many times, but I use Jasper on the daily, like way more than ChatGPT even actually.
And I use it mainly for helping me with script writing, with blog posts when I'm writing blog, like technical blog posts for work, when I'm writing scripts for YouTube.
And what I do is I give it my current script, so it's not as though I get ideas from it, but I will feed it my ideas, my scripts, and then in turn what it will do is it will reword it for me in the tone I would like, so you can choose tone of voice, keywords you want to add, different things like that.
I also use it a lot when I'm writing emails.
I hate writing emails, I am terrible at it, and it's a great way to, for that what I'll do is I'll write like a super terrible like mind dump of an email, like this is kind of what I want to say, and get it to reword it for me like a tech professional, like a software developer.
However, I want it to sound based on who I'm speaking to, and I'll kind of, I'll always alter what it gives me, but it just gives me a good guided path for next steps.
So Jasper is, it's not free, I don't know if they have a free version, I don't think so, but honestly it's something that after exploring it for months now I think it's totally worth it for my personal use, being able to utilize its templates from ads, blogs, business, e-commerce, SEO, social media, it just has so many different areas that you can really dive into.
So Jasper probably, I don't want to pick a favorite, I feel like a mom who has to pick a favorite, but if I did it's probably my favorite tool that I'm using right now with AI.
This tool is so hard to talk about because it has such a weird name, it's called Literally Anything.
このツールはとても話しにくいのですが、奇妙な名前がついていて、「Literally Anything」という名前なんです。
Like that's the name, Literally Anything.
その名も「Literally Anything」です。
This as I mentioned is an app that I recently stumbled across and it's pretty, pretty crazy.
I mean it's just, it is what the name says, which is literally anything, and right now it's for desktop only, but for example, you can input, let's pull it up here, you can input for example, let's use one of these examples, personalized budget tracker with spending analysis.
So you build, and it does take, depending on how many people are using it at the time, it can take a few minutes to fully build, not even a few minutes but it feels like that in today's world when it's a few seconds, and it will literally build out your entire application so you can use this to create UI, to create apps, to create photo carousels, to create a trip planner, whatever you want.
This is similar to ChatGPT but I do find the UI and the experience on Literally Anything to be much more, to be much more better to be honest, like I just really enjoy using the platform more.
これはChatGPTと似ていますが、Literally AnythingのUIや体験は、正直なところ、もっともっと優れていて、このプラットフォームを使うのが本当に楽しいと感じます。
I'm someone who uses desktop a lot, I don't really do work on my phone from a browser for example, so I just find that the fact that they only have it on desktop doesn't really affect me, but it definitely is something that you can use for both the code aspect, whether you want to help it build out your UI, so say you're more, you're not necessarily a great UI designer but you want to build out a front end application, I would use something like Literally Anything, sounds so weird, LiterallyAnything.io to help you build the UI and then take that and then build with it.
私はデスクトップをたくさん使う人で、例えば携帯電話のブラウザで仕事をすることはほとんどありません。ですので、デスクトップでしか利用できないという事実は私にはあまり影響がないと感じています。しかし、コード面やUIの構築を助けるといった用途には、どちらも使えると思います。例えば、UIデザインが得意でないけれどもフロントエンドアプリケーションを構築したい場合には、「Literally Anything」というちょっと変わった名前のLiterallyAnything.ioを使ってUIを構築し、それを元に開発していくことができます。
So it's pretty cool, it's AI nowadays, it feels like almost, it's kind of like your assistant or your friend that for the areas that you don't want to do or you're not good at and you don't want to become better at, you can get AI to do it for you.
So I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing to get AI to help you with all this.
When you think nowadays when the first digital camera came out or let's stick with that example, it's not like at the time people were like, or maybe they were like, oh this is going to completely take out photographers, all their jobs are going to be gone, we have been continuing to evolve with technology and the roles that technology is helping us with, we continue to evolve as well with, so it's not something that's going to take over all of our jobs or if it gets to a point where it does take over all of our jobs, it's not just in tech, at that point it will be all of our jobs taken over, but I really don't think that will happen.
In turn, what I believe is we will have more room and space like we always have to continue to build interesting things and continue to build new ideas, creativity, it's going to allow for more time for us to focus on the bigger picture things.
So it's doing some really interesting things and these are just five tools that I'm obsessed with from a coding productivity standpoint, but they can be used really for so many different use cases, I just wanted to hone in on those two that I'm really passionate about.
All right, I hope you enjoyed this video, leave down in the comments if you have tried any of these tools, if I missed one that you're like, this is an obvious one you missed, and hit that subscribe button for more tech coding career related videos, I'll see you all soon, bye everyone.