【AutoGPT】英語解説を日本語で読む【2023年4月22日|@Jason West】
Now, if you've been hearing a lot of hype about AutoGPT just recently, which is basically a ChatGPT on steroids, it has the ability to kind of run on your own machine through a lengthy install process, I might add, where you've got to install Python and things like that in your local machine, and then you give it tasks which it then goes out and tries to achieve, and that includes search in the web and doing all kinds of things.
In fact, it creates lots of autonomous agents which are other GPT instances that try and achieve each goal.
So it's a pretty cool system.
Mixed results online I'm seeing, some people saying it's the best thing they've ever seen in their life.
It is amazing, but you know, is it easier to use that than it is for you to be able to do it yourself, is often the question that people are asking.
But nevertheless, in this video I'm going to show you three easy alternatives to using AutoGPT, which are all browser based, so that just makes life a lot easier.
You don't have to install all this stuff, which some people will find a struggle, others won't, but it's much easier to just go to a website and then sign up and have all of that capability right there.
So this is the first one, I don't know how you pronounce it, but I'm going to call it Aomni.com and I'm going to put links to all of these underneath the video, so you can always go and check them out.
And this one gives you five free queries a day.
Off the top of my head, I can't remember whether I had to put in my own API key when I set this up, I'm not sure, but what it will do is you give it a task, you know an objective as it says here.
So I'm gonna say brainstorm 20 trending ideas for a Twitter thread on recent breaking AI news and write to a text file.
I press research and then it has a process that it goes through where it thinks about how best to achieve that goal.
And you can see the progress down here and it also sort of spells out its thinking too, which AutoGPT does as well.
And it's quite handy because you can see it working and sort of thinking how to deal with this problem.
You can watch its thought process live in action.
So what I'll do is I'll leave that running in the background and while that's happening, we can go over to another one that I've been trying out and you can too.
Here it is.
This one is called Godmode.
Godmode.space is the URL for you to go and try this out.
This one I did enter my own API key, I do remember that.
Although I think you are able to use it at a slower pace with less reliability if you just use theirs.
But what this will do is the same as the other one, a Omni.
You will put in a task, there's mine brainstorm 20 training ideas for Twitter and so on, and then it will break down what it has to do to achieve that.
And you can see this long list here of things that it's done and attempted to do.
Each time it's done the thing that it says it has to do to achieve your goal, it will have you approve its plan of action just down here.
And that is very similar to AutoGPT because AutoGPT will say yes or no to each of its steps that it says it's going to take out.
So, the first one here says, "create a Twitter thread from a list of five trending AI topics using the specified API keys and account," and then it goes, "search for recent AI news on Google, retrieve the 20 latest AI-related articles from Science Daily," and then it will go on and on.
最初の1つは「指定されたAPIキーとアカウントを使って、5つのトレンドAIトピックのリストからTwitterスレッドを作成する」、次に「Googleで最近のAIニュースを検索し、Science Dailyから最新のAI関連記事20本を取得する」、そしてさらに続く。
Now it's saying search for the article smart microbots walk autonomously with electric electronic brains on Google and it keeps going through and then it's basically writing the contents to a text file and just going through all of this process here.
今は「Googleでsmart microbots walk autonomously with electric electronic brains on Googleという記事を検索してください」と言って、どんどん進んでいき、基本的にはテキストファイルに内容を書き込んで、ここでこのプロセスをすべて行っています。
Right now it's reading the contents of the file stack overflow underscore post.text and executing Python code to create a tweet thread using tweepy API.
今はstack overflow underscore post.textというファイルの中身を読んで、Tweepy APIを使ってツイートスレッドを作るためにPythonコードを実行しているところです。
So it's doing all of this stuff and every time I just click approve plan and now it moves on.
But what you can also see here is that it's got the option for you to give feedback.
So if it's going off down some rabbit hole and it's just all getting a bit too wrong for you here and using up your credits within you know your playground API key there then you can just stop it anyway.
So there's no problem there and you can guide it down a different path and all of the files that it writes are just down here on the left.
So we've got trending AI topics.txt.
つまり、Trending AI topics.txtがあるわけです。
I wonder actually what would happen if I download that and take a look at what it's done here.
What it's done so far, let's have a little look.
Okay look at that, there we go.
So it has already kind of achieved its goal.
So what it's doing now is thinking about how it's going to tweet it all I suppose.
Potential trending AI topics for a Twitter thread.
New method for comparing neural networks exposes how artificial intelligence works.
An AI tool for reducing common drug side effects.
New programmable materials that can sense their own movements and some other stuff like even smartest AI models don't match human visual processing.
So there's some topics there.
Those are the kind of top-level topics that it's come up with but now I'm guessing it's going to be turning those into tweets effectively and it's as we know trying to find out how to automatically post this.
I would imagine at some point surely it's gonna have to ask me for my Twitter API details so that it can do that but it doesn't seem to have done that at the moment and it keeps trying to figure out how it's going to post using an API.
So it could go on and on and I don't think you know to be honest with you it's it's been that useful for this task.
I mean you know I think there's probably easier ways to do it than this at the moment but it's still fascinating to see how you know this autonomous GPT system is working out and dealing with problems.
Now another one that I really like is this one which is called Cognosys.ai again a link underneath and it's a similar layout similar deal.
Here it is you do have to put in your open API key if you want.
What does it say actually?
It tells you why.
Increased limits, okay?
Otherwise, you have to use their system and then you can pay out for that.
But it's free to just try this out.
But I'll just go ahead and create a new secret key, which I'll just put there and copy that.
And don't worry, I am gonna delete the key afterward, so my account is not at risk from someone copying it and so on.
If I go and paste that in and save there we go.
Now I'm in a position to use this I type in the name of the research agent then the objective I will use the same one come up with some ideas for Twitter.
We won't use automatic tasks because I think that basically lets it run all on its own and just carries on and on and on and on without your approval, and then that's it.
We can just click kind of start, basically.
So it's having a think about it as well, and over on the right-hand side here you can see the completed tasks, and you can download them.
And now we can see what it's up to here.
So the current task, let's just move that over here a little bit: utilize NLP algorithms to analyze recent AI news articles and extract key topics and themes.
Then use machine learning models to predict which of the extracted topics are most likely to trend on Twitter, and then generate a list of 20 potential Twitter threads based on that.
And off it goes, it's getting down to business here.
So what's it done first?
Then to analyze recent AI news articles and extract key topics and themes, I will utilize NLP.
I'll start by collecting a set of recent AI news articles from reputable sources.
Once I have the articles, I will use techniques such as tokenization, goodness me, part of speech tagging, and named identity recognition to identify and extract key topics.
Geez, this thing is smart.
Then it's saying use machine learning models predict which of the extracted topics.
I don't know how it's gonna do that.
And it's off, look at this.
Generate a list of 20 potential Twitter threads based on the predicted trending topics and write them into a text file.
Bam, bam, bam, done, task complete, and task is shutting down.
So, there it is, there is the potential Twitter topics.
And then I'm thinking what you can do here is just click on this, which is going to then download that as a text file.
And I'd be interested to know what happens when we open that.
What have you got here?
Let's have a look at the goodies, see what's collected.
If you're finding this useful, interesting, by the way, you want more videos where I just go and test all of these crazy new AI software platforms, then please do like and subscribe to the channel.
Here we are.
So, understood.
And then it's gone through and explained how it's done it.
And then now it's got all of these topics which it thinks are going to be really good.
Now, I suppose there would be nothing to stop me from taking these or adding another task to this initial prompt effectively that says create actual tweets now for all of those different topics.
But there's some interesting ones here.
Look, the use of AI in agriculture and its potential to increase crop yields and reduce food, something I would imagine, food.
And then it's got the use of AI in the fashion industry and its potential to create personalized fashion products.
So, some interesting topics.
And it did it very quickly and without the need for me to go in through the lengthy install process are using AutoGPT.
So, I think so far this one's pretty good.
Now, let's go back over to Godmo.
This is still thinking about how to go and tweet this using API's and stuff.
So, I think this one has definitely just gone off on one.
How about Amonia?
Amonia, Amonia.
Let's call it Amonia again.
Brainstorm 20 trending ideas for a Twitter thread on recent breaking news.
Blah, blah, says the system is making progress towards generating 20 trending ideas for a Twitter thread.
The second task of extracting information from the news articles is currently underway.
Once completed, the system will move on to rewriting the extracted information into Twitter thread ideas, creating a list of 20 trending Twitter thread ideas and writing it to a text file.
So, it is doing the job.
It's just that it's taking forever.
So, I guess that's just the way that the code's written or what, but it's a lot slower than Cognosis which has done the task quickly and efficiently.
So, you might want to check this one out.
Maybe your results will vary.
You know, one thing I do quite like about this Godmode one is that it explains its reasoning as well as its thoughts, you know, so you can sort of understand why it's doing things a certain way and then put it back on the right track by using that additional feedback there.
And then the other one which I actually spoke about in a previous video that's sort of taken off quite well is this one which was Agent GPT where you enter your own API key or you go and use theirs if you again, it's a similar thing.
もう1つは、以前のビデオでお話ししたもので、かなり軌道に乗ったものですが、これはAgent GPTというもので、自分のAPIキーを入力するか、彼らのAPIキーを使うか、同じようなものです。
They'll give you some for free, but if you want to really go for it use your own.
But what this one does, not go online yet, but I do understand that it is on the cards very soon that they'll be able to go online and do more as well.
But these guys are already going online and doing a good job.
This one here says as well, this Cognosis.ai, what AI beta is limited to GPT 3.5, but you just know all of these tools are going to be using for as soon as they possibly can because it's just obviously so much more powerful.
こちらにもCognosis.aiというものがありますが、このAIベータ版はGPT 3.5に限定されています。ただし、これらのツールは、明らかに非常に強力であるため、できるだけ早く使われることが予想されます。
So, to its credit really, it's done a very good job if it's just using GPT 3.5.
ですから、GPT 3.5を使うだけであれば、非常に良い仕事ができたと評価しています。
The other thing I'd like to say actually about this specific task is that you know with ChatGPT and what the browser plug-in and everything, you could probably do this just straight up from there as well.
So, I see these as really at the moment, I feel that they're kind of filling the void for everybody who can't use ChatGPT fully yet with all of the different plugins that they're bringing out.
But once all of those plugins are out, I think ChatGPT by itself will still really be able to do mostly what you would like it to do because it's super clever.
We've also in the demo videos, it is unbelievable with those plugins, and they're only going to get more and more powerful and better as well.
So, if you're into ChatGPT and autonomous GPT and all of those different things to do with AI, you're gonna love this group.
ChatGPTやAutonomous GPT、AIを使った様々なものに興味があるなら、このグループを気に入るはずです。
This is my group.
We've got over 4,000 members now, so you can go and interact with fellow GPT nuts who just love talking about AI, prompting, prompt engineering, the latest and greatest software.
Come and get involved in here.
We've just had so many people join recently, and there's some really, really good people in here, some very knowledgeable people on all aspects of ChatGPT, so you can also access some free training in the classroom there as well.
It's like a collection of all of my YouTube videos and tutorials to really get you up to speed with ChatGPT and all of the cool things that it can do.
And look at all these different videos.
There's absolutely tons, ChatGPT for website building, for YouTube channel growth, all sorts of different stuff.
And hopefully, you'll get a lot out of it.
So, that is it for this video.
I think we have done a pretty good test of these three on that one simple task.
My favorite out of all of these has got to be Cognosis.ai so far.
I think it's just quick, efficient, explains everything really nicely.
The user interface is simple, works really well, but there's always gonna be improvements with the other ones as well.
This one was still working on that task.
It's just a bit too slow for it to be of any practical use, really, in my opinion.
It does say it takes anywhere between 5 and 15 minutes, to be fair, but yeah, I think that's a little too long in this day and age with AI, unfortunately.
So, that's it.
I hope you enjoyed it.
If you did, like and subscribe, and there's some more videos coming your way any second.