Hey what is up guys welcome back to another youtube video at the world of AI.
In today's video I'm going to be showcasing LLaMA academy.
Basically it's a new project aimed to teaching GPT's which is a generative pre-trained transformer and it's basically showing you guys how to read API documentations using LLaMA which is another large language model for APIs.
基本的には、GPT(generative pre-trained transformer)を教えることを目的とした新しいプロジェクトで、API用の大規模言語モデルであるLLaMAを使って、APIドキュメントの読み方を紹介するものです。
And it also utilizes Lora which is LLaMA oracle for APIs as well as LangChain which is language model chain and this is something that I've highlighted previously in my videos.
And what the goal is is that this project is trying to enable GPT's to learn and use new APIs such as Stripe and Notion or even your own products API.
And this is quite revolutionary, guys, because then you're going to be able to host different API documentations, and it'll basically teach different language models as well as applications on how to code and utilize certain types of prompts to actually help you with certain generations of maybe websites.
It might be utilized for JavaScript and many different things for different software developers.
But with that thought guys before we get into the gist of that I have a lot of videos and a lot of content that might be very beneficial for you guys so I highly recommend that you check it out.
Continuously going to be uploading stuff and always going to be providing you guys with the best content.
So I highly recommend that you check out all my other previous videos as it's very detailed and there's a lot of value that will definitely benefit you.
And with that thought, guys, if you haven't subscribed, it would mean the world to me if you could do so.
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And with that thought let's get right into the video.
So, as I talked about, LLaMA Academy has basically the potential to be viable as well as a very valuable tool for software developers.
さて、今回お話したように、LLaMA Academyは基本的にソフトウェア開発者にとって非常に価値のあるツールであると同時に、実現可能な可能性を持っています。
And this is something that I'm going to be explaining in today's video, where I'm going to be showing you guys a demonstration of what it's trying to do, explain you guys a little bit more about its analysis, going to show you guys the flow chart of how that data is basically flowed through.
I'm going to talk a little bit about the installation, but I'm not going to be showing you guys how to install it, because this is basically for research purposes at the moment.
It's basically open source right now at this moment, but you're not able to, not everyone will be able to install it because of the requirements, which I'll talk about a little bit later.
But this is a very hardware-intense like application, so you might need a lot of different like requirements to actually run this capability on your actual local desktop.
So, before we actually get into all that, I'm going to be talking a little bit more about the analysis of what this actual application is and some of the use cases.
And as we talked about, it's basically going to be teaching LLaMAs on how to code, basically through different GPTs, and it will read API documentations.
Now, LLaMA Academy has been able to allow developers to do this so much easier, and it's very easy to like quickly learn and use different APIs, including their own product's API.
And not only is it able to use just Notion as well as Stripe, but it's able to utilize different types of web API as well as your own product's API, which could be very beneficial for a lot of different software developers.
また、NotionやStripeだけでなく、さまざまな種類のWeb APIや自社製品のAPIを利用することができ、多くのソフトウェア開発者にとって非常に有益なものとなっています。
Now obviously with LLaMA Academy, developers can also host their own API implementation instead of just hosting API documentations which is something that a lot of people are very frustrated with.
LLaMA Academyを使えば、多くの人が不満に思っているAPIドキュメントのホスティングではなく、自分たちのAPI実装をホスティングすることもできます。
Now this project has been created by Daniel Gross and I highly recommend that you check it out guys.
このプロジェクトはDaniel Grossが作成したもので、ぜひ皆さんもご覧になってみてください。
I'm going to leave all the links down in the description below.
このプロジェクトはDaniel Grossによって作られました。
Definitely give this guy a follow as well as support the actual project by giving it a star as well as maybe installing it locally if you have the capabilities to do so.
Now the API docs as well as running the script is through LLaMA which is another large language model and this basically is something like mini GPT where it can be hosted on the developer's server and it allows users to call it to generate different API glues.
Now, this can save developers so much time and effort from building softwares that relies on APIs, and this is something that I'm going to be showing you guys in this demo.
And what Daniel does is that basically he's saying that it's showing LLaMA how to write API code, and it's not just through ChatGPT plugins, but you're able to actually do this by fine-tuning the model and learning how it can talk to Notion, which is another application by reading its API docs.
And we can see this in the example right here.
So, it installs all the packages and all the language models, and what the human does is it gives it a prompt: get me all the comments from a specific page from using Notion API.
パッケージと言語モデルをすべてインストールし、人間が行うのは、「Notion APIを使って、特定のページのコメントをすべて取得する」というプロンプトを出すことです。
And the assistant, the model, actually like the application, is going to use JavaScript as well as work towards creating this code.
And we can see at the end it's able to formulate the actual API notion, and it's able to talk to Notion with this API, and you're able to get this code.
And this is just a little example as to what they've been able to retain with their application.
So, this is quite remarkable, guys, as it's going to save a significant time and effort from building software as that rely on API's.
So this is quite remarkable, and I definitely recommend if you're interested in this, obviously take a look at it.
But this is something that they're like continuously working on, and it's not something they've even noted that it's not something that is released at this current moment as it's still currently under construction.
So it's going to take some time before it's actually fine-tuned and released with the actual official release, as they haven't even released packages to like sincerely work towards, as it's currently under construction.
So with that thought let me now go on to the next step where I'm going to show you guys a little bit more about the flowchart as to how it works.
So there's basically four steps as to how this pipeline of LLaMA Academy is basically functioning in and these steps are the crawling, data generation, fine-tuning and the deployment and we can see that over here in this flowchart.
LLaMA Academyのパイプラインが基本的にどのように機能しているかに関して、基本的には4つのステップがあります。それらは、クローリング、データ生成、ファインチューニング、デプロイメントで、このフローチャートでそれを確認することができます。
Now, for the first step, which is crawling, this is where the actual LLaMA Academy crawls the web.
最初のステップであるクロールでは、実際のLLaMA Academyがウェブをクロールします。
Basically, it sources it through different API documentations, and this first step is quite necessary as it collects data for the next step, which is the data generation.
Now, in this data generation step, you're able to get LLaMA Academy to use GPT-3.5, which is the free version from OpenAI's product, as well as it utilizes GPT-4 models, which might require you to provide an open API key, as it's going to be able to generate synthetic data.
このデータ生成ステップでは、LLaMA Academyを使ってGPT-3.5を利用できます。これはOpenAIの無料版製品です。また、GPT-4モデルも利用しており、オープンAPIキーを提供する必要があるかもしれませんが、合成データを生成できるようになります。
And what can be done with this is that by using the collected API documentation to generate the code, it also uses snippets and relative text from the first step to generate the data.
And then it uses to actually fine-tune using Vaikuna 13b model in the next step.
そして、次のステップでVaikuna 13bのモデルを使って実際に微調整を行うのです。
And with this next fine-tuning, we're able to get a fine-tuned version of the synthetic data that is generated in the previous step.
Now, with this step, it takes a crucial step towards actually improving the model's ability to understand and generate code.
That is actually related to your first step, which is the crawling, where it sources from website data to get the right information for your code.
Lastly, it's obviously going to take the next steps to deploy it, and what it does is that it involves hosting the newly fine-tuned model on the actual server.
It depends if you're using a local computer; you might source it through your local desktop, but users can basically find and then call the model to generate code related to the API's documentation that was crawled from the first step.
We can see this in this example over here, where it starts off with the reference that you give it, and it sources it through different data sets as well as on the web.
What it next does is that it uses GPT models; in this case, you can use GPT-3.5 or GPT-4, and from this, it's basically sourcing as well as looking at synthetic data to generate the actual context of your API documentation.
From this, it is sent to the vector store, which is the API docs; obviously, it could be sent to another LLM, or in this case, we're going to be using Vaikuna 13b model, which is used to fine-tune it.
ここから、APIドキュメントであるベクターストアに送られます。当然、別のLLMに送ることもできますし、今回はVaikuna 13bモデルを使って、微調整をします。
Once that is done, it is deployed to the final step in which it is hosting the newly fine-tuned model on an actual server, and this is something that we can see.
In this case, they've prompted it to calculate the 20-day moving average for the stock symbol Apple.
This is Apple's stock ticker, and it basically determines if the current stock is above and below the average.
What it does is that it sends it through the crawling phase, the next step is it uses GPT-3.5 or GPT-4 model, and from the data generation from the synthetic data, it then fine-tunes it using Vaikuna's 13b model.
From that, it is able to deploy it onto a server, and we can see it over here from the code that we get over here.
Something that is cool to note is that it uses both GPT-3.5 as well as GPT-4 models to generate the synthetic data, and we're able to see that they're continuously working on different models to actually get you different parameters for data searching as well as to give you the best generative context of your code.
This is something that they're going to continuously work on, guys, because this is just the start of what their project is.
This is fairly new, as it was something that was released very shortly around early April, April 19, obviously, it was the post about what it is trying to do, and this is something that they're continuously going to be working on.
So it's great to see as well as have a tab on this project because it's going to be something that could be very viable to use for different software developers.
Now, in terms of installing it, guys, one thing before you even try to install it, make sure you have the hardware requirements.
Obviously, you can have it on a Google Colab, but at the same time, you need to have the right GPU to actually run this because it is very tech-heavy.
もちろん、Google Colabにインストールすることも可能ですが、同時に、これを実際に動かすには適切なGPUが必要です(非常に技術が必要なため)。
Because if you can read this right over here, the code is tested with one RTX, which is an instance of in Vast AI, and the thing is the peak RAM is basically 27 GB.
というのも、このコードはVast AIのインスタンスである1つのRTXでテストされており、RAMのピークは基本的に27GBです。
Therefore, any GPU with RAM that is greater than 30 GB will be safe for fine-tuning.
So that's basically saying that if you do not have anything, if you have any type of RAM that is below 30 GB, don't even try, guys, because this thing is going to wreck your PC or whatever laptop or anything that you have.
Because this thing is going to require a lot of RAM to actually fine-tune as well as use this application.
So, I highly recommend that you wait it out a little bit, wait until it gets posted on different web servers so that you can actually start working and learning how to use it online.
Obviously, if you do have the requirements, it is quite easy to run it; you just have to have Git, Python, Visual Studio Code to actually install it on your local desktop.
Git、Python、Visual Studio Codeがあれば、ローカルのデスクトップにインストールすることができます。
I have a rough demonstration of how it works on my previous videos, so if you want to check that out, definitely do so.
In each of these different LM videos, I actually give you a rough outline of how to actually do it; it's quite fairly easy, but just make sure that you have the right requirements to do so.
Now, in terms of its plans, we'll be going over some things as well as their roadmap as to what they're trying to achieve.
Something I also wanted to note before I get into the next part is that the code files on this repository on GitHub, they're able to provide certain understanding, like descriptions of what each folder is, so I definitely recommend that if you don't have any idea of what these folders are, definitely have a read-through of these as you'll get a better understanding of what it actually means.
And make sure that if you're going to be using this, you have your API keys as well as the different requirements that they actually have, and this is something that you can read on their page.
Now, in terms of the actual project's potential, this project is going to be quite useful for a lot of cases, as I stated before.
But firstly, the one thing that I wanted to talk about is how it aims to tackle a problem that has been challenging in the field of AI, which is teaching GPTs how to read and understand API documentations.
This is an important problem to actually solve; it has a lot of different potential, like progresses that developers might have, as it's a significant amount of time that will be cut if this project is able to proficiently innovate its actual application.
This is going to basically help software developers save a lot of time and efficiently work on different APIs and documentations.
Now, secondly, LLaMA Academy is an open-source project, which means that anyone can actually contribute to it and actually help improve it.
次に、LLaMA Academyはオープンソースのプロジェクトであり、誰でもこのプロジェクトに貢献し、実際に改良を加えることができます。
So, if you guys have the right mindset as well as the right understanding of how things work, I'd definitely recommend that maybe if you are interested, you can work with this project, contact people such as Daniel on their Twitter, and get a better understanding of how you can actually provide your efforts to improve this project and potentially solve more complex problems in the future.
The second feature that was actually talked about is how they're going to basically implement flash attention, and these are some of the things that they're going to continuously work on.
So, I highly recommend that you keep a tab on this, guys.
Obviously, this is a project that is under construction, so keep that in mind before you start to use it because this is something that will be a project that will continuously innovate.
So, keep a tab on this because it's going to be something that could be a potential breakthrough.
But with that thought, guys, I hope you found this video informative and you were able to get some sort of value out of it.
I'm going to leave all the links down in the description below.
Definitely give a shout-out, I'm definitely giving a shout-out to Daniel for creating such an amazing application.
Definitely leave a like as well as a star on the GitHub because this is something that is going to support these guys in producing different types of applications.
Now, with that thought, guys, if you haven't seen any of my previous videos, I highly recommend that you do so.
If you want me to upload anything, definitely let me know, and with that thought, guys, thank you so much for watching.
Please subscribe, turn on the notification bell, like, and comment.
And with that thought, guys, have an amazing day, keep a smile, and I'll catch you guys with the next upload.
Peace out, fellas.