
【マット・ウルフのAIニュース:先週の重要アップデート総集編】英語解説を日本語で読む【2024年10月5日|@Matt Wolfe】

OpenAI DevDay 2024では、2025年までにAIエージェントの実現を目指すことが明らかになりました。ChatGPTには新機能「Canvas」が追加され、テキストの編集や長さの調整、コードレビューなどが可能になりました。Microsoftは、Copilot搭載PCに新機能を追加し、ユーザーの行動履歴を記録する「Recall」機能や、画像に対するAI処理オプションを提供する「Click to Do」機能などを実装しました。また、CopilotにはAIによる視覚理解機能も追加されました。Googleは、Google Lensに音声質問機能を追加し、画像や動画の内容を理解して回答できるようになりました。さらに、AIを使用して検索結果を整理する機能も導入されました。画像生成AI分野では、Flux 1.1 Proが登場し、テキストの理解力や画像の品質が大幅に向上しました。動画生成AI分野では、ByteDanceがSoraに匹敵する新しいAI動画生成モデルを発表しました。ゲーム業界では、Steamプラットフォームに「Dream World」という新しいゲームが登場し、プレイヤーが思い描いた3Dオブジェクトを即座にゲーム世界に生成できるようになりました。AI規制に関しては、カリフォルニア州知事がAI企業の責任を問う法案SB 1047を拒否権で否決し、ディープフェイク関連の法案AB 2839も裁判所によって一部無効とされました。ロボット工学の分野では、はしごを登ることができる四足歩行ロボットが開発され、危険な高所作業への応用が期待されています。

It's been an absolutely insane week in the world of AI.


We've got announcements out of OpenAI, out of Google, out of Microsoft, out of Meta, out of all of the AI art generators and all the video generators.


Everybody decided to drop new announcements and roll out new features this week.


There is a ton in this video.


I'm going to try my best to rapid fire it and not ramble too much and share all the crazy AI news that happened with you this week.


Let's just get right into it.


Let's start right here with OpenAI.


This week was OpenAI's Dev Day.

今週はOpenAIのDev Dayでした。

For the most part, most of the announcements were more geared towards developers and not really end users of ChatGPT, but there was still some interesting stuff that came out of Dev Day.

ほとんどの発表は開発者向けであり、ChatGPTのエンドユーザー向けではありませんでしたが、Dev Dayからはいくつか興味深い情報が出てきました。

Sam Altman did a little fireside chat at the end of Dev Day and allowed the audience to ask questions.

サム・アルトマンはDev Dayの最後に小さなファイヤーサイドチャットを行い、観客に質問をする機会を与えました。

A lot of the questions were about when are we going to get AI agents?


According to this article over on Tom'sGuide.com, it says OpenAI confirms AI agents are coming next year.


OpenAI is on target to launch agents next year.


These are independent artificial intelligence models capable of performing a range of tasks without human input and could be available in ChatGPT soon.


As far as I know, OpenAI hasn't actually released the recordings from Dev Day yet.

私の知る限り、OpenAIはまだDev Dayの録音を公開していません。

However, I did find this YouTube channel called Kyle Khabasaras.

しかし、私は「Kyle Khabasaras」というYouTubeチャンネルを見つけました。

I'm sorry if I mispronounced your name, where he actually filmed the entire sort of fireside chat with Sam Altman.


The closest thing I can find to them saying that agents will be here by 2025 was this little clip here.


Maybe talk to us a bit more about how you see agents fitting into OPI's long-term plans.


Are you?


That's a huge part of the...


I think the exciting thing is this set of models, O1 in particular, and all of its successors are going to be what makes this possible.


Because you finally have the ability to reason, to take hard problems, break them into simpler problems and act on them.


I think 2025 is going to be the year that this really goes big.


They did mention from stage that they think 2025 is going to be the year and Sam Altman kind of sort of confirmed it.


That was the only clip that I can find that seemed to kind of confirm that they think agents by 2025.


I don't think the full video is online, but if you do want to watch this entire fireside chat they did, Check out Kyle's channel here.


I'll make sure it's linked up in the description as well.


I'm going to talk more about the Dev Day announcements in a second, but before I do, let's talk about Canvas, which is actually a ChatGPT feature that they just rolled out this week as well.

これからDev Dayの発表についてもっと話しますが、その前に、今週新たに導入されたChatGPTの機能であるCanvasについて話しましょう。

Canvas is kind of a complete overhaul of the UI inside of ChatGPT.


We can see that ChatGPT will start suggesting edits.


It'll adjust the length to be shorter or longer, change the reading level, add final polish and check for grammar and clarity and you can even ask it to add emojis.


They've also added some coding features with this new Canvas like review code, add logs, add comments, fix bugs, or port to a different language.


You can go from like JavaScript to Python or whatever.


According to Sam Altman here over on X, he said that the new Canvas feature is now live for 100% of ChatGPT Plus subscribers.

ここでサム・アルトマンがXで述べているように、新しいCanvas機能は現在、ChatGPT Plusの全てのサブスクライバーに対して利用可能です。

If you are a paid subscriber to ChatGPT, you should have this feature now.


When I pop into my ChatGPT account, it defaults still to ChatGPT-4o, but if I click this dropdown, you can see we now have an option to switch to GPT-4o with Canvas.


We don't get Canvas with the new o1-preview mode that thinks through things, but we do have it with the GPT-4o model.


If we click into here, we now have the ability to call on the Canvas.


If I just give it a prompt like, write a short story about wolves learning to use a computer and hit enter, you can see that it just completely changed the whole interface and it put my chat over here on the left sidebar and it put the story that it just wrote over here in the right window.


If you use Claude and you've seen Claude's artifacts, this feels very similar.


The biggest difference is in Claude artifacts, you can actually have it generate code.


and then you can actually preview what the code does without actually going to another screen.


This will just output the code, but you still have to copy and paste the code over somewhere else to actually execute the code.


What this did when it created this new right side of ChatGPT is it made it so I can sort of select text here.


When I select text, I can ask ChatGPT about just that paragraph.


I can tell it to rewrite just this paragraph.


If I submit it, you'll see that it will actually automatically fix just that paragraph and leave the rest of the document alone.


In the past, you would have basically had to tell it to rewrite the whole thing, but just fix the first paragraph.


It would have completely done the whole thing over again.


If I select this text, I can also format it make it bold, italic, change it to headings, things like that.


Over on the right sidebar, you can see this little pencil icon down here.


If I hover over it, it opens up a new menu here with suggest edits, adjust the length, reading level, add final polish and add emojis.


If I click suggest edits, it actually reads through the story that it wrote and then suggests its own edits to its own story.


If you like the edits that it's suggesting, just like in a Google doc or something like that, you click apply and it actually tweaks it and edits it with the new version that it suggested to itself.


I can click on adjust length and we've got a little slider here to make it super long or super short.


If I go to shortest and just let go, you'll see it'll just rewrite the whole thing, but in a much shorter version.


If I click adjust the length, bring it all the way up to longest, it reworks the entire story, this time making it quite a bit longer.


We can change the reading level with a slider as well, all the way down to a kindergarten level up to a graduate school level.


If I bring it down to a kindergarten level here, you can actually see that the writing style is more like a kid-friendly writing style.


Deep in the forest, under the tall trees, the wolf pack found something strange, et cetera, et cetera.


If I change the reading level all the way up to a graduate school level, you can see it's much more descriptive.


Deep within the dense forest ecosystem, beneath the expansive canopy of towering conifers, a wolf pack encountered an anomalous object.


It completely changes the reading level.


If you're trying to get it to explain some sort of complex concept to you and you're not quite understanding it, you can essentially tell it to dumb it down for you and keep on dumbing it down until you finally get it.


You can add some final polish.


You can see it goes through and formats it.


We got like a headline and some sub headlines and it just sort of broke it up and cleaned it up.


It's a little bit easier to read.


If we click add emojis, it will do exactly what you expect it to do and just fling some emojis in there as well.


Make it look like that.


I'm gonna go ahead and clear this and go to a new chat window because there's something else that they've recently added that's pretty cool.


If I come down to the chat window here, they actually have like quick shortcuts now.


If I type/, you can see I've got reason, search and picture.


If I select picture, anything I put after this, it will call on DALL·E 3 to generate.

画像を選択すると、その後に入力したものに基づいてDALL·E 3が生成を行います。

If I do search, it will make sure that it searches the web before it finishes the prompt.


If I click on reason, it's going to make sure it uses the new o1 model that really thinks things through.


Some pretty handy new updates to ChatGPT this week.


Jumping back to some of the other stuff they talked about at Dev Day, I'm gonna kind of go quickly through it because this is more designed for the developers that are using the API, but they did introduce vision to fine tuning the API.

Dev Dayで話された他のいくつかのことに戻りますが、これはAPIを使用している開発者向けに設計されているため、少し早めに進めますが、APIのファインチューニングにビジョンが導入されました。

Developers can now fine tune GPT-4o with images and text to improve the vision capabilities.


If you're using the OpenAI API and you want to build a tool that uses their vision models, you can actually upload some of your own images and give it some additional context, and it will actually get better on the specific type of images that you train into it.


Something more focused towards developers.


Another thing focused towards developers is that they introduced the real-time API.


They recently rolled out the advanced voice mode, where you can have a much more conversational chat with ChatGPT.


They rolled out the ability to use those conversational bots inside the API.


Other apps can use that same technology within their app.


If you want, you can even test this yourself outside of the ChatGPT app.


You can actually go to the OpenAI Playground here, platform.openai.com/Playground.

実際にこちらのOpenAI Playground、platform.openai.com/Playgroundにアクセスすることができます。

Over on the left, they added a real time box here.


I can actually start a session and have a conversation with the GPT-4 model here using this sort of new advanced voice features.


But outside of ChatGPT.


Hey, how are you doing today?


I'm fantastic.


Thanks for asking.


How about you?


I'm doing great.


Just recording a video, breaking down all the news for the week in the AI world.


That sounds exciting.


There's always so much happening in the AI world.


Any particularly big stories you're covering this week?


Wouldn't you like to know?


Fair enough.


I'll just have to wait for the video then.


They also rolled out model distillation in the API.


This lets developers easily use the outputs of frontier models like o1-preview and GPT-4o to fine tune and improve the performance of more cost efficient models like GPT-4o mini.

これにより、開発者はO1プレビューやGPT-4oのような最前線モデルの出力を簡単に利用し、GPT-4o miniのようなよりコスト効率の良いモデルの性能を微調整し、向上させることができます。

They also added prompt caching into the API.


This is something that significantly reduces the cost of using the API if you're a developer.


This is something that Claude's had for a little bit now, but we're finally getting it in the OpenAI API.

これはClaudeが少し前から持っていた機能ですが、ようやくOpenAI APIにも実装されました。

Those were pretty much the big announcements that came out of OpenAI's Dev Day.

これがOpenAIのDev Dayから発表された主な内容でした。

But there's other OpenAI news this week in the fact that they also got new funding to scale OpenAI.


It's looking more and more likely that OpenAI is going to convert from a nonprofit to a for-profit company.


In this past week, they managed to raise $6.6B in funding at $157B post-money valuation.


This makes them the third largest startup on the planet, I believe.


Last week, we got Meta Connect, and they showed off some of the new Meta Ray-Ban sunglasses.

先週、Meta Connectが開催され、彼らは新しいMeta Ray-Banサングラスのいくつかを披露しました。

During Meta Connect, they announced a new feature that these glasses were going to be getting memory.

Meta Connectの際に、これらのサングラスがメモリー機能を搭載することが発表されました。

You can look at something and say, like, remember where I parked?


Or, hey, remind me in 10 minutes to call my mom or whatever.


Those features are rolling out right now into the sunglasses and glasses that you have if you've got a pair.


The new update will also allow them to recognize QR codes and open them on your phone and make phone calls based on a phone number that is seen in front of the camera.


I actually tested these features.


They work great.


You'll look at a QR code And just by telling your glasses to scan this QR code, you can pull out your phone and it just opens the app on your phone real quick.


Pretty handy.


The memory feature is really cool too.


I actually haven't tried it with an image yet where I take a picture of like a parking spot number, but I have tried it where I told it to remind me to do something in five minutes.


And then that reminder came through.


Pretty handy feature.


While we're on the topic of Meta, for today's video, I partnered with Meta because they just released Llama 3.2 and it's a significant leap forward in AI technology.

Metaについて話しているところで、今日はMetaと提携して動画をお届けします。というのも、Metaが最近Llama 3.2をリリースしたばかりで、これはAI技術において大きな進歩を遂げたものだからです。

Whether you're a developer or you're just simply interested in AI, this update is worth your attention.


One question I get asked constantly is how can I use an AI model without actually sending my data to like the big corporations?


Llama 3.2 has a pretty solid answer for you.

Llama 3.2は、あなたにとって非常にしっかりとした回答を持っています。

You can run it directly on your device.


In fact, you can use it without even being connected to the internet if you want.


What's new in Llama 3.2?

Llama 3.2の新機能は何ですか?

First, the larger models, 11B and 90B, they both now have vision capabilities.


This means that not only can they understand text, but they can understand images now as well.


You can ask the AI about a chart in your report or to describe a photo, and it would understand the visual context.


But Meta actually put out some lighter weight models as well with 1B and 3B text-only models.


These are perfect for on-device AI applications and even on mobile phones.


Imagine a personal assistant that can summarize your messages or manage your schedule all while keeping your data on your device.


One of the really cool features about these models is that it supports 128,000 token context window.


That's like being able to put a whole book's worth of information inside of a single conversation.


This Llama 3.2 is actually optimized for Qualcomm and MediaTek hardware right out of the gate.

このLlama 3.2は、実際にQualcommとMediaTekのハードウェアに最適化されています。

This is super important for anybody that wants to actually develop AI-powered applications for mobile phones.


One of the most important aspects of these Llama models is that they're open source.


You can download these models from Llama.com or from Hugging Face and start building immediately.

これらのモデルはLlama.comまたはHugging Faceからダウンロードでき、すぐに構築を始めることができます。

They're compatible with platforms like AWS and Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure and a ton of others.

AWSやGoogle Cloud、Microsoft Azureなどのプラットフォームと互換性があり、他にも多くのプラットフォームに対応しています。

Personally, I believe open sourcing these models is really, really important.


It encourages innovation and it allows for more diverse applications.


This year alone, Llama has seen 10x the growth and has become one of the preferred Large Language Models for AI development.


If you're a developer, this means that you have access to the most cutting edge models that you can modify and adapt to your specific needs.


While if you're not a developer, it means that the apps and services that you're going to use could be significantly more intelligent and more helpful.


I've also got to mention that Meta really prioritized safety with this new release.


They've introduced new safeguards, including LlamaGuard 3, which is designed to ensure that these powerful models are actually used responsibly.

彼らは、これらの強力なモデルが実際に責任を持って使用されることを確保するために設計されたLlamaGuard 3を含む新しい安全策を導入しました。

Whether you're aiming to create innovative AI applications or you're simply excited about the future of technology, Llama 3.2 is actually really worth exploring.

革新的なAIアプリケーションを作成することを目指している場合でも、単に技術の未来にワクワクしている場合でも、Llama 3.2は実際に探求する価値があります。

It's powerful, it's really flexible, and it's available for everybody to use and improve upon and iterate on.


If you're ready to get started, you can go to Llama.com or you can go to Hugging Face and download the models to begin your journey with Llama 3.2.

始める準備ができたら、Llama.comに行くか、Hugging Faceに行ってモデルをダウンロードし、Llama 3.2との旅を始めることができます。

The future of AI is open source and it's here now.


Thank you so much to Meta for sponsoring this video.


Moving on to Microsoft now.


There was a ton of announcements to come out of the world of Microsoft, especially if you have one of the new Copilot Plus PCs with the NPU neural processing unit built into them.

Microsoftの世界から多くの発表がありました、特にNPUニューラルプロセッシングユニットが搭載された新しいCopilot Plus PCをお持ちの方には特に関係があります。

These are pretty much all of the new laptops and computers that are coming out from Microsoft these days are this new version of the Copilot PCs.

最近Microsoftから発売される新しいラップトップやコンピュータは、ほぼすべてこの新しいバージョンのCopilot PCです。

Some of the new features you're gonna get are the recall feature.


This was a feature that was supposed to roll out when the new Copilot PCs rolled out, but a lot of security and privacy concerns popped up and they sort of put it on the back burner for a little bit to fix it and improve some things.

この機能は新しいCopilot PCが発売される際に導入される予定でしたが、多くのセキュリティやプライバシーに関する懸念が浮上し、一時的に保留されて改善作業が行われました。

They're finally rolling out this recall feature, which is essentially like your internet browsing history, but for everything you do on your computer, it remembers you editing videos or writing documents in Word or browsing through your photos.


Anything that you did throughout the day, it sort of saves it as a history so you can go back to that moment and remember what you were doing on your computer.


You have the option to turn it on and off and no, they don't actually send the information that they're collecting back to Microsoft.


This is all just on device.


They're also adding this click to do feature where if you have like an image open on your computer, you can click on it and you can see it gives the option to visual search with Bing, blur background with photos, erase objects with photos, remove background with paint.


Just by clicking on the image, you get a whole bunch of new sort of AI related options.


It says here it also assists with text-related actions such as rewrite, summarize, or explain text in line, opening in a text editor, sending an email, web searches, and opening websites.


Click to do is context-aware and accessible from any Copilot plus PC screen.


They're also improving the Windows search with some AI.


You can see they did a search up in the top here where they searched barbecue party.


Notice that all of these images are just titled like image 1123, image 1111.


Windows figured out what the context of these images were and pulled up all the images related to a barbecue party that were on this computer.


It says here it works even when you're not connected to the internet.


This isn't like an online feature.


This is just going to use your laptop's NPU that's built into it.


I'm not sure if this works with videos or if it's really only for pictures.


I really want this for video.


That would help so much with organizing B-roll, but getting it with pictures, I imagine it's only a matter of time before we're getting it with videos as well.


They're adding a feature called super resolution inside of photos.


You can open a image inside of photos on windows and actually upscale the image.


They're adding generative fill and erase inside of Microsoft Paint.

彼らはMicrosoft Paintの中に生成的な塗りつぶしと消去機能を追加しています。

You can erase things in the background and generative fill inside the image, just like you can in Adobe Photoshop.

背景のものを消去し、画像内に生成的に埋め込むことができます。これはAdobe Photoshopと同様です。

But now you can do it in Microsoft Paint as well.

しかし、今ではMicrosoft Paintでもそれが可能になりました。

A lot of cool new features that are going to be available on these Copilot Plus PCs.

これらのCopilot Plus PCで利用可能な多くの素晴らしい新機能があります。

Microsoft also introduced Copilot Labs and Copilot Vision.

Microsoftはまた、Copilot LabsとCopilot Visionを発表しました。

The first feature available in Copilot Labs is Think Deeper, which gives Copilot the ability to reason through more complex problems.

Copilot Labsで利用可能な最初の機能は「Think Deeper」で、これによりCopilotはより複雑な問題を考慮する能力を持つようになります。

It sounds to me like this Think Deeper is essentially going to use the new OpenAI o1 model that uses that chain of thought prompting where it really thinks things through.

私には、このThink Deeperが本質的に新しいOpenAI o1モデルを使用するように思えます。このモデルは、思考を深めるためのプロンプトを用いて、物事をじっくり考えるものです。

But it looks like we're going to get that inside of Copilot Labs.

しかし、私たちはそれをCopilot Labsの中で得られるようです。

There's also Copilot Vision.

さらに、Copilot Visionもあります。

It says if you want it to, it can understand the page you're viewing and answer questions about its content.


It can suggest next steps, answer questions, help navigate whatever it is you want to do, and assist with tasks.


All the while, you simply speak to it in natural language.


They say it's an entirely opt-in feature, so it only works if you turn it on.


But here's a little demo that they put out of what that looks like.


They say, hey, Copilot, I'm looking for a place to stay.


They're on this website, staynest.com.


Copilot starts making recommendations.


What do you think of this lofthouse?


In the video, they're speaking back and forth, but there's music on the video.


I don't know the copyright status of that music, so I'm not playing the video for that reason.


But this is an audio conversation that's happening.


The user says, hmm, it's a bit pricey.


The AI calls that person bougie.


They say, I'm not.


I'm just looking for something nice.


A little color on the walls, you know?


The AI says, this one definitely has some color.


The user says, wow, it's giving me a headache.


Ha ha, we don't want that.


Wait, this one looks perfect.


Minimal, modern, ew.


The user says, you're right.


I love it.


We're booking it.


That's their little demo of what this Microsoft Copilot vision looks like.

これは、このMicrosoft Copilotのビジョンがどのように見えるかの彼らの小さなデモです。

Microsoft also updated the Bing generative search feature.


They say, today we're rolling out an expansion of generative search to cover informational queries such as how to effectively run a one-on-one and how can I remove background noise from my podcast recordings.


Whether you're looking for a detailed explanation, solving a complex problem, or doing deep research, generative AI helps deliver a more profound level of answers that goes beyond surface level results.


To use it, you simply type Bing generative search into the search bar, and you're met with some queries that you can use.


There's also a deep search button on the results page, and they do say it might be a bit slow right now.


Let's just try Bing generative search.


Sure enough, when we test it out here, we get a whole bunch of different potential prompts that we can use.


If I click on reduce podcasting noise, you can see we get an AI generated response here along with a table of contents.


Another thing Microsoft is doing is they're starting to pay publishers if their content is surfaced in some of these generative search results.


Right now, it looks like it's just big companies like Reuters, Axel Springer, Hearst Magazine, USA Today, and the Financial Times.


I'm not clear if this is going to be something they roll out for smaller content creators because that'd be kind of cool.


If you write blog posts or make YouTube videos or something like that, and it responds with information that it pulled from smaller creators, it'd be cool for them to get compensated as well.


I don't know if that's on the roadmap or not, though.


Right now, it looks like all of the big news media outlets, though, they're trying to work with them so that they can show results from their websites and also pay them when they do.


In the last bit of Microsoft news for the week, the head of Microsoft AI, Mustafa Solomon here, wrote a letter sharing his thoughts on where he thinks all of this is going and what he describes is essentially Copilot turning into more and more of an agent for you.

今週の最後のMicrosoft関連のニュースとして、Microsoft AIの責任者であるムスタファ・ソロモン氏が手紙を書き、自身の考えを共有しました。彼の説明によると、Copilotがますますあなたの「エージェント」のような存在になっていくという方向に進んでいるとのことです。

He says, We are not creating a static tool so much as establishing a dynamic, emergent, and evolving interaction.


It will provide you with unwavering support to help you show up the way you really want in your everyday life, a new means of facilitating human connections and accomplishments alike.


Copilot will ultimately be able to act on your behalf, smoothing life's complexities, and giving you more time to focus on what matters to you.


What he's describing essentially sounds like an AI agent that's trained on you, and what you want to use it for most, which I think is something that most people can probably get behind as long as it's done in a safe and ethical way without impeding too much on your privacy or sharing too much personal data with the big companies.


Moving on to Google, because Google had a handful of announcements this week as well.


They've been making some updates to the Google Lens tool, a tool where you can upload images and have it sort of search out those images of where they are in the web and give extra information around those images, things like that.

彼らはGoogle Lensツールのいくつかの更新を行っており、このツールでは画像をアップロードし、それらの画像がウェブ上でどこにあるかを検索し、画像に関する追加情報を提供することができます。

It can actually understand videos as well.


We can see in this demo here, some fish schooling, and they talk to it and they say, why are they swimming together?


It looks at the video, understands what's in the video.


And then, actually, gives an AI response based on what it saw in the video.


They're also adding that voice questions feature where you can talk to Google Lens.

さらに、Google Lensに話しかけることができる音声質問機能も追加されています。

They take a picture of the sky here, and then they say, What kind of clouds are these?


It gives them an AI response.


But they asked that question vocally.


It wasn't them typing the question.


They're also adding this feature to shop what you see.


You see a backpack, you take a picture of it, and then it finds where you can actually purchase that backpack online.


They're adding the ability to identify songs in their Circle to Search, kind of like the Shazam app where you just hold it open, listen to a song, and then it tells you what the song is.


It sounds like that exact feature is gonna be rolled out into Android devices.


They're also gonna organize your search results using AI.


If you're still using Google to do a lot of your searches, you're probably gonna start to see some of these changes take effect pretty dang soon.


But Google makes most of its money through advertising.


In this new world of AI, they have to Figure out how to make money off of the AI responses as well.


We're gonna actually start seeing ads inside of the AI overviews.


We can see right here that it showed some sponsored messages.


Somebody searches, How do I get a grass stain out of jeans?


It gives an AI response of how to do it.


When they scroll down a little bit, you can see right below the response, there's some sponsored results for things like TidePen and OxyClean related to their search.


In Large Language Model news this week, we also got a new version of Gemini, Gemini 1.5 Flash 8B.

今週の大規模言語モデルに関するニュースでは、Geminiの新しいバージョン、Gemini 1.5 Flash 8Bが発表されました。

This is a new small Large Language Model that's 50% cheaper, two times higher rate limits, and lower latency on small prompts.


This is really for developers that use the API here.


On benchmark tests, it looks like it performs pretty well compared to other models in a similar size.


Since we're talking about Large Language Models, NVIDIA announced a new Large Language Model this week called NVLM-D72B.


This is an open-source Large Language Model that is also capable of vision tasks.


According to this article, it rivals the leading proprietary models like GPT-4o.


If we look at the benchmarks here, we can see that this NVLMD 1.072b is actually pretty on par with GPT-4 Vision model and in one benchmark even outperforms GPT-4o and Claude Sonnet here, which is pretty impressive given the fact that this is an open-source model and not a closed model like Anthropic or OpenAI or Gemini.

ここでベンチマークを見ると、このNVLMD 1.072bが実際にはGPT-4 Visionモデルとほぼ同等であり、1つのベンチマークではGPT-4oやClaude Sonnetを上回っていることがわかります。特に、AnthropicやOpenAI、Geminiのようなクローズドモデルではなく、オープンソースモデルである点を考慮すると、これは非常に印象的です。

Pinterest is rolling out generative AI tools for product imagery to advertisers, pretty much the same thing we've seen in tools like Shopify and Amazon.


You can upload an image of your product and it can remove the background or put it in a different scene, things like that.


We've seen this roll out in all sorts of e-commerce platforms at this point.


You're gonna get it directly inside of Pinterest.


There was some huge news in the world of AI imagery this week.


Black Forest Labs released a new model called Flux 1.1 Pro and they also made their API available.

Black Forest LabsはFlux 1.1 Proという新しいモデルを発表し、APIも利用可能にしました。

So Flux 1.1 Pro, you can use it right now over on Together AI, Replicate, Fall.

したがって、Flux 1.1 Proは、現在Together AI、Replicate、Fallで使用することができます。

Ai, and FreePick, and it's quite a bit improved.


If you've seen things on like Twitter or X where people are referring to Blueberry, Blueberry was sort of the code name for Flux 1.1.

もしTwitterやXで人々がBlueberryについて言及しているのを見たことがあれば、BlueberryはFlux 1.1のコードネームのようなものでした。

Here's a little comparison that my buddy Angry Penguin put together.

こちらは、私の友人であるAngry Penguinがまとめた小さな比較です。

You should definitely be following him over on Twitter if you're not already.


He shares all sorts of cool AI announcements, but we can see the difference here of Flux Pro, the old model, find me, the stars align, the new model find me where the stars align seems to be much better with text.

彼はさまざまな素晴らしいAIの発表を共有していますが、ここで見ることができるのは、古いモデルのFlux Proと、新しいモデルの「星が揃う場所を見つける」というもので、テキストに関しては新しいモデルの方がずっと優れているようです。

You can actually see his prompt here if you want to duplicate that.


Here's another one, sky's the limit, sky's uh schlint, here's another one, sky's the limit, so it's much more understanding of what you're looking for, at least from the text side of things.


Here's another example, feel free to pause on any of these if you want to look at them more closely and grab the prompt, but we can see that the text and even the image is quite a bit better.


In this image, we can see the barbell is kind of going into the cat's head or maybe behind it.


I can't really tell.


This one, you got the whole thing on the screen and the text is exactly what was asked for.


Here's some more examples.


Here's another example of a Ghibli style, old Japanese city, blue sky, sunny background, Japanese temple, Japanese traditional.


Here's the original one.


Here's the new one.


Looks quite a bit better.


A lot better color palette in my opinion.


Obviously, what's aesthetically pleasing is very subjective, but I find this to be a little bit more aesthetically pleasing.


Here's another example.


We can just really see how prompted here it is because look at how big this prompt is.


A vector illustration, a group of adorable smiling ghosts, wearing different color witch hats.


We're getting that.


Each ghost has a unique expression.


Cheerful pumpkins with carved faces.


Background should be dark purple.


It pretty much nailed every single element from this long prompt here.


Here's another example.


In the first one, it didn't even get the eye lift to eat.


The second one, it kind of nailed it.


Maybe one of these straws is meant to be the eye.


I don't know.


A handwritten letter written in old English and signed Flux Pro at the bottom.

古い英語で書かれた手書きの手紙で、下部にはFlux Proとサインされています。

Look at that.


Here's another example and another example and one final example.


Thanks again to Angry Penguin for sharing all of those with me and giving me permission to share them in this video.

再度、すべてを共有してくれたAngry Penguinに感謝し、この動画で共有する許可をいただきました。

Feel free to go back and pause on any of those if you want to see the specific prompt that I didn't cover.


Angry Penguin also gave me a quick tip.

Angry Penguinは私に簡単なヒントも教えてくれました。

He said that you can actually use Flux Pro 1.1 right now for free if you use it over on the glyph.

彼は、実際にGlyphで使用すれば、今すぐFlux Pro 1.1を無料で使えると言っていました。

App website.


Some of the other sites that are allowing you to use it for free are only allowing you to use it for free for like a day.


This one, it's free for now.


From what I understand, it'll be free for a few weeks, but I don't know how long it's gonna be free for.


But at the time this video is going live, you can actually play around with Flux Pro 1.1 for free on glyph.

しかし、この動画が公開される時点では、実際にGlyphでFlux Pro 1.1を無料で試すことができます。

Let's go ahead and sign in real quick.


Let's just try a monkey holding a sign that says subscribe to Matt Wolf.

「Matt Wolfを購読してください」と書かれた看板を持った猿を試してみましょう。

It got the two Matt Wolf part, but kind of missed the subscribe.

「Matt Wolf」の部分はうまくいきましたが、「購読」の部分は少し外れました。

Let's run it one more time.


This time it got it right with no issues.


I actually love making images over here on glyph because they show up in this feed down here and now anybody that goes and looks at this feed is going to have a monkey telling them to subscribe to Matt Wolf.


But that's Flux Pro 1.1 and I will link up where you can use that below.

しかし、これがFlux Pro 1.1であり、下にその使用方法のリンクを貼ります。

You can go use Angry Penguin's integration of it or you can go build your own glyph with it in the workflow.

あなたはAngry Penguinの統合を使うこともできますし、ワークフローで自分自身のグリフを作成することもできます。

We also got some updates out of Leonardo AI this week.

今週、Leonardo AIからいくつかのアップデートがありました。

Now, this is a company that I am an advisor for, so just keep that in mind when I talk about them, but when they do really good stuff, I talk about the good stuff.


When they do stuff that I don't really like, I point out the stuff that I don't really like.


I try to remain fairly unbiased, but this is just the news.


This week, they rolled out a new style reference feature.


You can upload up to four reference images to direct the aesthetics of your image output.


You can also adjust the strength of the reference image.


They also rolled out a new image to image feature using the Phoenix preset.


They've had image to image in Leonardo for a while, but the feature wasn't available to use with the Phoenix model, which is the model that's probably the best inside of Leonardo, but now Image to Image is available using the Phoenix model.


If I jump in here, I go to image creation.


Up here in my prompt box, you can see a new little image icon.


If I click on this, it gives me the option for style reference or image to image or a content reference, which is coming soon.


But even if you don't have a style reference already, what's really cool is I can click on style reference here, go to the community feed.


If there's an aesthetic of an image that I really like, I can pull in that same aesthetic for the images that I'm about to generate.


Let's say I really like this painterly look here.


Let's go ahead and pull that in, confirm it.


It's going to use that as a style reference.


I'll just put a simple prompt, a robot looking into the camera.


and then hopefully it will do it in a similar style.


There we go.


It gave me four generations.


This one's probably the best looking, but you can see it looks like a painted image that models the style that we have up here, but with a robot looking into the camera.


Also a sort of newer feature they rolled out is under the generation mode.


They have this ultra mode.


What that's actually doing is it's upscaling all of these images right as they generate.


If I actually look at this image at full size, you can see it's a fairly large image.


It's actually been upscaled right within the pipeline of generating the image.


That's pretty cool as well.


There's also lots of new features rolling out for Leonardo soon, but as they roll out, I'll show them off.


I'm not quite allowed to talk about them yet, but there is some exciting stuff.


I'll share that as it rolls out.


Adobe rolled out some new AI features inside of their Photoshop elements and Premiere elements products.

Adobeは、Photoshop ElementsおよびPremiere Elements製品内に新しいAI機能を導入しました。

These are sort of stripped down versions of Photoshop and Premiere that don't have all of the features, but they're for more like casual users.


You've got like object removal, new AI color correction features, depth of field simulation, and a handful of other smaller AI related features that were in the bigger platforms.


But now the sort of more casual elements version of these platforms are getting these AI features as well.


Luma's Dream Machine, which is one of the more popular AI video generation models, got an upgrade this week.

LumaのDream Machineは、より人気のあるAI動画生成モデルの一つで、今週アップグレードされました。

They now have hyper fast video generation, their 10x faster inference.


You can now generate a full quality Dream Machine clip in under 20 seconds.

20秒以内でフルクオリティのDream Machineクリップを生成できるようになりました。

Pika made a bunch of waves this week with their new Pika 1.5 model.

Pikaは今週、新しいPika 1.5モデルで大きな話題を呼びました。

But most of what we've seen from this 1.5 model have been more of these types of videos where there's an object and you can see the object getting squished or here's some of my generations where it shows me sitting there and I get blown up and then float away like a balloon or getting crushed by a hydraulic press or getting exploded.


We've been seeing a lot of these types of videos, but it also seems like it should be able to do text to video because all of these are like text to video generations or possibly image to video generations.


But for me, for whatever reason, I have not gotten text to video to work.


I actually tried starting to generate like a monkey on roller skates and a wolf howling at the moon.


These have been trying to generate for about 36 hours now.


At this point, I'm not confident they're ever going to actually generate.


But these like meme type videos where you can squish yourself or cut something open like a piece of cake, those all work perfectly.


I just got to Figure out how to get the text to image to actually work because that's not working for me anymore for some reason.


But the videos they did show off, they look pretty dang impressive, possibly cherry picked.


Most of the time when you're going to see stuff on social media, it's going to be cherry pick stuff.


It looks really, really cool.


I'm excited to actually be able to generate with text to video.


Just still haven't really quite gotten it to work yet.


ByteDance, the company behind TikTok, also revealed a new AI video generator this week that is said to rival Sora.


That seems to be the benchmark that everybody compares the video generator models against is a model that none of us have actually gotten our hands on yet.


But here's some examples of what can do.


Here's a woman taking off her sunglasses, standing up.


It looks pretty good.


You can tell it's AI generated, but it looks pretty good.


It's generating at 10 seconds as well.


Here's another one of a man like bowing down to a woman here and then looking back up at her.


She's crying.


That one looks pretty good too, but it sort of feels like it's in slow motion still.


Here's another example of like a black and white video zooming in on a woman's face who's wearing sunglasses.


They're looking pretty good.


My buddy Tim over here at Theoretically Media actually did a breakdown video all about this new model that's about nine minutes.

こちらのTheoretically Mediaの友人ティムが、この新しいモデルについての約9分の解説動画を実際に作成しました。

I'll link that up below if you want to sort of take a deeper dive into this model.


Here's something that's pretty cool that's coming to Steam.


If you're a gamer and you have the Steam game engine on your computer, there's this new thing called Dream World coming out where you can create any 3D asset and just drop it into the world that you're playing in.

もしあなたがゲーマーで、パソコンにSteamゲームエンジンを持っているなら、「Dream World」という新しいものが登場していて、そこでどんな3Dアセットでも作成し、自分がプレイしている世界にそのまま配置できるようになるんだ。

Here's the demo they put out around that.


They type in giant King Kong, and then a giant 3D King Kong is now just like in that world, black and gold Anubus statue.


I think I mispronounced that, but, uh, you can see it, put that big statue there.


Anything that they can imagine, they can just drop into the world.


This looks like it's a sort of bigger game worth like open world and challenges and things that you actually do.


Like, one of the sort of cool, interesting things that make this game novel is that you can just think of anything and then drop it into your world, whether or not you can actually use those things.


I'm not sure, like, if you make a boat on the ocean, can I then jump into that boat and sail across the ocean?


If I generate a car in this world, can I jump in the car and drive it around? I don't know.


It seems like you just kind of can create the stuff, and it's just there and added to your world, and you've got like all the crafting and open world and sort of elements you get out of like Valheim or Minecraft or something like that, but with also the ability to just sort of drop 3D objects anywhere in the world.


I don't know.


I'll probably grab it and play around with it once it's available, though.


We also got the news this week that the governor of California, Gavin Newsom, vetoed SB 1047.

今週、カリフォルニア州の知事であるギャビン・ニューサムがSB 1047に対して拒否権を行使したというニュースも入ってきました。

I've sort of talked about that one enough, but it was the bill that would hold responsible the AI companies that made the model if somebody else took that model and did something that caused catastrophic harm.


If somebody took the Llama model, tweaked with it, and then figured out how to make like a chemical weapon that had catastrophic impact, Llama would be held responsible as well as the person who made the actual chemical weapons.


All of the AI companies were fighting against this bill because they were basically saying, we just want to make better and better models.


We don't know what people are going to use these models for in the future.


Gavin Newsom vetoed the bill.


Most likely some regulation is going to come around this stuff, just not that bill specifically.


It's only a matter of time before another one gets drafted up and goes through Congress, and hopefully it's something that more people can agree upon, I guess.


But while we're speaking of AI legislation, a judge actually blocked another AI bill that was related to deepfakes.


The AB 2839 bill, which was signed by Governor Newsom, was slapped down by the courts.

AB 2839法案は、ニューサム知事によって署名されましたが、裁判所によって却下されました。

AB 2839 targets the distributors of AI deepfakes on social media, specifically if their post resembles a political candidate and the poster knows it's a fake that may confuse voters.

AB 2839は、特にその投稿が政治候補者に似ており、投稿者がそれが有権者を混乱させる可能性のある偽情報であることを知っている場合に、ソーシャルメディア上のAIディープフェイクの配信者を対象としています。

The law is unique because it does not go after the platforms on which AI deepfakes appear, but rather those who spread them.


The judge basically said that this goes against the freedom of speech and that the only thing that's going to stick from this bill is that if you are going to spread a deep fake message with like political figures, you have to say that it was generated with AI.


You could still spread them and share them.


You just have to say that they were made with AI without trying to fake people.


That's the only part of the bill that stuck.


Everything else from the bill, they basically said, no, that's against freedom of speech.


Amazon's rolling out some new fire tablets that are going to have AI tools built into them.


Things like writing assistance, getting webpage summaries and creating wallpapers from a prompt.


I'm pretty sure at this point, like every tablet that comes out, no matter who makes it is going to start rolling out with AI features.


It's kind of become like a necessity or like an expectation of these devices these days.


But we're getting it inside of the fire tablets.


Finally, I want to end with this one because I thought this was sort of one of the cooler things I saw this week, which is a robust ladder climbing quadrupedal robot.


We can see in this video, they actually created one of these four legged robots and designed it so that it can now climb ladders right now that it can only climb up ladders.


It can't climb down ladders.


But if we look at the robot itself, what really makes it unique is sort of the claw like hand that it's got so that it can grip over ladders and climb them.


The idea being we can send robots into very high, dangerous places up ladders that we would normally send humans and for safety reasons, wherever it seems smarter to send a robot, they would do that over putting a human's life at stake.


I think that's pretty cool.


We can see here the sort of digital twin world where they're all being trained on these ladders.


I just love robots.


Robots are really, really fun.


Whenever I come across new robots doing novel things that I haven't ever seen robots do, I'm probably gonna talk about it because yeah, robots are just cool.


Hopefully they don't rise up and destroy us all once they get smarter and smarter AI, but let's not think about that right now.


One more thing before I wrap up here, I am going to be helping to judge an AI hackathon up in Santa Monica on October 12th and 13th.


It should be pretty cool because you don't actually have to be a developer yourself to participate in this hackathon.


You can actually use AI to help you code or you can be someone that actually knows code and we'll just see who comes up with the coolest product at the end of it and should be pretty fun.


It's happening again, October 12th and 13th.


You can go to hack.


Cerebralbeach.com to learn more.


I'll be one of the judges.


I'll be there.


It'd be fun to meet some people in person there.


That's what I got for you today.


If you haven't already, check out futuretools.io.


This is where I share all of the coolest AI tools I come across.


I share all of the AI news that I come across.


I have a free newsletter where I'll share just the coolest tools and coolest news that I think you need to know about directly to your inbox.


It's all free.


You can find it at futuretools.io.


Thank you so much for tuning in.


If you want to stay on the cutting edge and stayed looped in with AI and the latest AI tutorials and how they're doing this stuff and the latest AI news and all that kind of stuff, like this video and subscribe to this channel.


I will make sure more of that stuff keeps showing up in your YouTube feed.


I'll try to help you stay on the cutting edge of everything that's happening in this world.


Thank you once again for tuning in and nerding out with me.


I know this video is a little bit long.


There was a lot that happened this week, but I appreciate you sticking with it and hanging out with me.


Thank you once again to Meta for sponsoring this video.


I'll see you guys in the next one.


Bye bye.

