

QLoRAは、ファインチューニング中のメモリ使用量を削減することに焦点を当てています。研究者たちはQLoRAをGuanacoモデルに適用し、ChatGPTと比較して99.3%の水準に到達するという素晴らしい結果を得ました。彼らは単一のGPUで650億パラメータのモデルをファインチューニングし、Google Colabでも330億パラメータのモデルのファインチューニングに成功しました。

Hey, what is up guys?


Welcome back to another YouTube video at the world of AI.


In today's video, we're going to be focusing on a research paper which is Q Laura.

今日のビデオでは、Q Lauraという研究論文に焦点を当てます。

Basically, it's an efficient fine-tuning quantized research paper that has been working to efficiently and effectively reduce the memory usage during the fine-tuning process.


Now, what's amazing and why I'm covering this project is because of guanaco, a 65 billion model.


This is something that they've been actually able to utilize.


They're with the process of Q Laura.


Now for the people who do not know, Q Laura basically stands for quantitized low-rank adapters and it's basically an approach for efficient fine-tuning of quantified as well as quantized language models.

知らない方のために説明しますが、Q Lauraは基本的に量子化低ランクアダプターを意味し、これは量子化された言語モデルの効率的なファインチューニングのアプローチです。

Now, the researchers behind this project have been able to work with guanaco, which is another type of model.


What they've done is that they've worked to reduce the memory usage during the fine-tuning process while still remaining high in terms of keeping up the high-performance standards.


And what they've actually been able to accomplish is that they've, with the Q Laura framework, been able to basically fine-tune bunaco.

そして、実際に達成できたのは、Q Lauraフレームワークを使って、ブナコを基本的に微調整することができたということです。

So that it reaches an impressive 99.3 percent comparison level in terms of its comparison towards chat GPT, which is quite astonishing.


And basically, they've been able to do this while still maintaining high performance.


And by employing Q Laura, they have successfully fine-tuned a massive 65 Boolean parameter model on a single 48-gigabyte GPU.

そして、Q Lauraを採用することで、48ギガバイトのGPU1台で、65個の膨大なブールパラメータモデルのファインチューニングに成功したのです。

And this is all by preserving a full 16-bit fine-tuning task performance.


And this is why this paper is so remarkable, and this is why we're going to be covering this in today's video.


We've also seen cases where people on Twitter have been able to actually fine-tune their own 33 billion parameter LLM on Google hole up in just a few hours, which is quite remarkable.


And this is all because of Q Laura.

これもすべてQ Lauraのおかげです。

They've been able to use the same framework as well as the code that is used to efficiently fine-tune different types of quantified or quantized, sorry, LMs.


And the code will be linked in the description below, as well as all the links that we're going to be checking out in today's video.


So before we actually get into the gist of today's video, guys, it'd mean the whole world to me if you guys can go give the world of AI on Twitter a follow.


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So with that thought, guys, I'll see you guys right into the video.


So guys, the key concept behind Q Laura is to backpropagate gradients through a frozen 4-bit quantized pre-trained language model into a low-rank adapter, and this is what helps it reduce its memory usage.

Q Lauraのキーコンセプトは、4ビット量子化された言語モデルをバックプロパゲートして、低ランクのアダプターに学習させることで、メモリ使用量を削減することです。

And this enables the efficient computation and memory utilization during the fine-tuning process of different LMs.


Now, by leveraging a low-rank fractionalization technique, Q Laura has been able to reduce the parameter count of the adapter's layers.

Q Lauraは、低ランクのフラクショナル化技術を活用することで、アダプターのレイヤーのパラメータ数を削減することができました。

What they've been actually added towards the pre-trained model, without sacrificing any of the performances during the fine-tuning process.


Now, what they've done with the Quanco model is that it represents the best fine-tuning processing results in comparison to ChatGPT, based on the QLoRA approach that they've integrated.


And these models have been able to achieve remarkable results on different types of LLM models, just like Vicuna, as well as LLaMA and Guanaco.


Basically, they've actually reached an impressive 99.3 percent performance level in comparison to ChatGPT, which we talked about at the start.


And for the people who do not know, this is quite impressive as not a lot of other types of fine-tuning models have reached such levels in comparison to ChatGPT.


And what's amazing is also that it only required 24 hours on a single GPU to do this.


So they've been actually able to fine-tune this model within a 24-hour scope, and they've been able to do this efficiently.


In terms of its approach, they didn't require tens of millions of dollars like GPT-4 as well as GPT-3.5 had done in terms of fine-tuning its model.


In this case, it only required one single GPU to do this whole process, which makes it so much better in terms of its efficiency in fine-tuning different types of LMs.


Now, let's actually take a look at this table over here.


Table one presents ELO ratings for the competition between the different models, with the results averaged over 10K random initial orderings.


Now, in this competition, the models were evaluated based on the performance in response generation for the Vicuna Benchmark.

さて、今回の対戦では、Vicuna Benchmarkのレスポンス生成のパフォーマンスで各モデルが評価されました。

The winner of each match is determined by GPT-4, which determines which response is better for a given prompt.


Now, we can see there are different types of models, such as Bard, Guanaco, Chagibiti, by Kona 13B, as well as GPT-4.

さて、GPT-4だけでなく、Bard、Guanaco、Chagibiti、by Kona 13Bなど、さまざまな種類のモデルがあることがわかります。

It also states the size as well as the ELO ratings.


For the people who do not know, the ELO rating indicates the relative strength of each model compared to the others.


The higher ELO rating basically suggests that there's a better performance level.


Now, the table also indicates a 95% confidence interval, and this is a provided range for uncertainty around the actual ranges of the ELOs.


According to this table, we can see that after ChatGPT-4, the best second-best model is the Guanaco 33 billion parameter, as well as the 65 billion parameter.


And those two are the models that won the most matches in comparison with ChatGPT-4.


And it indicates that their strong performance compared to the other models are so much more superior in terms of its ELO rating, and this is quite remarkable, guys.


Because of the fine-tuning process that QLaura has been able to implement within these models, it's basically able to surpass different things such as Bard, which is being backed by an amazing company, as well as ChatGPT.


It has reached a higher score than these two models, which is quite remarkable.


And basically, these ratings provide a quantitative assessment of the model's performance in this competition, which showcases the comparison as well as the insight.


It basically spotlights the strengths that put these models ahead in comparison with each other.


Now, in this figure, it illustrates different fine-tuning methods that compare their memory requirements, as well as working towards the comparison that demonstrates the improvements of the different models.


Now, the first technique is quantizing, and this is basically where the Transformer model is being utilized to the 4-bit Precision model.


And quantization is a process where you're reducing the precision of a numerical value in the model.


And basically, it helps reduce the memory usage.


Now, by using a 4-bit Precision model, Q Laura can achieve a significant reduction in memory requirements compared to Laura, which is the previous model that they've actually worked upon, and it utilizes the 16-bit for Transformer.

さて、Q Lauraは4ビットPrecisionモデルを使用することで、実際に取り組んだ前モデルであるTransformer用の16ビットを利用したLauraと比較して、メモリ要件の大幅な削減を達成することができます。

Now, the second technique involves the use of a paged Optimizer to handle memory spikes.


Now, during the fine-tuning process, certain operations or calculations can basically cause temporary spikes in memory usage.


With paged optimizers, you're able to get a design designer to basically handle such spikes efficiently by dividing the memory into smaller Pages or chunks, in a way which you can see over here.


And it basically allows for a more efficient memory management.


Now, by implementing paged optimizers, Q Laura basically further optimizes the memory usage, which contributes to its improved performance compared to Laura.

また、ページド・オプティマイザを実装することで、Q Lauraはメモリ使用量をさらに最適化し、Lauraと比較してパフォーマンスの向上に寄与しています。

Now, overall, we're able to see how this visual demonstrates how Q Laura outperforms Laura in terms of his memory requirements by leveraging the 4-bit Transformer.

さて、全体として、このビジュアルは、Q Lauraが4ビットTransformerを活用することで、メモリ要件の点でLauraを上回ることを実証していることがわかりますね。

And it also utilizes the paged optimizers, which helps it become more of a better requirement in saving memory.


To perform fine-tuning with Q Laura, you gotta follow through with the six-step process.

Q Lauraでファインチューニングを行うには、6つのステップを踏まなければなりません。

Firstly, you have to select a pre-trained language model.


And this is by beginning to select a pre-trained language model such as gpt3, which has been trained on a large Corpus of text Data.


Obviously, you can select other models at your own choice.


Secondly, you move on to the next process, which is quantization, quantization sorry.


And this is where you apply a 4-bit normal flow quantization to the pre-trained language model.


And this step, as well as this technique, helps reduce the precision of numerical values in the model, which basically ensures high fidelity.


And basically, this is going to help you significantly reduce memory usage during the fine-tuning process.


The third step is adding the different types of adapter layers.


You add these layers to the pre-trained model.


And with these layers, there are small modules that are inserted into the model's architecture, which allows for a stat-specific fine-tuning, while basically lowering the impact on the original parameters.


And these will basically be used for specific tasks where you want to fine-tune the model.


Fourthly, you will double down on the quantization process by applying a double quantization to the adapter layers.


And it basically is involving a step which is taking an additional quantization step to specifically be designed for the dappolars.


And it further basically makes the fine-tuning process more memory efficient.


On the fifth step, you are working with paged optimizers.


And in this step, you're employing paged optimizers to handle memory spikes during the gradient checkpoints.


And what this does is that it divides the memory into smaller Pages or chunks, which allows for a more efficient memory management, preventing a lot of out-of-memory errors during the fine-tuning process.


In the sixth step, you're working with the fine-tuning process, where you're using the fine-tune language model for your own specific task.


Now, the fine-tune model is then provided with task-specific data, as well as updating the adapter layers to learn task-specific patterns from the previous inputs that you give it.


In a way, you're basically feeding it previous knowledge to make it more smarter.


And this is what makes Q Laura's approach of making an efficient model so much better in terms of its fine-tuning process.


Now, let's get to the next step where we can actually start fine-tuning our own model.


It, I forgot to pronounce this name properly, but Itamar has been able to, like, create this Google Colab link in which you can actually fine-tune your own model.

この名前を正しく発音するのを忘れてしまいましたが、ItamarはこのGoogle Colabリンクを作成し、実際に自分のモデルを微調整することができるようにしました。

Now, if you want the Colab for different types of purposes, all the links will be in the description below, and I'll leave a little tweet for this exact page right in the description below.


But in this case, you can actually spend a couple of hours to fine-tune your own language model.


First things first, you need to connect the GPU to this Google Colab.

まず最初に、GPUをこのGoogle Colabに接続する必要があります。

Secondly, you need to go on to your runtime.


What you want to do is change it to the GPU so that you're utilizing the GPU hardware.


Lastly, what you want to do is save a copy in your drive so that you're utilizing it in your own drive space.


And what you can now do is start working towards installing the requirements.


And as you go slowly down, you can start looking through inputting the models as well as what you're trying to find.


Soon as you go down in the inputs, and this is basically easy as that, guys.


You just gotta click through these certain buttons, these play prompts to help you start initializing the actual fine-tuning process with the code of Q-Laura on the Google Colab.

Google ColabのQ-Lauraのコードを使って、実際の微調整プロセスを初期化するのに役立つ、特定のボタンやプレイプロンプトをクリックするだけです。

So you can start working towards fine-tuning your own model.


I'm not going to be showing you guys how you can actually find some neuro model because that is going to require a lot of hours to do so.


But in this case, we're just going to show you a little comparison of how Quinoco 65 million parameter model has been able to achieve such an amazing level of its performance in comparison to ChatGPT 5, or sorry, 4.

しかし今回は、Quinocoの6500万パラメータ・モデルが、ChatGPT 5、あるいは4と比較して、どのように素晴らしいレベルのパフォーマンスを達成できたかを、少し比較してみます。

And basically, this is by going through a Google Colab that was created by one user on Twitter.

これは、Twitterのあるユーザーが作成したGoogle Colabを使ったものです。

And basically, he created this to tell if you can differentiate ChatGPT towards versus Konako 65 billion parameter model.


And you can actually do so by different questionnaires as well as different prompts.


Basically, he's been able to compare these two models by giving the same prompt to each other.


As you go down, you can see that there are two types of questions as well as two types of generative answer.


And over here, we're able to see that it's able to get the same relative and like relative type of answer when you're able to give an input towards the both types of models.


And this is one of the quite remarkable things of what you can do with Q-Lara, guys.


In summary, it's an amazing tool that you could utilize for fine-tuning different types of models quite efficiently without using a high memory usage rate.


And with that thought, guys, I hope you got some sort of value out of this video.


I hope that this will be an easier step for you to fine-tune your own models so that you don't have to utilize a lot of resources for your as well as the computation power to actually fine-tune your own model.


So with that thought, guys, make sure you give this Twitter account a follow if you guys haven't already, definitely subscribe if you haven't already, turn on notification Bell, like this video, comment anything you want to see in future uploads.


And if you guys haven't seen any of my previous videos, it'd mean the whole world to me, guys, if you guys can do so.


And with that thought, I'll see you guys next time.

