
2024/01/18 NHK English News スクリプト



Hundreds of students are temporarily leaving areas in central Japan hit by a powerful earthquake on New Year's Day. And officials are encouraging other residents to relocate as well, given the amount of time required to rebuild infrastructure. Miyawaki Mizuki is a junior high school student in Wajima City. He takes exams in March to go on to high school. With his current school being used as an emergency shelter, he decided to leave his family to stay in Hakusan City, a two-hour drive away.
"I'm a little worried, but I think the facility there is well equipped, so I'm looking forward to it."
The group evacuation is expected to last for about two months. Teachers from Wajima City schools will be responsible for the students at the new site.
"I can only tell him to do his best. There are many things that we can't provide here right now. I hope he'll grow up a bit and come back."
More than 15,000 people are still staying in temporary shelters such as school gymnasiums and community centers. Self-Defense Forces have been evacuating people from communities isolated because of damaged roads. The evacuation of more than 300 people in this district was almost complete. Elsewhere, as of Wednesday, more than 50 people remained stranded. Some volunteers have started working at a shelter in an area that escaped the damage. Elderly people, pregnant women, and others who need special care can stay here before moving to secondary facilities.
"I want to help affected people so they can get back to normal lives as soon as possible. I want to do whatever I can to help."
About 140 people have registered as volunteers. They will support the evacuees by keeping the shelter clean and distributing meals and relief supplies. The US military in Japan is also lending a hand. A US Army helicopter transported 100 boxes of food and daily necessities to the disaster zone.
"All of us are just humbled to be able to help anytime something like this happens."
US forces previously carried out relief missions known as Operation Tomodachi following the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. They also transported aid supplies after strong earthquakes in Kumamoto in 2016. The head of the Japan Coast Guard has offered a deep apology for its aircraft's fatal crash with a passenger jet at Tokyo's Haneda Airport earlier this month. The Coast Guard plane is believed to have mistakenly entered the runway after its pilot apparently misinterpreted the controller's instructions.
"I ordered all of our personnel to follow the basic rules and ensure a safe operation. I also instructed that emergency safety measures be taken, such as the inspection of manuals and confirmation of their implementation status."
On January 2, the Japan Airlines jet carrying 379 passengers and crew collided with the Coast Guard plane upon landing; everyone on the JAL flight evacuated safely. Five of the six Coast Guard members on board its plane did not survive. The Coast Guard chief called the loss of its five crew members extremely regrettable. He said the Coast Guard will fully cooperate with all investigations, including the one conducted by the government's Transport Safety Board. Meanwhile, JAL's crew members were widely praised for their swift responses. But the airline's president says its work is not done.
"We need to continue taking care of the passengers who still suffer the memories of the accident and mental stress. We will follow through with it."
She said that JAL will also further improve its safety measures.


  1. Stranded (立ち往生した): Left without the means to move from somewhere.

    • The heavy snowfall left several cars stranded on the highway.

    • 大雪で高速道路上にいくつかの車が立ち往生した。

  2. Relief Supplies (救援物資): Items provided to help people who are in need or suffering.

    • The organization distributed relief supplies to the earthquake victims.

    • その組織は地震の被害者に救援物資を配布した。

  3. Fatal (致命的な): Causing death.

    • The car accident was fatal for one of the drivers.

    • その自動車事故は運転手の一人にとって致命的だった。

  4. Misinterpreted (誤解した): Understood or interpreted wrongly.

    • His words were misinterpreted as a sign of aggression.

    • 彼の言葉は攻撃の兆しとして誤解された。

  5. Collided (衝突した): Hit something with force while moving.

    • The two cars collided at the intersection.

    • その二台の車は交差点で衝突した。


