2024/01/15 NHK English News スクリプト
Two weeks had passed since a destructive earthquake and tsunami wave hit Japan's Noto Peninsula. 221 people have been confirmed dead so far. More than 12,000 houses were destroyed in Ishikawa prefecture. The extent of the damage is still unfolding in the worst cities of Wajima and Suzu. Sunday morning brought a cold snap to the area at 4.9 degrees below zero in Wajima. The lowest temperature this winter. 490 people and 15 districts are still isolated following the disaster. On Sunday, Japan Self Defense Forces opened facilities on one of his vessels to survivors living in shelters. They were able to bathe, wash their clothes, and enjoy hot meals. I hope evacuees can get a good rest and be ready for a new day. Prime Minister Kishida Fumio visited the prefecture for the first time since the disaster; he toured one of the temporary shelters in Wajima city. Most of Wajima was devastated. Seasonal flu and rhinoviruses are spreading in a hygienic conditions. Kishida later told reporters that the government will boost spending to help survivors rebuild their lives. We plan to use more of the reserve funds by the end of this month following the first outlay on January 9. We are making arrangements to spend more than 100 billion yen. Kishida also suggested his Cabinet will accelerate the process to designate the January 1 quake as an extraordinary disaster. That would make affected areas eligible for state-managed reconstruction work. This facility in Wajima City is a welfare evacuation center that accepted people with disabilities and elderly people in the neighborhood. I worry how we can live from now. Some survivors moved to another facility which has basic water and electricity but it lacks services for people who need additional care. People with disabilities face their own difficulties and need privacy. I think it's important for them to shelter with their families. On Sunday, Ishikawa prefecture opened a call center for evacuees seeking information on moving to hotels or inns designated as secondary shelters. Nearly 400 such places are accepting survivors free of charge. I advise people in temporary shelters to move to secondary shelters as the current places are hard to live in. I hope they make use of the call center to discuss the problems they face in their daily lives. Prefectural officials say the secondary shelters can accommodate 9,800 people daily, but so far, only about 400 have moved into them. Following Taiwan's election on Saturday, the next president has started seeking international cooperation. Lai Ching-te won the presidency but his Democratic Progressive Party lost its parliamentary majority. Lai and the chairman of the Japan Taiwan Exchange Association met on Sunday morning at the DPP's headquarters in Taipei. The association serves as Japan's de facto embassy. Lai also met a Japanese lawmaker who heads a nonpartisan group promoting exchanges between Japan and Taiwan. Lai expressed hope that economic and cultural exchanges will deepen further. In another diplomatic move, the United States representative office in Taipei says former senior US officials will meet a range of leading political figures in Taiwan on Monday, and let's say the US side is expected to meet with Lai. The American Institute in Taiwan said on Sunday that the US delegation consists of former National Security Adviser Steven Adly and former Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg. However, the Institute stressed that the US government as the former officials to travel in their private capacity to Taiwan, as it has done previously following a presidential election. Adlly says this is done to accommodate China, which has opposed formal visits between the US and Taiwan. Prior to the announcement, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken had issued a statement congratulating Lai on his victory. He noted that the US is committed to maintaining cross-strait peace and stability and the peaceful resolution of differences free from coercion and pressure. A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson issued a comment criticizing the statement. That comment said the US statement seriously violates the one China principle and sends a gravely wrong signal to the Taiwan independence separatist forces. It also said China has launched a protest with the US side. Lai is set to take office in May; his victory means the DPP will become the first political party in Taiwan to win three consecutive presidential terms since direct elections began in 1996. Through their own actions, the people of Taiwan succeeded in preventing interference from outside forces. I am also determined to protect Taiwan from China's threats of speech and force. The election was held amid growing pressure from China. Beijing has been pushing for unification and threatening a possible military invasion. Lai's position is that China and Taiwan are different. He has pledged to continue the policies of President Tsai Ing-wen, who fostered cooperation with the United States in an effort to counter Beijing.
Extraordinary (非常に異なる/特別な) - Very unusual or remarkable. Example: The athlete's extraordinary performance earned him a gold medal. Japanese: そのアスリートの非凡なパフォーマンスが彼に金メダルをもたらした。
De facto (事実上の) - In fact, or in effect, whether by right or not. Example: The company's CEO is the de facto leader of the project. Japanese: その会社のCEOは事実上、プロジェクトのリーダーである。
Diplomatic (外交の) - Of or concerning diplomacy. Example: The ambassador played a key diplomatic role in resolving the conflict. Japanese: 大使はその紛争を解決する上で重要な外交的役割を果たした。
Coercion (強制) - The practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats. Example: The contract was signed under coercion and is therefore invalid. Japanese: その契約は強制のもとに署名されたため、無効である。
Unification (統一) - The process of being united or made into a whole. Example: The unification of the two countries marked a historic moment. Japanese: 二つの国の統一は歴史的な