2024/01/16 NHK English News スクリプト
Two weeks have passed since a massive earthquake hit Central Japan on New Year's Day. It has now killed 222 people including 14, who are believed to have died from causes related to the disaster. After initially evacuating to safety, efforts are underway to prevent the number from rising. Local officials are encouraging vulnerable people to move from temporary evacuation shelters to hotels and other accommodations in unaffected areas.
"We are building temporary housing so you can get your lives back to normal. But for now to ensure that you can stay healthy, please consider moving to a secondary facility."
More than 16,000 people are staying at shelters including school gymnasiums and community centers. Priority for the secondary evacuation is given to people in areas isolated due to damaged roads, pregnant women, the elderly, and people who need special care. Officials are trying to ensure people from the same communities can stay together in the same facility. But some are still hesitating for work and other reasons.
"My mother cannot do anything without help from others. I don't think she can travel a long distance. So I want to avoid a relocation if possible."
The impact of the quake, tsunami, and a massive fire on local industry is gradually becoming clearer. Officials say more than 80% of fishing ports in the northern region have been damaged, partly due to the uplifting of the seafloor. At least 172 fishing boats were also damaged. Members of the fisheries cooperative have decided they can't put off making repairs.
"Everybody will likely move out of this area if the situation stays the same. I know everyone is having a tough time but we should move forward step by step."
A massive fire in Wajima city destroyed workshops and stores of lacquerware known as Wajima-nuri. Yomomi Haru has been learning the skill to succeed on artists and father but his workshop was burned to the ground. The training center she's been attending was severely damaged. She goes there every day to help tidy up.
"I'm afraid many artisans may quit their jobs because of a disaster. I want to do my best work and make artifacts to help rebuild the industry."
Prime Minister Kishida Fumio says his government will focus on secondary evacuation and try to show residents the prospects for recovery given the amount of time still required to restore infrastructure.
Seafloor: 海底
Example Sentence: Scientists are exploring the seafloor to understand more about marine life.
訳: 科学者たちは海洋生物についてより理解するために海底を探索しています。Put off : 延期する
Example Sentence: The meeting was put off due to unforeseen circumstances.
訳: 予期せぬ事態のため、会議は延期されました。Lacquerware: 漆器
Example Sentence: The museum exhibited beautiful Japanese lacquerware. 訳: その博物館は美しい日本の漆器を展示していました。Burned to the ground: 全焼する
Example Sentence: After the fire, the entire building was burned to the ground.
訳: 火事の後、その建物は全焼しました。Artisans : 職人
Example Sentence: Local artisans are known for their exquisite handcrafted jewelry.
訳: 地元の職人は、彼らの精巧な手作りのジュエリーで知られています。