
20240112 NHK English News ポッドキャスト スクリプト



We begin in central Japan, where a massive earthquake on New Year's Day has now claimed at 213 lives in Ishikawa prefecture. Eight people are believed to have died from causes related to the disaster after initially evacuating to safety, authorities are focusing on the most vulnerable survivors to ensure the figure does not rise. Officials in Ishikaweal are asking nearby prefectures to accept elderly residents of nursing care homes with no power or water. A Self Defense Force helicopter was seen Thursday transporting senior citizens to Aichi prefecture
We hear there are many more people in this kind of situation. And we hope to be of help.
Doctors are keeping a close eye and ambulances are at the ready. 12 medical institutions in Aichi received 30 people on Thursday. More than 23,000 citizens are staying at 400 municipal shelters such as school gymnasiums, authorities want to move vulnerable evacuees to hotels and other types of accommodation. The central government is trying to secure lodgings for 10,000 people by the end of the week.
Restoring infrastructure and securing housing will take some time and people should consider moving to a safer place to protect their lives and health.
Still, authorities are struggling to disseminate information about so called secondary evacuations.
We want to know when and how people here can move. We want to know the details.
At least 2500 people are still isolated due to damaged roads and railways. A self defense force medical team flew to Otani town where about 200 people have been stranded since the quake
we really appreciate the various kinds of support. I have to stay here for some time, even though my house was damaged
Some schools in affected areas have we started after the winter break. But the classes are by no means full. Here there were just 30 students on the first day that's less than half the total. And the first thing they learned was how to use a portable toilet because the school still has no water and as for the gymnasium, it's filled with evacuees.
Harsh weather is compounding the stress for many survivors, rainfall and a severe cold snap or forecast on Friday in some of the hardest hit areas. Officials are warning of possible landslides and they're urging people to take measures against hypothermia.


  1. Vulnerable: (sentence) "Authorities are focusing on the most vulnerable survivors to ensure the figure does not rise." - 脆弱な - This word suggests susceptibility to harm or disadvantage, requiring extra care and protection. "弱い (yowai)" might be too general in this context.

  2. Secondary evacuations: (sentence) "Still, authorities are struggling to disseminate information about so called secondary evacuations." - 二次避難 - This term refers to relocating from initial shelters to safer locations due to ongoing risks or lack of basic necessities. Japanese learners might unfamiliar with the specific term.

  3. Compounding: (sentence) "Harsh weather is compounding the stress for many survivors." - 悪化させる - This verb means to make something worse or more difficult, adding to the existing problems. Learners might confuse it with other verbs related to "compound" (混合する, konkō suru).

  4. Landslides: (sentence) "Officials are warning of possible landslides." - 地滑り - This natural disaster term might be unfamiliar to some learners, especially if they haven't encountered it in their region.

  5. Hypothermia: (sentence) "Officials are urging people to take measures against hypothermia." - 低体温症 - This medical term for dangerously low body temperature might be new for some learners.


  • 私たちは石川県、大地震が新年早々に約213人の命を奪った中部日本から始めます。災害関連の原因で避難後に死亡したとみられる人は8人おり、当局は死者数が増えないように最も脆弱な生存者に焦点を当てています。石川県の当局は、停電や断水の介護施設の高齢居住者の受け入れを近隣の県に求めています。木曜日に陸上自衛隊のヘリコプターが高齢者を愛知県に搬送しているのが目撃されました。

  • このような状況にある人はもっとたくさんいると聞いています。そして、私たちは彼らを助けたいと思っています。

  • 医師たちは注意深く観察しており、救急車はいつでも準備できています。愛知県の12の医療機関は木曜日に30人の患者を受け入れました。400カ所の市町村の避難所、学校体育館などには2万3,000人以上が滞在しており、当局は脆弱な避難者をホテルやその他の宿泊施設に移すことを検討しています。中央政府は週末までに1万人分の宿泊施設の確保を目指しています。

  • インフラ修復や住宅確保には時間がかかり、人々は生命と健康を守るためにより安全な場所への移動を検討すべきです。

  • それでも、当局は二次避難に関する情報の普及に苦労しています。

  • 私たちは、ここでいつどのように移動できるのか、その詳細を知りたいのです。

  • 損傷した道路や鉄道のため、少なくとも2,500人が孤立しています。陸上自衛隊の医療チームは、地震発生以来約200人が立ち往生している大谷町に飛びました。

  • さまざまな支援に本当に感謝しています。私の家は損傷を受けましたが、しばらくの間ここに留まらなければなりません。

  • 被災地の学校の中には、冬休み明けから授業を再開しているところもありますが、教室は決して満員ではありません。这里では初日に30人の生徒しかいませんでした。これは総数の半分以下です。そして、彼らが最初に学んだのは携帯トイレの使い方でした。学校はまだ水がなく、体育館は避難者でいっぱいです。

  • 厳しい天候は、多くの生存者のストレスを増大させています。金曜日に、一部の被災地域では降雨と厳しい寒波が予想されています。当局は土砂災害の可能性を警告し、低体温症対策を促しています。
