2024/01/17 NHK English News スクリプト
The massive earthquake in central Japan on New Year's Day has now claimed 222 lives, and thousands of people cannot yet return to their homes. Still, some survivors have found the strength to open up about the pain of seeing their loved ones perish.
75-year-old Ichimachi Toshio lived near the coast of Suzu city with his wife and her parents. They immediately started evacuating after the first quake. But the tsunami came just 10 minutes later.
"All at once, the sea rose up around us. Right then, I thought, 'Oh, it's all over for me.' But I fought and got my head above water."
Ichimachi, his wife, and her mother survived, but they lost his 89-year-old father-in-law. Two days later, Ichimachi found his body about 200 meters away from home.
"I think it will take a long time to get closure."
Ichimachi says he feels guilty about not searching harder. But he says they didn't know if another tsunami was on the way. This was like nothing he had experienced, and the waves came far too fast.
Authorities in affected areas say at least 143 people remain isolated due to damaged or blocked roads. The figure includes 85 citizens in one district of Wajima city. A Self-Defense Force helicopter was seen rescuing several people. But the clock is ticking, especially for the vulnerable.
"As time passes, the chances of survival decrease. I want people evacuated as soon as possible. I want them to protect their lives. Things will work out as long as they survive."
As of Tuesday, 22 people are still missing, and more than 16,000 others remain in shelters. With freezing temperatures gripping much of the region.
Many foreigners on the Noto Peninsula were among those affected by the powerful quake on New Year's Day. Now, the Thai embassy in Japan has started sending food supplies to Ishikawa prefecture.
Tons of coconut water, jasmine rice, and noodles have been stockpiled here in Tokyo. For those who are suffering in the hardest-hit areas. Some of it was donated by Thai food companies in Japan.
"We have retort jasmine rice so that they can eat without cooking. We want to make your hearts warm by eating. 280 cardboard boxes are filled with up to 2500 kilos of supplies, along with food there's also medicine and sanitary supplies."
"I heard that COVID-19 is also spread as a cluster as well. So in Thailand, we have these Thai herbs to relieve the coughing, and it will be good for those who are affected in the area as well."
More than 1000 Thai residents live in Ishikawa prefecture. After the quake, some of them contacted their embassy trying to find water. Their embassy says most of the information about water supply points is in Japanese only, which can make it difficult for foreigners to access. Embassy staff also say their nationals who are struggling in the wake of the earthquake would be comforted by food from home. They decided to deliver supplies to Thai residents, cooperating with an NPO that's supporting foreigners in Ishikawa. But the aid is not just for non-Japanese.
"I think humanitarian assistance, of course, we cannot limit our help just solely to the Thai people, but also to the Japanese or other foreigners who are affected by this incident."
She says they want to show that their hearts are always with them. The Thai supplies are expected to arrive in the earthquake zone on Wednesday.
Massive (大規模な): Extremely large or substantial.
Example: The massive building towered over the cityscape.
Japanese: 大規模な建物が都市の景色にそびえ立っていた。
Closure (心の整理): The act of bringing an unpleasant or unresolved situation to an end.
Example: She visited her old home to find closure after many years.
Japanese: 彼女は何年もの後、古い家を訪れて心の整理をつけた。
Stockpile (備蓄): A large accumulated stock of goods or materials.
Example: The government decided to stockpile medical supplies in case of an emergency.
Japanese: 政府は緊急事態に備えて医療用品を備蓄することに決めた。
Retort (レトルト): A container or packet containing pre-cooked, ready-to-eat food.
Example: For our camping trip, we brought several retort pouches of food.
Japanese: キャンプ旅行には、いくつかのレトルト食品の袋を持って行った。
Humanitarian (人道的な): Concerned with or seeking to promote human welfare.
Example: The humanitarian group provided aid to the war-torn region.
Japanese: その人道的な団体は戦争で荒れた地域に援助を提供した。