
2024/01/30 NHK English News スクリプト



     We start with a big blow to China's already troubled real estate market. A Hong Kong court has ordered the liquidation of a debt written property developer Evergrande group. The firm is said to owe more than $300 billion to creditors. The company is expected to prepare for the sale of its assets in Hong Kong under court appointed administrators, the Hong Kong high high courts had postponed a decision on liquidation in early December, saying it needed more time to study Evergrande that debt restructuring plan. It's unclear whether the company's assets in the mainland will also be sold. When experts says Beijing will need to separately agree to liquidation before the process can get started in China.
     The Chinese courts approval is needed to determine to what extent Hong Kong administrators have jurisdiction in mainland China. I don't think overseas creditors will be given priority in some cases, and local buyers will not get their homes.
     Monday's verdict underscores the difficult state of China's property market. Recent figures show the housing price index for December fell from the previous month in 62 out of 70 major cities and investment in real estate development last year was down at 9.6% compared to 2022 marking a second straight year of decline. Last October and international committee declared the country's largest real estate developer Country Garden has defaulted on some of its debt.
     China's real estate woes were triggered by tighter government regulations implemented four years ago. Beijing has since loosened these curbs, but the property market still shows a little sign of recovering. The administration or President Xi Jinping introduced the measures to avoid a possible asset bubble. It introduced the slogan houses are for living, not speculation and aims to rein in borrowing by property developers. But this hurt the cash flow of many real estate firms, leading to delays and suspensions of construction projects. The government relaxed the regulations last July, but the property market only saw minor improvements. Beijing then approved the issuing of about $140 billion in government bonds in October to stimulate infrastructure investment.
     The ongoing problems some people who paid for houses may not get them. If this is something that's repeated with other developers, it will become a huge social problem. And that will affect political stability. I think the government will eventually have to bear the brunt of this. If it wants to avoid such a situation.
     Fukumoto says even if Beijing manages to stabilize the property market, demand for housing will decline in the medium to long term. This could have serious implications for China's overall economy, as the real estate industry accounts for about 30% of GDP, according to experts in the US.


Word 1: Blow (打撃)
Example sentence: The company's bankruptcy was a major blow to the local economy.
訳: その会社の破産は地元経済に大きな打撃でした。

Word 2: Liquidation (清算)
Example sentence: The court ordered the liquidation of the company's assets.
訳: 裁判所はその会社の資産の清算を命じました。

Word 3: Creditors (債権者)
Example sentence: The creditors are meeting to discuss the repayment plan.
訳: 債権者たちは返済計画を話し合うために集まっています。

Word 4: Jurisdiction (管轄)
Example sentence: The legal jurisdiction of this case is not clearly defined.
訳: この事件の法的管轄は明確に定義されていません。

Word 5: Verdict (判決)
Example sentence: The jury returned a verdict of not guilty.
訳: 陪審団は無罪の判決を下しました。

Word 6: Asset bubble (資産バブル)
Example sentence: The government is taking measures to prevent an asset bubble in the housing market.
訳: 政府は住宅市場の資産バブルを防ぐための措置を取っています。

Word 7: Speculation (投機)
Example sentence: The stock market is often driven by speculation rather than real value.
訳: 株式市場は実際の価値よりも投機によって動かされることが多いです。

Word 8: Rein in (抑制する)
Example sentence: The government is trying to rein in inflation by increasing interest rates.
訳: 政府は利子率を上げることによってインフレを抑制しようとしています。

Word 9: Implications (影響)
Example sentence: The new policy has significant implications for the future of our education system.
訳: 新しい政策は私たちの教育システムの将来に重大な影響を与えます。







