2024/01/28 NHK English News スクリプト
We start with a situation in central Japan where a massive earthquake struck on New Year's Day commercial flights have resumed between Tokyo and Noto in Ishikawa prefecture. All Nippon Airways has resumed flights to and from Noto airport after repairs were completed two cracks in the runway caused by the quake.
I could only talk to my mother over a phone till now. I'm so relieved to see her.
I'm so happy that I'm crying.
And ANA says it will operate three round trip flights a week through the end of February. In the quake hit areas, people are facing challenges and rebuilding their lives at this fishing port in the city of Nanao. Piers and ships were severely damaged by the quake and tsunami. People in the community would normally be busy now harvesting sea cucumbers but the local fishery group has decided all its ships should stop harvesting sea cucumbers for the time being due to the possibility of piers collapsing and fishing nets being damaged by Rubble on the seabed.
Some people wanted to start fishing, but for now the members have decided to first carry out reconstruction work like surveying the seabed and removing rubble.
in the town of Anamizu, people have not been able to ship oysters since the quake due to disruptions and logistical services. But this oyster farmer has found a way around this problem. He has resumed online orders by shipping them out from a nearby city.
Nothing will change if I don't do anything. I want to look ahead and move forward. No matter how slowly. Intermittent rain and snow is forecast through Sunday in the quake hit areas. People are advised to remain alert for landslide.
A man hospitalized in Kanagawa Prefecture south of Tokyo is now suspected of involvement in a 1975 bombing. Tokyo police say he had been a fugitive for almost 15 years. They are looking into how he spent those years on the run. The man is believed to be Kirishima Satoshi a former member of the East Asia anti Japan on front. The extremist group is believed to have been responsible for a series of bombing attacks in the mid 1970s. In 1974, the group bombed the headquarters of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in Tokyo, Medinah Ucci business district. The blast killed eight people and left 165 others injured. Kirishima was placed on a nationwide a wanted list for his suspected involvement in an attack in Tokyo's Ginza district in 1975. Kirishima will now be 70 years old. Investigative sources have told NHK that the man who claimed to be Kirishima did not present a health insurance card or any other form of ID at the hospital. He is said to be suffering from stomach cancer. And often to pay for the treatment himself. Investigators say he is responding to questioning but is seriously ill and often loses consciousness. Police are trying to identify the man through DNA analysis and other means. The man was quoted as saying that he wants to spend the remaining days of his life using his real name. NHK has learned that the man was working at a civil engineering company in Kanagawa Prefecture. Before recently being admitted to the hospital.
North Korea and China have agreed to continue strengthening cooperation and defending common core interests. North Korea's ruling Workers Party newspaper and Londong Shimbun reported the agreement citing a meeting between the country's foreign minister Jay Sony and Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Zhu Wei Dong in Pyongyang on Friday. Chei Ei Sun also said they would commemorate the 75th anniversary of diplomatic ties. Soon held talks with North Korea's Vice Foreign Minister on the same day. The newspapers said they exchanged views on global issues including those affecting Northeast Asia, stressing the two countries stance of working closely together. South Korea's Yonhap News Agency reported the North may have explained to China is changing policy towards South Korea. Last month leader Kim Jong Un announced his country will redefine South Korea as a hostile enemy country rather than as a party to be reunited with.
Sea cucumber: (ナマコ) Example sentence: The local fishery group stopped harvesting sea cucumbers after the quake. 訳: 地震の後、地元の漁業団体はナマコの収穫を停止しました。
Wanted list: (指名手配リスト) Example sentence: Kirishima was placed on a nationwide wanted list for his suspected involvement in an attack. 訳: 桐島は攻撃への疑惑により全国指名手配リストに載せられました。
Rubble: (がれき) Example sentence: The fishing nets were damaged by rubble on the seabed. 訳: 海底のがれきによって漁網が損傷しました。
Logistical: (物流の) Example sentence: There have been disruptions in logistical services since the quake. 訳: 地震以来、物流サービスに中断がありました。
Intermittent: (断続的な) Example sentence: Intermittent rain and snow are forecast in the quake-hit areas. 訳: 地震に見舞われた地域では断続的な雨と雪が予報されています。
Fugitive: (逃亡者) Example sentence: The man had been a fugitive for almost 15 years. 訳: その男性はほぼ15年間逃亡者でした。
Bombing: (爆撃) Example sentence: The extremist group was responsible for a series of bombing attacks. 訳: 過激派グループは一連の爆撃攻撃に責任がありました。