Your experience so far
Why you want to apply for this position
Why you are interested in this company
How can you apply your past experience for this position and contribute to the company
Your career vision/plan for the next 5 years
Your strengths and weaknesses
Some conflict/challenge that you have gone through in your past work and how you overcame
※なお、私自身は英語圏への留学経験はなし、IELTSはoverall7.0(R8.5 L6.5 W6.5 S6.5)という状況で、英語ガチ勢からは総突っ込みをされる可能性があり、そうした突っ込みのうち不毛なものを予防するため実際の英語スクリプト部分は有料投稿とさせていただきます。
1 Your experience so far
Before I joined A company, I had been working as an attorney-at-law in private practice for 11 years. I concentrated on litigations related to family law (especially visitation and divorce), administrative law, and labor and employment law.
And I've already spent 2 business years at A company as a corporate counsel.
I've been dealing with very wide range of tasks in my current role.
For example, I'm examining our marketing materials to ensure that they are drafted in accordance with any relevant marketing laws.
As A company provides reviews about workplace environment online, we have to deal with requests regarding the removal of them and disclosure of IP address that shows person who posted the review. I deal with the disputes with my knowledge and skills that I acquired through my experience in private practice.
2 Why you want to apply for this position
When I examined the JD, I found I could apply my current knowledges and skills in a different manner. As I described in my CV, I'm dealing with marketing issues in order to ensure our marketing materials are drafted in accordance with any relevant laws. I believe my expertise in this area would be a big advantage with this job role.
In addition to this, I understand this role requires advanced skills to support HR members from a labour law perspective. As I mentioned, I have rich experience in the area. So, I applied for this role.
¥ 1,000