I have not watched Netflix for a while. Why? I am not sure. I usually watch Netflix at night after kids fall asleep. Recently, kids do not sleep early. They wake up later than 8 pm.
In this episode, final 36 members are selected. It seems that it is tough to choose them and say to release last some people last day.
And I like American culture to make an event. Selected 36 members were invited in Cowboy's stadium and the huge screen shows welcome to Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders. Surprise! This is America.
Words I learned this episode are following.
urologist : 泌尿器科医
I need to schedule an appointment with my urologist to discuss my recurring urinary tract infections.prostate : 前立腺
The doctor recommended a routine check-up to monitor the patient's prostate health.work my booty off : とても努力した
I need to work my booty off to finish this project on time.splotchy : ムラのある
The painting had a splotchy background, which made it difficult to see the main subject.indention : 凹み
After dropping the phone, I saw a noticeable indention on the back cover.coping skill : ストレスに対する対応
Developing good coping skills is essential for managing stress in a busy work environment.goggle over : じっと見る
The CEO goggled over the proposal, but after careful consideration, he decided to go ahead with it.nuance : 微妙な差異
The CEO's speech had many nuances that only those familiar with the industry could fully appreciate.make the squad : チームに選ぶ
After a grueling training camp, the rookie finally made the squad and will be playing in the upcoming season.blow away : 感動させる
The new product launch blew away all expectations, with record-breaking sales and overwhelmingly positive customer feedback.