New publication from EcosyX Lab! (in Japanese)
"30 Books to Understand Pluralism"
New Edition "30 Books to Understand Pluralism: To decipher and survive in an increasingly diverse world." (Kindle Edition) (2021)
Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) Project (Editor),
Takemi Kurezawa
Tomoko Shimizu
Preface by Noboru Konno
Pluralism is an important lens
through which to look at our time
The editor, Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) Project is an activity on the theme of "pluralistic knowledge creation". As a milestone of its activities, we published an anthology of selected important books on pluralism.
The term "pluralism" here does not refer to a specific principle or argument, but rather an attempt to encompass "monistic" or "dichotomous" or "versus singularity" worldviews. Since the modern era, pluralism has appeared in various forms at different times. We recognize that its importance is being evaluated again in this age.
What is the multilingual world? To answer this question, Edward W. Said's "Orientalism" and other works can serve as a guide.
From "The Structure of World History" by Kojin Karaya, we can see pluralism from the layering of history.
To see pluralism from the perspective of culture, we can get many suggestions from Niklas Luhmann's "The Society of Societies".
What can we learn from Benedict Anderson's "Imagined Communities" about the multiple intelligences of the state?
What does Hannah Arendt's "The Origins of Totalitarianism" reveal about law and chaos?
We hope you will enjoy the chain and intersection of knowledge.
Readers will first be interested in the 30 books that raise questions for living in the present and then get a glimpse of the world of pluralism.