なるほど そうだな 今日は車で移動することが多くてね。
もう聞こえないよ 私を追い出した。ええ、すみません、間違ったボタンを押してしまいました。君なら
君ならわかると思ったんだ とにかく録音してるんだ
そうだな まあ、確かにそうなんだけど、誰が知ってる?
誰が知ってる?そうだな では、このトランプからの告発をどう解釈するかから始めましょうか、あなたがいないところへ行くのです。
わかってるんだろうけど 5分間そこに立って 言うべきことを言ったら出て行くんだ
まさにトランプが言ってきたダ だから、彼はどうやら最悪のダニューヨークの一つである現時点では、そこにあるべき自由の街をさまよう最高の犯罪記録を持っている犯罪の真っ只中にある都市である。
本屋に行けば ノストラダムスの予言が2ポンドで買える
サイモン そうだ、また、これはいいかもしれない、これだ、そうだろう、一般的に知られている、これらは。
ロンドン サディク・カーンはパキスタン人。
毒が取り除かれれば そうすれば、白人の人たちが名乗りを上げて、責任ある立場につくと思います。
だから、60 61に対して63、2年か3年の差だったと思う。
ひとつは 次に、聴衆がデモを続けるので、彼がいかに弱者であるかを示すことです。
アップする という話もありますね。まあ、Rfができるように、全部叩き壊す必要がありますね。
でも、僕は決めたんだ。会員制のMighty Networkでやることにしたんだ。
だから今後、私の話を聞きたい人は誰でも 私の団体に入会してもらうことになりますが、無料です。
入会すると、お金を払わなくても、Mighty Networkへのリンクが貼られ、私の話を聞くことができます。
S. そしてもちろん、その聴衆はダメージを受けますが、私はそのようなことをするつもりはありません。
続けて 聞こうと思ってたんだ。あなたはその中で、かなりの数の小さな断片を落とした。
銀行リストについて聞いたんだが それはイエスかノーか?
チャーリー・ウォードのことではありませんよ。チャールズ そうだ
ちょっと待ってくれ うちの犬がでっかい棒を口にくわえて
フェンスをバラバラにしてるんだ ちょっと待てよ
これは棒だ 彼はちょうど彼の人生を持っている。
彼の言うとおりだ 女王が交わした契約は、直系の後継者のためのものです。
直系の後継者がいなくなれば 王族はいなくなる
それは非常に早く公開されます。遺体にあった靴とストレッチャーで運ばれた靴の間に矛盾があることが既に指摘されています もしあなたがそれを本当に調べていないなら、サイモン、あなたはそれについてコメントできないでしょう なぜならそれは
うん、うん、うん。私にとってはとても奇妙なことです。 カメラの映像、射殺された警官の映像がこんなに早く公開されるなんて。普通なら、警察署に不正がないかどうか調べるために、その映像が保管され、調べられるはずなのに。
地球からのEV信号を管理する 安全な場所がある そしてデルタフォースチームがある
彼らは行方不明になったと思う そして銃撃戦があった。
そして彼らはそうせざるを得なかった。文字通り。巨大な鋼鉄のブラストドアのようなものだった でも彼らはそこにたどり着き 悪者からEBSの制御を取り戻した それは去年のことだ
誕生日だ。新しい地球を燃やすんだ 同じ誕生日に いいかい?
そうだな まあ、それはとても女性的な響きです。じゃあ、それで行こうか。
サイモン チャーリーの代わりに参加してくれて、本当にありがとう。
私たちはショーをやっていることを忘れないでください。サイモン チャーリーは必ず。
健康です。Well for you.com、あるいはMahoney live.comです。
Glutesify on. 例えば、アマゾンのものがあります。
Simon Mister Simon Parks. A legend in his own lifetime.
Alright. Yeah. Yeah. I was thinking on the way, I've been doing a lot of driving today.
I was thinking about where we start. So obviously, you got the or let those buy wherever you want, right piling up for the time being.
And I'm just gonna check that. All the settings are good on the messages.
Sorry. True. Yeah. Cut you off by accident. Now you're back.
I can't hear him now. Booted me out. Yeah, sorry I hit the wrong button. I thought you.
I thought you'd figure it out. I'm recording, anyway.
So, Simon, were you talking about something? And we cut you off.
Hmm! Well, I'm sure I was, but who knows?
Who knows? All right. Shall we kick it off with what your interpretation of all this indictment from trump is, where you're going without.
What's your thoughts on that? It was on a tip of everybody's tongue yesterday. That's our point.
The whole point is to have this weekend everybody talking about that while they're not looking at where things are really happening, I I personally don't believe that trump.
We'll go anywhere near. They can't afford to let him anywhere near anything deep state, so he'll either be a body double or actually he won't.
It'll all be done in the studio. You'll couldn't allow somebody as opposed to trump, to walk into.
You know Manhattan, a courthouse, or anywhere.
You just couldn't do it. You just wouldn't do it.
Why would you do that? So I think just as the bad guys showed a radical, change shot, just as the bad guy showed a real technical feat with 9 11 I'm hoping the good guys can show an absolute technical feat.
Just 2 s. Give me that. Taken his walking toy, you see, so he mustn't do that.
So basically what I'm hoping is that we'll create some sort of presentation that appears to show that.
But isn't when he goes in there won't be handcuffed.
What do you eat? He worked behind it. I don't think they're gonna handcover.
I'm sure you know. Stand there for 5 min. Say what he's got to say, and then he's gonna go.
But, as Charlie would tell if once that's happened, the President has been set, and then Biden is also potentially arrestable.
Biden's arrestable far more simply because, as a senator when Biden was a Senator, and when he was Vice President, he took documents home.
Now only the President is allowed to declass documents and then take Mo.
Even the Vice President can't do that. So this whole thing will allow, if they wish.
Sorry to move. Biden simply on that. And then what we're looking for is Kamala Harris to say? No, thank you.
I don't want the job Kevin Mccarthy, to say, as Leader of the House.
No, thank God Job! And then the Supreme Court has literally got order, and you election.
So that's just one option on option. Now, whether that happens immediately will depend on whether the focus groups reporting back to the Pentagon say that enough American people are awake.
If there are not enough American people, then they're just drag it on.
Okay, yeah, I agree with you on that one. I can't seem being put in a handcuffs and LED away, though I think that's gonna be. That's the point.
This is why they can't afford. Because literally, a 1 million people will descend on the icons of authority, and it will not.
It'll be like another civil War and I can assure you neither the bad guys nor the good guys want the Civil War, to don't want it.
I was looking at the background. History of Bragg. Who's gonna be the the guy that's gonna on the other side of the bench Forum I don't know what his official title is, but he's being funded by and Saris is, withdrawn
half a 1 million dollars from his account. He's also got implications that haven't been invested about sexual misconduct as well.
So, I have a suspicion that the setting the other guy up to the the full guy, as well as a part of the Whitehap operation, the prosecuting what is he?
That's the Guy Bride. What's his official title?
Somebody put it in. Well, what Trump said was, he was first of all going to get rid of Bragg, and then, when he's got rid of Bragg, he's going to get rid of Bite.
That's exactly what trump has said the Da. So he's one of the is apparently the worst da New York at the moment's got the highest criminal records of wandering around on the streets of the free that should be in there are the cities in the middle of a crime
wave, and he's the district, and he's not doing anything.
So have they set bragging that deliberately tests on the saying, Okay, this is the high corruption.
He's the district attorney. Look what he's not doing now.
He's taking this. It could well be a Patsy situation to get again exposed.
More corruption inside the judicial system as well as the you know what that was going on with. With trump, interesting case, though, Simon, let's see how it rolls out.
This been quite a few links between Notch and Nostridamus is how do you pronounce that quantum's quant trails, linking several worldwide events at the moment which are now leading to they are about to announce the death of the pope?
Have you got any background on that? Anything you'd like to share?
Yeah, well, first of all, unfortunately, sadly, most of Thomas was by the deep state pushed into the joke category.
So you could go to a High Street bookstore, and you could by, you know, Nostradamus predictions for a couple of quid.
Now, that might be really good. But the reality is, it devalues him.
This guy was an absolute genius because he predicted it was one year out.
The Second World War, and, far more importantly, if anyone doubts the guy's ability he named as a person he didn't quite get it right.
He named the person who would be renowned for the Second World War.
Instead of saying Hitler what Nostradamus wrote was, Hista, yeah.
H i s t R. Now, there's no way that you could imagine that unless either you had a the technology to go into the future, or you literally had a gift, you could do it so we need to be very careful.
I'm not just wipe away anything Nostradam says Nostradamus also said that Charles would be the last King of England.
So if you look at this, prophesies a number of them now are all coming together.
This is a difficulty that we have with him quite understandably.
Nostradamus couldn't give you a date, so he couldn't sort of say in in 2035, this will.
But what you can do if you have the book is, you can see the order and if you do, a bit of research, you can actually work out.
You know how it's with the authors, have tried to put it in an order.
They have always got it right. But you're right, there's about 3 or 4 prophecies that all take place in about a 5 year period, and you know he he could.
What was happening. So I think you'll find that Hope Hope's death will be announced, and I'm very looking forward to see who they replace him with.
If they replace them at all. There's a lot of chatter on the spiritual channels, and the medium channels.
This sort of area about April and May, being massive months to reveal the truth about religions.
We're talking mostly all of the religions. If we start off with the Catholicism, it's Eastern next week, and this is one of the probably the most important times in the Catholic calendar.
So if they were to announce something during the Easter celebrations, it would certainly be a world shocker, and I think that might be something.
They're going for. We did see some strange images of the Pope. 3.
Years ago, with some holographic technology waving out of some? Was it some Paul Square, some Michael Square?
And whatever. And it's so. So Charlie's been saying he's being dead for quite a while now, at least in captivity.
He was, he was confined to a certain and building in Italy some small palace or something.
So let's see what happens as we roll into Easter.
If there's anything in effect about that.
Were you talking about med beds before, Simon? I got on because they're all saying, Finish the conversation with me.
So if you want to finish that up, that's fine, I will do the question.
Basically was, where we be seeing bet bets this summer. So I was doing a lead into that.
The answer is, Yes, but you won't be seeing them on a street near you.
What I mean by that is, there will be a very small number of Med beds allocated to England, as Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland.
I know the number. I'm not gonna tell you what numbers I know that number I do not know where they're gonna go.
I do know that they will not be in a caravan.
They won't be on a High Street. They're going to be very, very secure.
Brick buildings, and that will be the start of the rollout they're doing it by population.
So the larger a population, then the more they get do I hope to be involved with that?
Yes, I do, and it will be a very secret role out to start with, for obvious reasons.
But the sooner we get started the sooner we get more in, and the sooner we can then go semi-public with it.
But when that happens, please don't expect anyone to announce it.
It's just going to happen, and it will start to process.
Patients and patients will actually have to sign an Mda so that they don't let on that they've had that treatment.
They are going to. Just say, Yeah, I went to the general hospital.
Or I won the national lottery, and I was able to get private medicine that's how it's gonna have to be in the early days.
Yeah, to keep that to keep the secret, because there's gonna be an absolute flood.
I mean, not only do you got people with genuine medical conditions, you've then got the hypochondriacs you think they've got everything, you know.
I know people go looking almost must have cancer. Most have cancer. I don't feel good.
I've got to have cancer. What do you mean? I don't have cancer.
Simon. Yes, again, this might be good, this, isn't it, you know popularly, these are.
We should just to talk about nothing. But you know, to like dominoes.
What's your favorite carcin? No, we're not going to do that.
We are really popular when we have these chats. I'm happy to do it again.
I've been looking at the situation in the Uk.
So for our American viewers right now in Scotland we have a Pakistani who's just been put in as the head of the Scottish Parliament in England we've got an Indian guy in Ireland which is our closest neighbor we have another Indian guy and the Mayor of
London Sadiq Khan is Pakistani.
So what the hell is going on? So the guy in London they have promised the Uk.
He was never voted in. He was there by default, and it's the same situation in Scotland now.
So there's a terrible situation where the country acc Christian country is being LED by Islam.
What is going on upside down. I think we have to be very careful how we put that across, because how many premier football clubs have non-english people in them?
But I'll start with that, all of them. Yeah, right? So are they.
There because they're not English, or are they there because they actually play better football than any English person or British person?
So, if a person is not British and is in a position of responsibility we need to be very careful.
They may be there, because they're the best person for the job.
Okay. Now, I will agree with you that there's a plan here.
There's a plan here to have all of the major countries in the United Kingdom with their leader, who is clearly not a white middle-class man. Yeah.
Now, that's the point. And in politics I know Charlie Bangs on about this.
But actually Charlie's wrong, because, as a politician myself, it is perfectly legal and right.
When a leader, Prime Minister steps down that that party can elect a new person.
Now, morally, it might not be right, but politically, it's perfectly right.
And so if you think about it, when Tony Blair, the leader Prime Minister, stepped down, he was replaced by Gordon Brown and Gordon Brown decided to be morally right and have an election which he lost, and most leaders who replace don't dare have an election because they'll
be lost. So first of all, there's nothing technically wrong with that morally wrong, and on terms of what is a Christian country doing with leaders who are not Christian?
Maybe they're the best person to the job. Now, I don't believe that any of the current leaders are White House, so forget the right.
Forget the culture, I don't think they're White House.
I don't think any white hat would want to run any country at the moment until the poison has been removed.
Once the poison has been removed. Then I think white hats will come forward and go into these positions of responsibility.
But at the moment, what? Why? In the Western world? Why would a white hat want it?
You've got white hat in India. You've got a white hat in Russia, but their countries are far more organized with.
Those are so that's my answer to that. Yeah, I if there's something unnerving about it for me, because I get it on the political side, it can happen.
But for all of it to happen at the same moment. It's very strange, especially when we got thousands and thousands of these refugees being housed in hotels across island.
It's terrible now. Ireland and Uk, young men of fighting age and fighting physique, or being housed.
There's not many of them have their wives and children with them.
They're all young men between 20 and sort of 35 it's a bit on the big that. But what will happen?
This is all just political. What will happen is, they'll all be sent back when the time changes that will just be sent back.
The whole role of this is exactly to make the local communities fearful to complain and question why their government is doing it to them, and I think that most of these refugees will be absolutely pleased to return home because all these countries will have our feed they will all have a much better standard of living and as Charlie
has said before, why would somebody want to come to England? If you get the same or better lifestyle in Poland or so at the moment people are here for a political reason.
But when that politics changes, they're just be sent straight back again.
I've seen some of the areas that have been sent to in England.
I believe that because there's no way you really want to sort of live. No.
Well, that's I mean the after Covid and the lockdowns.
I think these these these hotels are absolutely delighted that they've got full full hotel by the British Government, I mean, why wouldn't you if you, if you had a time machine you'd go back now, wouldn't you sell everything you got included?
Granny, and you buy a B+B, or you buy a hotel.
I think I've got 5 years of of no problem.
The Government's going to pay for it. Yeah, it's unbelievable that.
Have you been watching the situation in France on fold every night since the ban on demonstrations?
Who's doing all of this? Do you? Do you really believe that it is the general public that are getting this this many days into this many organized demonstrations?
And for the American audience. Well, for any member of the audience, Macron decided to pass a law where people weren't allowed to retire until 2 years later.
So 63, as opposed to 60 61 I think it was 2 or 3 years difference.
The French population went bananas, and they started demonstrating on the streets, which turned a little bit heavy, whether it was some trash cans and things like this.
A few cars were burnt, and then he decided to ban all demonstrations.
And we're now 2 weeks into it, where every single night there's demonstrations that see actual people sitting in restaurants in Paris, where the streets is outside on fire.
Now it spread throughout the whole of France. In fact, Beeritz, which is a beautiful part of France, it's where Charlie Chaplin used to take a lot of be his winters. Funny enough.
Yeah. Right? Next door, Bordeaux, Bordeaux.
The Town Hall was taken over. I believe Semi destroyed, and the airport be rich, was occupied for a while on part of the process.
So what is really going on? Francine? Well, Macron's doing a fantastic job for the White House.
So that's what's going on in France. You'd have to be a French man or woman to actually appreciate what happened in the French Revolution.
When the French Revolution took place, there was a Shah of this facade of the you know the new Constitution, and that constitution enshrined the rights of of the people, and the French are absolutely manic about retirement.
Then they really defend the fact that they would retire at an early age, so that they then would have life afterwards to enjoy.
You know, social times, and the British people are not quite the same.
The Americans, of course, don't have any sort of state system, so you could work till your 80.
In fact, in America you have to to make ends meet.
So when Macron did what he did he absolutely knew that that would cause a bigger demonstration than bringing British apples or British lamb into France, so it's one of those holy shrines that you don't take down unless you prepared for back so what I'm saying to you is that Macron
is doing exactly what he's been told to do. It's been told to make it impossible for the French people to accept this legislation, and then, by saying no demonstrations, he does 2 things.
One. He shows how dictatorial and how controlled it all is, and secondly, it shows how weak he is because the audience still keep on demonstrating.
So he is literally following the white hat line. That's great.
I love interesting that I never it never occurred to me that I just thought he was trying to double down.
On sitting at the poker table, putting down another restriction, another one another, one another, one doubling down on it.
But that's interesting, answers the question, and that sits well with me.
I can feel. That's that's the answer, Simon.
What's going on with it? The banking system, after the last 2 weeks at all, the craziness we've had.
Do you see anything that's going to continue with that?
Because it seems to all settle down. They've all been bought up, jumped on, hand it out.
Clients have been helped. What's your what's your warnings?
I have always said that I did not believe in a full banking fresh, neither did I believe in a full stock market crash.
I have believed in partial destruction. Those of you listened to me over the last 5 years I use analogy of as a sweet shop or the canvas, where I say that imagine you have to candy store sweet shop, and you've got about 10 staff working there and a manager, and you find the
manager is doing from very evil things. You can either go in publicly arrest this person.
It demoralizes your sweet shop. The staff don't turn up for work, they're in tears.
You can't sell sweets and your business collapses, or do you just go in quietly and take out the manager and replace with another manager and say, Yeah, he had a heart attack with replacing.
So, if you think that we're talking about a country or countries, not a sweet shop, no white hat worth his or her salt is going to go in and destroy the infrastructure because they want to run it, why would you destroy the infrastructure, and then come in and take it over and take you 5 years to build
it up. There's some talk about. Well, we need to knock it all down so that we can do the Rf.
And then build it up. That's already done. So.
No, I believe that individual banks, as it's happening individual banks that are connected to crypto connected to child trafficking money, laundering, they will be removed and destroyed.
I think that banks will be weakened, so that their influence is much reduced, but it doesn't suit anyone to have a worldwide banking crash.
Look! In 2,015 when I was a lot younger, a Chinese elder met me, and we had a discussion, and he told me, ask me what bank I was in.
And I told him, and he said, Hmm, you need to get out of that one he said, and he gave me the list of banks that he said.
They'll be all right. We're gonna look after them, and you know, how do they look after them?
But they look after by flying plane loads of gold around the world and asset backing certain banks.
So if you've got a bank that you could do a business with.
What you do is you give it assets to match the currency the notes it's already got.
So when we bought Basil Ii. Stroke for compliance.
The banks that were supported by the White House. Had the assets, and they're the ones that are buying out the banks that were not supported by the White hat. And that's what's occurring now.
So that's really what came. Would you willing to disclose that list of banks?
Well, this is very interesting, because I have decided. I'll explain.
I'm actually going to do all of my future products I've always done them on Youtube.
Then, you know, we got chucked off, didn't we?
Yeah, we did them on film rumble and bitch.
But I've decided. You know I'm gonna just do them on mighty networks, which is just for my membership.
And I want to explain why that I'm doing, though last May.
As 11 months ago last May, I did a podcast which went out on Bitchoot and rumble, and I said, we are going to go right through 2022 through Christmas and into 23 and biden will still be in office the abuse, and hate I got not from my membership not
from CC. Members, but from people who watched but are not members, was phenomenal.
It was. You're wrong, Simon Trumps, coming back in the summer of 2022, or the least the midterm elections in November, and here we are.
11 months later, and exactly as I said in that podcast in May. Here we are now.
Why is that? It's because the people I speak to.
Our people that really are in the know, and most of the nonsense, and allbish on the Intel boards is either deliberate disinformation, or, more likely, just people making nonsense up.
So I got sick to death of people being so nasty.
So we're up to side. That's why I went quiet for a long time.
I just have so much to my own organization, and I thought right.
Because I was approached a few weeks ago by a you know my membership.
CC. Saying, Please, will you do it? And I thought, Yeah, just for you.
So in future, anybody who wants to hear me speak. They're gonna have to join my organization, which is free.
Don't pay for it, and then, once you join, you get a link to mighty networks which you don't pay for, and you can hear me, and I'll do a probably twice a month update which I don't charge for because I'm just sick, to death of the the people who call
themselves patriots call themselves whatever, and are just, vindictive, and nasty, and don't want to hear the truth.
Whereas the people who join my organization have got enough about them to actually understand.
Well, if Simon's saying this, he's obviously heard it.
You know how many people talked to the apple, how many people talked to the journal?
How many people have a connection to the Pentagon?
How many people have got connection to Qfs. Not many.
So that's why there's so much bullshit.
Excuse me. Bs about because people are having to create information because they don't actually have it.
And finally, before we move on, I am on record, as saying, I will not push disinformation even for the White House.
I run a spiritual organization, and my job is to give honest and accurate Intel.
I will not push disinformation, no matter how good it is for the White House.
I will not do it, and I've been putting a very difficult position recently, because a lot of the things happening.
I know the real reason, but if I was to come out and say that publicly, it would not help the white hat cause now there are plenty of Intel people out there, you know 107 who will happily put out the white hat information which isn't designed to upset
patriots, or or spiritual people, but it's designed to hurt the bad guys.
That's fair enough. But the problem is isn't just the bad guys.
Listen to all the information that goes out there. It's it's a whole wide range of audience, and of course they believe that.
And they'll follow it, and then they wonder why that date missed.
That never happened except, etcetera, and of course they then get demoralized because they have bought into something.
They believed a person. That person has told them stuff, knowing full well that it's B.
S. And of course, that audience then are damaged, and I'm not prepared to do that.
I will only tell the truth. So I'm going to go on to mighty networks, and anybody who wants to listen to me in the future.
They're gonna have to join my organization. And it's not cynical because I don't make any money out of it. I don't.
I don't. I don't pay for it, and when the reason for it is if someone comes onto my site and they say Simon, you're full of full of shit, I just get rid of them.
I just get rid of them, and they can never come on my site again.
They can never watch me again. That's the control I want that don't pay for it.
But I just say, Okay, that's your opinion. Get out.
I don't want you because there's there's a ton of people got 110,000 people now in connecting consciousness, who want to listen on mighty networks to what I have to say.
So this might be the last one that you and I do.
No, I will not accept it. Well, I can, but it will have to, but it will have to go on to Mit networks because I am fed up with people who call themselves patriots.
Who don't want to hear the truth. What they want to hear is it's going to happen tomorrow.
Look, I'm sorry I'm taking on, but I think you'll see here this I look at some intel sheets just like we all do.
I can't believe the crap there's one site that's said.
Now, when you get your money, you go to the redemption sector, and you can put one and a half 1 billion dollars into your one and a half 1 billion.
What? So it's not for me. It's why lying to people, why are these Intel boards lying to people?
Why would you say to someone you're gonna get one and half 1 billion for your zoom notes, or for your Dina?
Why, what? You just setting people up to be heard!
There's obviously a reason which I don't understand, but I won't push that, and I won't have it it's just on board, anyway.
Go on. I was gonna ask you. You dropped quite a few little bits and pieces in that.
All you well, I asked you about the bank list. Is that a yes or no?
Then, after all, that cause I kind of got lost.
What you gonna say, are you gonna talk about it on? You sound this that are going to reward people who come to my style because I'll say, Well, God, I can hear Simon or bitch or rumble.
Why do I need to listen so yeah, I'm gonna save some of the juicy stuff for my right.
What about? What was the next question? Do you care to share your opinion about how long Biden's gonna still be in office?
Absolutely no, not at all. The first thing I want to say on this is that there's a lot of disinformation.
Of course there is anybody who tells you. Oh, this is all supposed to happen last year, you know, there's been delays.
It's all held up. That's all wrong. This is absolutely planned to the day.
The planning is absolutely meticulous. So it isn't that there was extra problems or the deep state was so bad.
The swamp was so deep. That's just a cover to try to stop people saying, Well, why didn't you sort this last year?
Why have we gone for all this pain? It's much easier for the White House to say more, because we came across this problem and this held us up, and that helped blame us.
It's a deep state. No, the reality is that the white hat's had a lap plan.
The program which they had to follow, and I accept that 100%.
Even people who research it don't really know, grasp what it takes to destroy an underground base.
For instance, there was a underground base in Wales that had to be destroyed, and because of the type of rock Wales has rocks which we call Paleozoic rocks.
These are granites, ganices. They're very, very strong sometimes, radioactive, but they're very strong granites and a neutron bomb had to be used.
No, this takes weeks, and that's just one base under the United Kingdom and their bases everywhere.
At the moment by the way, Charlie pleased to know that both Spain and Portugal are being dealt with.
They started 2 weeks ago, and they're attacking the tunnels under there.
They're not got children. And they've just got stores and reserves.
But the reality is that Biden will go this year of this year.
Okay. Don't have to wait till 2024.
Good, I mean for me personally, you know, it's better that it's better the idiots, you know.
Zelensky's. A great click he's an idiot. We know he's an idiot.
If you're gonna take him out, replace him with somebody else.
You're just gonna have another really and then you're not quite sure how to deal with him.
And for me, unless it's gonna be solved totally.
You know what you take. Biden out, Harris, the she go into, she not going?
Then you talk about going back to the set just becomes a flip of a coin or what's gonna happen next?
Nobody knows. I'd rather be able to identify the area that I have to deal with, and surprisingly being dropped in the into the throne position.
Speaking of idiots, what's your opinion about the coronation coming up for fat-fingered Charlie, boy?
And I don't mean Charlie Ward. Charles. Yeah.
Well in the Queen did the deal with trump she'd not only did her own deal, but she did a deal for her own family.
Just give me a minute. My dog's got a huge stick in his mouth.
He's taking the fence apart. Just hang on a second.
I love these slides, because that's exactly what happens.
Excuse me a second. I'm just gonna go whack my dog.
Now this is a stick. He's just got his life.
Yeah, it is. And that's I think that's what makes it such a down to earth show in the reality is that I mix with the people.
I don't have a superstar lifestyle, you know.
I actually meet with my members when I can talk to people, and I think that you know that that's perhaps one of the aspects that I don't think about.
But I should be proud of the fact that I don't drive round in a Rolls voice I don't have a huge, expensive, bloody car, anyway, Biden has got to go simply because we can't have the Rv.
While a there's a war in Ukraine, and we've got bite, so we can't have those, because they are not compatible with what everybody signed up for everybody signed up for no wars, and having legitimate elected governments, so while we still have that they can't
be an Rv. But the audience will know there's been some very big steps and Charlie would have kept you.
You guys up to date with that thing. And so it's not too far off.
Now before, people like Biden have to go. Now look, please don't look necessarily for a great big arrest of Biden.
The guy might have a heart attack. The guy might just say, Do you know what I've had enough of this?
I'm just walk away. So there are lots of possibilities for him going. I can tell you that it's been arranged with in 15 min of the phone call. He will go.
Yeah, we are. That's actually good. Info, 15 min.
I asked you about Charles. We were talking about the deal that the Queen oh, yeah. So so basically, when the Co.
Yeah. When the Queen did what she did, she also protected the concept, not her family.
The concept of the crown, so that if you went into a High Street bookstore in 50 years time you would still read, glowingly about the Queen and the Royal family.
So the can't remove Charles with an arrest, because the deal the Queen made allowed that to happen.
What you can do is retire, somebody, or they can just decide they don't like it anymore.
And then you have to think, how do we move Great Britain to being a republic?
Because a lot of people still don't get this moment.
We're not going to move to common law. We're not.
We're going to move to constitutional law. The United Kingdom has already started having its new Constitution written, which will encompass commonly, but all countries, constitutions must be based on the Constitution of the United States.
So all those books that Peter, be buying about common law actually won't help them too much.
It's constitutional law, we will still have Charles, but I think going back to Nostridamus.
He's right. The deal the Queen made was for her immediate successor.
When her immediate successor goes. We have no more royalty.
We'll move to Republic.
Well, we don't. I mean both of his sons are not his, so there is nobody else in line, so they they could pretend just like they've always done.
But I think is that they will just step away from it, and by that time we'll have a constitutional.
System which doesn't require a monarchy. That's the whole point.
If you have a constitution we don't need a monarchy.
That's why America has. Yeah. I remember talking about that for those that are not quite all that point.
The Constitution. The United States is based on people being sick and tired of the tyrannical government of England, taxing them, taking them, stripping, and forcing them, enslaving them, so that's why they wrote it so this concertution was originally written for people sobig and freedom.
So this is going to come back across the Atlantic as well.
Most of the world are gonna implement more or less, the American Constitution on to that company in the citizens.
Simon, who's got the finger on the rods of God?
Who controls this and explain more about it. Please. Right? A lot of the exotic equipment.
Originally was fought over in terms of control. So the CIA, of course, wanted to control the only good guy at the time was a National Security agency.
The Nsa. And although they are basically encrypting and breaking codes, they were a lot more.
But it was the under, the secret military, the bad guys who controlled lot of it.
And then, when the Space Force became properly funded and funded on a on a way that came through trump, then the elite of the good guys took control of the rods have got, and also the energy beam weapons, but also a lot of other technology which even some of the researchers haven't flew off
so who controls it? The good guys do the bad guys have still got a finger on some of the weather manipulation, but nothing like they had.
So I would say that now 95% of all what I call exotic technology or advanced technology is now held by the good guys.
Look, look! Look! Last year the bad guys were were running around with 6 dirty we call dirty bombs.
6 suitcases, or they were briefcases between 20, about 25 years old.
Nuclear briefcases, and they were threatening to blow them up.
And in a number of cases the arming mechanism was being 25 years old, was defective.
2 of them were in Australia, one was in Britain. I was in Germany, and the reason that deep state had to resort to that is because they don't have the control of the advanced equipment.
Look at the the election of 2020. It was the CIA.
You control the Galileo satellite working for the Vatican to do the false election.
But of course, the National Security Agency and the Space Force we're monitoring that and watched it in real time.
Now, what happened very quickly was the President and the Prime Minister of Italy basically turned his back on the Vatican, did a deal with trump and pass all that information.
So the bad guys don't have any either conventional secret, or what we call exotic exotic is alien.
Back in the technology, we just use the word exotic.
Okay. Yup, that's good. I'm gonna presume that you've been watching the shooting in Nashville.
I haven't, but I have had a briefing on it.
Okay. So a young trance fella, madam, whatever you want to say, one doesn't start shooting everything body, cam footage.
It's released very quickly. Already people have picked up some discrepancies between different shoes on the body and shoes being taken out on the stretcher if you haven't really looked into it, Simon, maybe you're not you're not able to comment on it because it's a
very looks like another false flag. What are you thought of? It's a very nice way to let me out of it.
Well, yeah, I'm not gonna put you on the spot.
If you haven't oh, no! I came to this planet to be put on the spot.
I I would I would. That's why I never got in trouble with the other one, because whenever there was a shooting I would say something very wrong with this.
However, people have died and that's why I didn't get sued.
That's why, you know, infowars is looking at multimillion pound suits because he was stupid and didn't actually have the right context.
He believed. Nonsense, and that's why he paid the price for it.
The reality is that these are scripted. They are organized, but people really die.
That's the truth. These things are manipulated at a very high level, and people die, and you know, the point is that the truth will never come out, never, ever, ever.
Will the truth ever come out the bin is an actor.
No, it wasn't. People are expecting that to come out.
No, won't! Why would why would the White House go to all of this effort to do that?
Or behind the scenes, and then come out and say, well, actually, he was a place man that we put him in, because the next question is, why and what was the point, and you can't have that.
So a lot of these shootings will go down as straightforward shootings with the straightforward answer, a bit like Jeff Jeffrey Epstein died in prison end.
A story, and that's it doesn't matter whether the man is alive somewhere.
That's the official line, and the truth will never come out.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a strange one that because for me it was very, very odd that the footage from the camera, the shooting officer was released so quickly, normally, that would be held and examined and looked at it to see if there's any wrongdoing on the police department on
any of the procedure, and what happened, but it was.
It was released very, very quickly, which I thought. That makes me feel a bit on easy, Simon, it's an old question.
Chem trails because they seem to be coming and going, and my experience some days is non, and then you'll just see a jet leaving a normal vapor trail.
And then the next day they're like the skies riddled with them.
Have you had any updates? Because it's it's a question that a lot of people wanna know about are they spring the sky still with poison?
Or as it been replaced in some cases with some sort of healing chemical up there.
Yeah, you've answered your own question. If you look at chem trails that have been sprayed, not since this December for the previous December.
That's when the changeover occurred. What this Christmas last Christmas, when the wind is blowing, you will see them be remarked of material is now being put which is designed to combat the COVID-19 virus, which is a very real virus let's not get that missed to
try to do something with the heavy metals, and it's a good guy operation, but it'll take a very long time, because we've had 2530 years of poison.
But no, the good guys control that aspect of it now, and they did it by cutting off the money funding, and I've gotten careful. I say, because they don't want to upset you know big corporations.
But if you are a big corporation and you rely on advertising, so you receive a advertising revenue.
But let's say you do money laundering for somebody on the side, and 20% of your revenue comes in for money life.
So you recruit staff, and you buy offices and you work up to that amount of money coming in.
And then there's a good guys come on and cut off that 20%.
So what you're left with is the legitimate advertising revenue.
That's where you've got to let people go.
That's why you've got to close buildings.
Because you expanded to a financial base which is no longer there, and so look for organization.
The All, letting people go in the thousands, and closing in a physical buildings, and that is because they operated at a set income level which the Y hatats are not cut off.
So you can see immediately the organisations are having to rely on their legitimate income. Streams.
Interesting one that I don't get any side effects from any of the cam trails, did I?
Before. I don't remember cause I mean I was aware of them, but not super.
Well, like now, okay, Sarah, is there a nuclear scare coming?
I I don't accept that a 100%.
I think it's a genuine option for the good guys.
We've had a lot of talks about nuclear power stations, absolute.
I also it could. I'm also trying that in this stuff.
Going on in the stories of Chinese balloons with nuclear bombs on to the more emp devices.
It's all absolute nonsense for kindergartens, and unfortunately, 75% of of the Western world.
Are adults with a kindergarten mind. So the wire hats are absolutely spot on.
They know exactly the level of intelligence at these people have, because they're the mind controlled.
And so all of this kindergarten stuff is not aimed for us, not the audience here, but is aimed for these people who eat it all up, and it's all the truth.
So the reality is that yes, you could have a nuclear situation a bit like the Bay of Pigs, but it would have to be very carefully scripted and would have to be dealt with very quickly, and I said to my group, when I was doing my ch chat with my
coordinators. If this is not handled properly, what are you doing? Stop it!
If it's not, it's not a good time for me.
But normally do these sort of things with dogs of bird.
If you look at the number of people that had suicides over lockdown, can you imagine what would happen if there was a fake nuclear threat that looked like a nuclear war?
Yes, people would find God. The churches would be absolutely jam-packed, but the number of people cing themselves would be horrendous.
Sit down would be absolutely horrendous, and I think that I would personally ask the white accessing very, very carefully about that particular option, and I do believe that if there is an option to get this done without pushing to that degree, they will take it they've got these options and those options.
Have been discussed in alternative media. That doesn't mean it's going to happen, you know.
Where's the ebs, you know? That was rammed down?
Everyone's throat for over 2 years, and again, my view is that ebs will be used in America.
In counties, not even maybe a state. You've got a an issue in a town or city.
You just literally do an ebs in a five-mile radius, you know.
So a lot of the stuff that's out there, I don't think is actually gonna happen.
Yeah, I, tend to agree with that as well. I think it.
It could the will it? Hmm! I think we've all learned by those mistakes in the past. Again.
They like to keep that fear, that feeling of fear. And America's been great at doing this.
Guys, I remember going into the States after 9 11 and looking at TV screen, you have a banner going across the bottom all the time saying, You know, terrorist strike imminent high terror Alert.
You know. Orange amber, alert. It was gone on for years just to keep that fear generated in you.
Yeah, because then the CIA controlled it and it was a Delta force that went in.
There's 1 one secure location that controlled all of the Evs signals from Earth and a Delta force team.
I think they're lost to. And there was a gun battle.
And they had to. Literally. It was just like big, huge steel blast doors it was in, but they got there, and they rested the control of the ebs off the bad guys, and that was last year.
Okay, we reach the top of the hour. We'll have another couple of questions.
We'll go another couple of minutes. Do you think this disclosure of Ufos and incidents is?
Gonna continue and what's the reason that they government are slipping this into the public call?
Best way I can answer that in 2,010 I went public with my own experiences, and I don't know how many of the audience really know who I am.
I went public with that I did it deliberately, because I intended to stand for elections, and I thought, I'm not gonna be elected.
And then this stuff will come out because people would then say, Well, if you told us who you really were, and what the truth was, we wouldn't have voted for you so of course I went public with it, and I was elected, and I was, elected again, and I was elected again.
That's what upset the deep state, because I was truthful with the Zealand.
But the reality is that I went public with my off-planet experiences.
Let me just. I'm answering your question by any, but I'm going to do it this way round.
If you just let me go. So I went public with my experiences, and if I went out on the street and I talked to a 100 people, 99 people would say I was crazy and mad and didn't believe it.
One person would believe me, but the elite from both sides, good and bad, would come up to me and say, I've got no problem with what you tell us.
We know it's true. We know all about it. A lot of the elite would say to me, I've not actually personally seen what you've seen, but you know the guys who advise me.
They've seen it, you know, in 2,015.
I did a. I was a guest speaker, and I talked about aliens and Ufos, and then I was approached I have a I got a witness to this, because it was so wonderful.
I was approached by a guy from the secret societies, and his exact words to me were, you've come across my radar because my employers have told me about you, and I've been sent all the way from America to to discuss the yes, I've got a question for you but before I
give you the question, he said to me. I've got 3 offers for you, and the offers are not dependent on yours, he said. You could turn around and say I'll refuse to answer question. You're still going to get these 3 offers so I thought well, that's interesting so said what are the offers
he said, well, the first offer is said, is bullet resistant, blacked out vehicles for your use at any time.
Armed guards for your use at any time, and he's that words to be, whereas the world goes to ship.
We have put aside for you a nuclear bunker for your friends and loved ones.
Under Salisbury planes. We normally charge a 1 million per person, but yours is free because, he said, my employers absolutely believe you.
There's believe what what you say. And then he asked me the question.
It was a very difficult question, I decided I'd answer.
It took me 2 days to answer. I met him in the car Park, and 3 separate occasions I had to answer it because it was so complicated.
I didn't take him up on any of those, by the way, but this was always very upsetting to me.
I'm coming back to your question now that the ordinary man and woman industry knows nothing absolutely 0.
But the no, it all. And I think the good guys have decided it is now time to start to share the truth with the people.
Slowly, if if the things I've talked about were made up, if I was insane or mad, then I wouldn't be backed by the White House, because remember, everybody that in 2,013 that long ago I was invited to the space Radar base in Britain and you know I turned up to that space
radar base. And you know, Ministry Defense Police with a machine gun.
So I was given a tour of the of the space radar, the only one in Great Britain, the only one in the world which is a three-phased array.
There's only one more in America's a two-face right.
But anyway, the the guard very politely says to the drive, I wasn't driving also driving, I can't remember, but says to the other person, identity, so this person hands their passport so the guard literally looks like the passport.
Looks at the person, looks at the passport, looks at the person so it's right you're cleared, and I think go to hand my identity, and the guard just says, Oh, no, sir, that won't be required.
We know who you are. That was in 2,013, and we were supposed to have a 1 h trip round the space radar with 3 and a half hours, and at the end of it I was presented with a very special 50 year they call them a challenge coin there are only 500 in the
world by mine's number 48, Us. And the guy said, we give these to Presidents, prime ministers, generals, ministers of defense.
So the guy says his name is flight left tenant Wicks, who took us round, and he said, I can't give you one.
I can only present it, I present it to these people and I said, Well, can't you present one to me?
And the guys, all gone is 30 of us. I was the only non military.
Everyone else there was serving military, and they will last and if you should see their faces change when the guy says, Yeah, which one do you like?
So I said that one that one they'll like that one so it gets it down.
He says right, well, the Americans insist, because it's a really an American base.
They pretend it's Raf whereas if the Americans insist that I've got a sheet here with all the numbers, never 48, he says.
What's your name? I said. You know what my name is, he said.
I know but just give me a knife. Puts name, comes, and he says, you know what the Americans are like, he said.
They made us pay for this. We have no budget heading.
They made us pay for all of it. So we do have to ask for a donation.
And he said, It's really embarrassing, because it's the Prime Minister comes here the next day, got phone up a Downing street and asked the nation.
So I actually had 10 pounds game. The 10 pounds he said. That's very kind.
Thank you. The 2 guys behind me. They then get out their temporal cause.
They want one. And the guy just closes his cash box, puts it away, shuts it up, and says to everyone, We've got to go now.
Now, when I go to conferences, I meet people, I take with me, and I say big, they can actually look at it and see what it is.
You won't find the money, Bay, you won't find them on Amazon, because what I was told is this is not your property.
This belongs to the United States of America. You are not allowed to sell it when you die you can bequeath it in your will to your next akin.
That's how important it is. So when they understand what's happened to my life, and the sort of people I mix with.
That's why it's so frustrating.
When good, honest people, who believe the lies they've been given think that there is no other intelligence outside. Yes, I'm sorry I've gone on, but I thought that might be interesting. No, it's a great story. I remember you touched on it before.
Well, it's not in detail. Yeah, yeah, you added a lot.
You know, shootings and nuclear attacks and fake Asian. Hey?
It's what would you like to share that you think has happened in the last 30 days?
That's good news. The good news is that the Rv.
Will happen, and people will be very happy to look in their bank accounts, because money is going to be put in people's bank accounts.
People, on social security will get more pensioners will get more.
The way that we are treated will be with respect.
That's the first thing. The second thing people notice is that everyone who has a profession will have to basically sign a new contract to act in a way that's much more appropriate to the truth.
So we are absolutely blessed to be living in a time.
That sees this transference after thousands of years of oppression into a a real-time.
I'm going to say Utopia, but a real-time life that's worth living, and I'm so sorry for people in some ways who didn't get the chance to do this but I'm also more angry with people who are here and don't do anything positive because if
you're here, you're here for a reason, and you know it's about helping and being involved.
And I get very annoyed at people who are very petty, very small-minded, and aren't prepared to put, you know, the wider community first.
So I am very positive I'm very pleased at the way things are going.
I'm absolutely confident. 100% the bad guys are beaten in the sense that they cannot now call the shots.
They're still there, they can still cause a problem. But the reality is now we are.
Running a race at the slowest person, and this is what's frustrating for all of us here today that we are being held back by a walker's.
Let you, and a secret. The white hat refer to the unawakened, unaware as the fluoride crew the fluoride crew.
We are held back by these people, because if we rush ahead we hit the tape and we've won.
They're all struggling back they don't even know what the hell the race is about.
You know. That is why it's taking what and they knew it would take this long. Is it?
What's the point in in 10% or 15% of the world's population. So we get it.
We've got it fantastic. But you've got all these other people who are looking at you and saying, I don't know what's going on.
I don't know what's happening. So unfortunately, it isn't a slow speed, but it is really good, and we're really pleased.
Charlie Ward's insiders, Simon Parks, connecting consciousness are 2 very important platforms that have a future in the the new.
You know the new Tim to come the New World order we could say no, I was never going to say that.
That's why I said I know you so well, but I do have to be careful, because, you know, when I say things it carries weight and I don't want to be misquoted.
And you know I know what the New World Order means.
But we're talking about a new earth. That's what we're talking about.
A new concept of living and you know it can't come sooner.
Birthday. We're burning new earth same birthday. Okay?
All right. Well, that sounds very feminine. So let's go with that.
Simon. Thank you so much for joining us, planning in for Charlie.
I look forward to seeing you next month in person in Manchester.
Don't forget we are doing a show. Simon. Charlie must.
We're gonna be there for 2 afternoons and one evening or 2 evenings 2 evenings as well, I think so. I'm certainly attending being invited, and I'm always delighted to turn it's very important to meet people.
There is always a security aspect to all of these things.
And sometimes, that we can't quite be as open as Pally and as friendly as possible.
But it's certainly going to be an opportunity to meet people, to talk to people, and you know I believe in meeting people.
I do not believe in hiding in a cave or hiding in the 12 story, building a like being out there, meeting people.
So I'm looking forward to it I'm looking for and saying, Hi!
To everyone. Yeah, me, too, Simon, have a great weekend.
Have a great weekend we'll see you very soon.
Thanks for joining us I'm going to down for another couple of minutes, as I usually do, just to debrief a little bit more, and then we'll speak very soon.
Thanks! God bless take care! Alright, guys! That was the legend.
Simon Parks, we got some great info of him today.
That was a good show, covered some different topics, and some topics that are on and heat at the moment.
There are getting a lot of attention to the national shooting and the banking situation, just to let you know.
We have now introduced a different site. Oh, well, I can't get into it now.
Health. Well for you.com, or Mahoney live.com.
You can still go on, and you can access all of that's that we've got some great new stuff as well.
Glutesify on. For example, we've got Amazon's.
My friend, I gave some digestive enzymes to it.
Cured his Crohn's disease, and I'm not saying made it better.
I said, he hasn't had it anymore. It's gone.
So go on, Mahoney, live.com, and you'll see all of the mess that we're talking about, and I'll be back on Tuesday next week, and again Wednesday with Charlie's insider's club as we get into April.
Let's see what madness April's gonna offer.
I can feel there's a definite change of weather.
There's a change of wind, and I think we are now coming out the other side of this dark top that we've been in slowly but surely we could just see a shaft of light down at the end of that tunnel and that's where I personally, feel we're at right now so
guys have an amazing weekend. We'll see you next week.
But back for more, much more of the same, and some new Intel shared from both Charlie and myself, and until then stay fits day strong.
Keep pushing through, and keep yourself on a higher love vibration.
Don't give, interfere. I don't give in to them, putting you down and trying to control you.
You come this far, you're nearly home, see you very soon. Thank you.