
East Africans Religious Heritage.

So my ancestors used to have there own kinds of believes and some still practice them so let's at least learn from some of there believes and religious practices.

Selected aspects.

Importance concepts of the African Traditional religion.

The society believes in existence of three main beings /concepts which define there religion.
a) the concept of God .
b) the concept of spirits.
c) the concept of ancestors.

-These aspects re experienced and acknowledged in every other aspect of life . 
-There are respected and in some cases feared .
-God is the supreme being/the most superior of all other existence.
-African believes re expressed through there oral traditions which are passed from generation to another.

Oral traditions.

  1. Riddles.

  2. Songs.

  3. Narratives.

  4. Tongue twisters.

  5. Proverbs.

  6. Myths.

  7. Narratives.

  8. Sayings.

Attributes of God.

  1. God Is love

  2. Is merciful 

  3. Is the provider

  4. Is everlasting.

  5. Is transcendent 

  6. Is spirit 

  7. Is self existence 

  8. Is powerful 

In short imagine characteristics of a god in anime .😉.

In my next blog we're going to talk about this concepts .
すみません。byee hope I see you there don't forget to check my other articles to know more about Africa and the crazy things too feel free to support as.


East African life
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