

I had a cold about a week ago.
It was a bad cold and has not been completely cured completely yet.
My fever wentwas high, and my nose wouldn't stop running.
Now, I  haven't don't have a fever, but I feel dull.
For a long time,It's been a long time since I haven't had a cold.,
Sso I have forgotten that to catch a cold how hard and tiring it wascan be to catch a cold.
I think it's going to take for a while.


I had a cold about a week ago.
It was a bad cold and has not been completely cured yet.
My fever was high, and my nose wouldn't stop running.
Now, I don't have a fever, but I feel dull.
It's been a long time since I've had a cold, so I've forgotten how hard and tiring it can be to catch a cold.
I think it's going to take a while.

*Grammar stuff

・鼻水がとまらない = won't stop running

・My fever went high  ⇒  My fever was high
"My fever went high" は短期間の変化を表し、"My fever was high" は持続的な状態を表すと言えます。
※ go=動作動詞 なので、(短期間の)変化を表し、be=状態動詞なので、状態を示す

For a long time, I haven't had a cold. ⇒ It's(has) been a long time since I've had a cold.

So I'd forgotten that to catch a cold how hard and tiring it was.  ⇒ I've forgotten how hard and tiring it can be to catch a cold.

"how hard and tiring it can be" は、直訳すると「どれほど厳しくて疲れることができるか」となりますが、実際には「風邪をひくことがどれほどつらく、疲れるか」という意味です。"how" は「どれくらい」という意味で、"hard and tiring" は「つらい、疲れる」という形容詞の組み合わせです。"it can be" は「...する可能性がある」という意味で、風邪をひくことのつらさや疲れを指します。

can を使うことで、「時には」的なニュアンスがでる。

It is hard.(難しい)
It can be hard.(難しかったりもする)

She’s selfish.(彼女はわがまま)
She can be selfish.(わがままだったりもする)


I had a really bad cold about a week ago, and it still hasn't completely cleared up.
My fever was high, and my nose was running non-stop.
While I don't have a fever anymore, I still feel a bit off.
It's been so long since I last had a cold that I've forgotten how tough it can be.
I think it's going to take some time to fully recover.


Can you correct my English?
--Can you show me the points and reasons that you corrected?
--Can you show me the points and reasons that you corrected using a table?
--Can you rewrite the sentence to sound more native?

・What are the points for English beginners to write an English diary?

#Instructions :
・You are an American professional English teacher. Please output your best correction based on the following constraints and input sentences.

#Constraints :
・The text should be easy to understand for a TOEIC score of 575.
・Keep sentences concise.
・Correct any grammatical errors or more appropriate expressions.
・Show me the points and reasons that you corrected using a table.

#Input :

#Instructions :
・You are an American professional English teacher. Please output your best correction based on the following constraints and input sentences.

#Constraints :
・Rewrite the sentence to sound more native.

#Input :
