作品など その7(Works etc. Part 7)
note を初めて日が浅いにも関わらず、多くの方にフォロー頂き感謝申し上げます。初めての経験なので少し戸惑っていますが、温かく見守って頂けますと幸いです。
I would like to thank many people for following me even though it has only been a while since I started using note. I'm a little confused as this is my first experience, but I hope you will watch over me warmly.
I will upload the generated AI illustration that I created. The environment will be summarized last.
This time I would like to touch on LoRA (additional learning model). As usual, the details have already been written in the article by my seniors, so please refer to them.
This time, to make it easier to understand the features of LoRA, we will generate an illustration using an extreme example. In the process of generating "girl" using the basic learning model, LoRA (additional learning model) of "Mobile Suit (Mobile Suit Gundam)" is added to generate "girl" + "mobile suit".
LoRAの功罪(LoRA's merits and demerits)
First of all, I created it in an anime style to make it easier to imagine. Personally, I find the result to be a good fit. It is important to adjust the parameters to determine how much LoRA (additional learning model) is reflected during generation. Through repeated trial and error, you will find the appropriate value, so patience and perseverance may be required. Due to copyright issues, we do not generate samples, but depending on the LoRA (additional learning model) you have mastered, you may be able to generate illustrations that look exactly like the original author.

躍動感を出すためにプロンプトに dynamic acrobatic jumping pose(ダイナミックなアクロバティックなジャンプポーズ)と指示しています。ちょっとやり過ぎな感じもしますが、そのままにしています。
To create a sense of movement, the prompt says dynamic acrobatic jumping pose. It seems a bit overdone, but I'll leave it at that.

本気を出して(Be serious)
Although it is not a "miracle piece", it was created with serious effort.

It's strange for the person who created it to say this, but as I was making it, it became more and more interesting, so I created various versions that were close to the real-life version. It's a good idea...

環境(Creation environment)
チップ:Apple M3 Max
メモリ:36 GB
OS:macOS Sequoia 15.1
アプリ:Draw Things 1.20241111.2
My works are created in this environment. I hope this will be helpful to you. PC: MacBookPro Chip: Apple M3 Max Memory: 36 GB OS: macOS Sequoia 15.1 App: Draw Things 1.20241111.2