2020年10月15日のお弁当 Bento on October 15, 2020
A low-calorie bento box. Easy to make in 30 minutes.
野菜たっぷりのお弁当 Plenty of vegetables lunch
●ズッキーニのハムはさみ焼 zucchini baked with Ham
Zucchini first makes a cut so as not to cut it, and then cuts it into round slices.
Put Ham in between.
Bake both sides in a frying pan until browned, and add salt and pepper to taste.
●蒸しカボチャ Steamed pumpkin
Cut into bite-sized pieces and steam in the microwave.
* Since a small amount of vegetables can be steamed in a short time,
it is convenient to use a steamer for microwave ovens.
●豚肉を挟んだ薄焼き卵 Pork sandwiched between thinly roasted eggs
Soak thinly sliced pork in sake and soy sauce, bake in a hot frying pan, and take it out.
Add a little mayonnaise to the egg and mix.
Heat the frying pan, turn off the heat, add the eggs and spread, place the baked pork.
When the eggs are cooked, fold the eggs so that the pork is sandwiched between them.
●青梗菜と蒸し鶏のミルク煮 Chinese green leaves and steamed chicken in milk
一口大に切った蒸し鶏(市販のサラダチキンもOK) 、鶏がらスープの素少々、牛乳を加え、水溶き片栗粉を加えてとろみがつくまで煮る。
Boil bite-sized chinese green leaves in a small amount of water and discard the water.
Add bite-sized steamed chicken (commercially available salad chicken is also OK), a little chicken broth, and milk, add water-soluble potato starch, and simmer until thickened.
Season with salt and pepper.
●厚揚げのそぼろ煮 Atsuage (fried tofu) and minced meat
Add minced meat, a small amount of water, soy sauce and sugar to a pan, heat and cook. Add bite-sized fried tofu and simmer, then add chopped green onions. Add water-soluble potato starch and simmer until thickened.
●梅干し Umeboshi with seeds removed
●玄米飯 Brown rice