

 Today, some companies allow their employees to wear casual clothes like jeans ot T-shirts. Do you think the number of such companies will increase in the future?

Some farmers grow fruits and vegetables without using chemicals. Do you think more farmers will grow fruits and vegetables in this way?

Nowadays, many Japanese people are doing volunteer work. Do you think the number of these people will increase in the future?


Today, more and more young people are starting their own companies. Do you think thie is a good idea?

It is often said that people today use too much electricity. Do you agree with this opinion?

Some people say that the number of cars in cities should be limited. Do you agree with this idea?

Some people say that too much water is wasted in Japan. Do you agree with this opinion?

Today. Some people buy products that are good for the environment. Do you thing such products will become more common in the future?

Some people say that playing sports helps children become better people. Do you agree this opinion?

Some people say that people today should spend less time using the Internet. Do you agree with this opinion?

Today, some young people do not want to start working for large companies. Do you think the number of these people will increase in the future?

Some people prefer to buy food produced in their local area. Do you think more people will buy locally produced food in the future?

Today, some young people do not want to start working for large companies. Do you think the number of these people will increase in the future?

〇2020年Some people say that more apartment buildings should allow pets such as dogs and cats. Do you agree with this opinion?

Some people say that young people should spend more time thinking about their future careers. Do you agree with this opinion?

People around the world live longer lives than they did in the past. Do you think will live even longer lives in the future?

Today in Japan, many buildings and public areas have a lot of lights for decoration, such as the lights used Christmas. Do you think this is a good idea?

It is sometimes said that all people should be able to enter museums for free. Do you agree with this opinion?

It is often said that restaurants and supermarkets should try to reduce the amount of food that they throw away. Do you agree with this opinion?

Some people said that playing sports helps children become better people. Do you agree with this opinion?

 Some people say that it is necessary for people to go to important historical sites in order to understand history better. Do you agree with this opinion?

Today in Japan, many buildings and public areas have a lot of lights for decoration, such as the lights used Chiristmas. Do you think this is a good idea?

Some people say that Japan should accept more people from other countries to work in Japan. Do you agree with this opinion?

Some people say that Japan should use the Internet for people to vote in elections. Do you agree with this opinion?
