The Effect of Arch Height and Material Hardness of Personalized
Insole on Correction and Tissues of Flatfoot
Honglun Su, Zhongjun Mo, Junchao Guo, Yubo Fan, "Corrigendum to “The Effect of Arch Height and Material Hardness of Personalized Insole on Correction and Tissues of Flatfoot”", Journal of Healthcare Engineering, vol. 2018, Article ID 4136246, 1 page, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/4136246
In general, insole material and support design are positively affecting the correction of orthopedic insole, but negatively resulting in unreasonable stress on the stress in the joint and ligaments. There should be an integration of improving correction and reducing stress in foot tissues.
Flat foot is one of the common deformities in the youth population, seriously affecting the weight supporting and daily exercising. However, there is lacking of quantitative data relative to material selection and shape design of the personalized orthopedic insole. This study was to evaluate the biomechanical effects of material hardness and support height of personalized orthopedic insole on foot tissues, by in vivo experiment and finite element modeling. The correction of arch height increased with material hardness and support height. The peak plantar pressure increased with the material hardness, and these values by wearing insoles of 40° were apparently higher than the bare feet condition. Harder insole material results in higher stress in the joint and ligament stress than softer material. In the calcaneocuboid joint, the stress increased with the arch height of insoles. The material hardness did not apparently affect the stress in the ankle joints, but the support heights of insole did. In general, insole material and support design are positively affecting the correction of orthopedic insole, but negatively resulting in unreasonable stress on the stress in the joint and ligaments. There should be an integration of improving correction and reducing stress in foot tissues.
Due to the difference between individuals (soft tissue material properties, flatness, etc.), customized orthopedic insole needs to be produced. In the customization process, the insole shape design and material selection of the insole seriously depended on the experience of pedorthist, lack of quantitative theoretical support. Previous study showed that the custom-molded insole could reduce stress compared with the flat insole.
The thickness, heel’s height, and materials of proper insole could minimize the peak plantar stress and achieve uniform stress distribution.
This study was to evaluate the effects of design parameters including material hardness and support arch height of personalized orthopedic insole on the correction of foot arch and plantar pressure distribution by in vivo experiments and to evaluate the biomechanical effects on the foot tissues, including stress distribution on joint cartilage and ligaments using finite element modeling.
直訳:本研究では、個人用整形外科用インソールの材料硬度やサポートアーチ高さなどの設計パラメータが足底アーチや足底圧分布の補正に及ぼす影響をin vivoで評価し、関節軟骨や靭帯への応力分布を含む足組織へのバイオメカニクス的影響を有限要素モデルを用いて評価することを目的とした。
硬さとアーチの高さがin vivo(ここではヒト)でどんな影響があるのかを調査した!という感じです。
material hardness (Shore A, 30°, 35°, and 40°) and support arch height (27 mm, 30 mm, and 33 mm) of orthopedic insole on the correction effect of foot arch and plantar pressure distribution by in vivo experiment.
直訳:矯正用インソールの素材硬度(ショアA、30°、35°、40°)とサポートアーチ高さ(27mm、30mm、33mm)が足部アーチと足底圧分布の補正効果に及ぼす影響をin vivo実験で調査した。
(Shore A, 30°, 35°, and 40°) 、というのはきっと硬さの値ですね。
In bare foot and weight-bearing condition, the distance between the navicular bone and the foot bottom (arch height) was about 16.6 mm. The displacement of the navicular bone in the vertical direction by wearing orthopedic insoles is shown in Figure 4. The foot arch height increased with the material hardness and arch shape of the insole. By wearing insoles made up by material with hardness of 30°, the arch height increased by 43%, 66%, and 83% with insoles of types I, II, and III, respectively. By wearing the insoles with material hardness of 35°, the arch height increased by 65%, 90%, and 103% with insoles of types I, II, and III, respectively. By wearing insoles with material hardness of 40°, the arch height increased by 80%, 97%, and 110% with insole of types I, II, and III, respectively.
The maximal stress in the cartilage of the primary foot joints (talonavicular, calcaneocuboid, tibiotalar, and talofibular joints) is shown in Figure 6. In the joint of the middle foot (talonavicular joint and calcaneocuboid joint), the maximal stress increased with the material hardness. In the calcaneocuboid joint, the stress increased with the arch height of insoles. However, in the talonavicular joint, type II insole results in the greatest cartilage stress. The stress in the middle joint was relatively much lower than the ankle joints (tibiotalar joint and talofibular joint). The material hardness did not apparently affect the stress in the ankle joints, but the arch height of orthopedic insoles did.
It was reported that orthopedic insole could improve the patient’s foot arch, hereby relieving foot pain, preventing inflammation of soft tissue and tendon sheath and other pathological features. However, there is little knowledge about the changes in the internal skeleton and of medial longitudinal arch by wearing orthopedic insole. In this study, the influence of design parameters, including material hardness and support arch height of personalized orthopedic insole on the correction of foot arch and plantar pressure distribution, and the biomechanical effects on the foot tissues, including stress distribution on joint cartilage and ligaments, were quantitatively analyzed by in vivo experiment and finite element modeling. The results showed that the foot arch height increased with the material hardness and arch shape of the insole. The insole with harder material and higher scaffold of the medial longitudinal arch elevate higher foot arch. By wearing the insole made up with the material of 40° and type III shape, the arch height was elevated up to twice of the initial bare foot weight-bearing condition.
Cartilage injury and joint dislocation are the primary reasons for foot pain in many patients. Orthopedic insole is used to correct the foot arch height and relieve the pain. The purpose of correcting foot arch height is to redistribute the force transfer pattern in the joints to avoid further damaging of foot tissues. However, in the clinical practice, wearing orthopedic insoles is more painful than nonwearing condition in short-term follow-ups. It means that there is an effect on the foot tissues like the ligament and joints by wearing orthopedic insole, at last in short-term follow-ups. In the primary middle joints (talonavicular joint and calcaneocuboid joint), the maximal stress increased with the material hardness. In the calcaneocuboid joint, the stress increased with the arch height of insoles, meaning higher insole arch height results in greater joint stress. However, in the talonavicular joint, type II insole results in the greatest cartilage stress. Despite that, the stress in the middle joint was relatively much lower than that in the ankle joints (tibiotalar joint and talofibular joint), which are the primary structure transferring body weight to the foot. The material hardness did not apparently affect the stress in the ankle joints, but the arch height of orthopedic insoles did. However, the maximal stress in almost all the primary foot ligaments increased with the material hardness and arch height of the orthopedic insoles.
Several limitations of this study should be noted for the interpretations and applications of the predicted results. The correction stage of flatfoot might influence the biomechanical evaluation eventually. However, the biomechanics was just evaluated for the first stage of orthopedic insole treatment. Evaluation of long-term effect should be done in the future. Since there were differences between individuals (degree of flatness, flexible of foot arch, material property, etc.), it is limited to apply the findings obtained from only one subject to all flatfoot. Fortunately, it was a self-comparison and parametric study, especially the FE foot model could represent patients with similar tissue geometry and arch height. Muscle forces play important role by keeping foot stability and providing stiffness. However, only tendon force was considered in the present study. The displacement of navicular bone based on the in vivo experiment was used as a displacement loading to simulate to corrective function of orthopedic insole, which might not reflect the interaction of insole and skin. In addition, the material property of the foot tissues which was simplified as linear formulation and achieved for the literature weakens the individual characters. However, as a parameterized study of material hardness and shape of insole, this simplification should induce a universal support of orthopedic insole design.
直訳:この研究のいくつかの制限は、予測された結果の解釈および適用のために注意すべきである。扁平足の矯正段階は、最終的にはバイオメカニクス評価に影響を与える可能性がある。しかし、バイオメカニクスの評価は整形外科的インソール治療の第一段階での評価に過ぎない。長期的な効果の評価は今後行うべきである。また、個人差(扁平度、足部アーチの柔軟性、素材特性など)があるため、一人の被験者から得られた知見をすべての扁平足に適用することには限界がある。幸いなことに、自己比較とパラメトリックな研究であり、特にFE足モデルは組織形状やアーチの高さが似ている患者を表現することができた。筋力は足の安定性を維持し、剛性を提供することで重要な役割を果たしている。しかし、本研究では腱力のみを考慮した。本研究では、インソールと皮膚の相互作用を反映していない可能性のある整形外科用インソールの矯正機能をシミュレートするために、in vivo実験に基づく舟状骨の変位を変位負荷として使用した。また、文献にあるような線形定式化された足組織の材料特性は、個々の特性を弱くしている。しかし、材料の硬さやインソールの形状をパラメータ化した研究として、この単純化は整形外科用インソールの設計を普遍的に支持するものとなるはずである。
In general, insole material and support design are positively affecting the correction of orthopedic insole, but negatively resulting in unreasonable stress on the stress in the joint and ligaments. There should be an integration of improving correction and reducing stress in foot tissues.