
「Web3とAIが未来を変える:誕生の背景と目的」"How Web3 and AI Will Transform the Future: The Story Behind Their Origins and Purpose"



こんにちは、Tommy Yoshidaです。このシリーズを通じて、私は皆さんと一緒にWeb3とAIがもたらす未来を探索していきたいと思っています。このテーマに取り組む理由は、単なる技術の進歩としてではなく、私たちの日常生活や仕事の在り方、さらには社会そのものに大きな影響を与えるからです。






Web3の背景と目的 Web3とは、インターネットの新しい形態を指します。従来のインターネット(Web2)は、ユーザーがデータを中央のサーバーにアップロードし、そのサーバーを介して他のユーザーと接続するモデルです。これに対して、Web3はブロックチェーン技術に基づき、ユーザーが自身のデータを管理し、中央集権的なサービスに依存せずに取引や情報のやり取りを行うことができる分散型のネットワークです。


AIの背景と目的 次に、AI(人工知能)についてです。AIの開発は、データ処理の能力が飛躍的に向上したことによって進化してきました。AIの根本的な目的は、人間の知的な作業を自動化し、効率を上げることです。初期のAIは単純なルールベースのシステムに過ぎませんでしたが、近年のディープラーニング技術の進展により、AIは大量のデータから学習し、より複雑な意思決定やパターン認識を行えるようになりました。




👉 https://amzn.to/4eYwIf3



Part 1: The Background and Purpose of Web3 and AI

The Reason and Purpose Behind Starting This Series

Hello, I’m Tommy Yoshida. Through this series, I want to explore the future that Web3 and AI bring together with all of you. The reason I’m tackling this theme is not just because these are advancing technologies, but because they deeply impact our everyday lives, work styles, and even society as a whole.

Many people are becoming interested in AI and Web3, but a deep understanding of how these technologies came about and the purposes they aim to serve is still limited. Therefore, in this series, my goal is not only to explain the technical aspects but to delve into the underlying history and ideas, offering a more essential understanding.

Another reason I decided to start this series is the accelerating impact these technologies are having on our society and economy. Web3 is promoting a shift away from centralized systems, while AI is pushing data analysis and decision-making into new realms. However, discussions about these technologies tend to remain within limited expert circles, often making it difficult for the general public to grasp.

As I continue my research in this field, I’ve come to realize how crucial it is to share the core of these technologies in a way that everyone can understand. That’s why, through this series, we’ll explore everything from the basics to the applications and challenges of Web3 and AI, answering questions and thinking together about how we can shape the future society with these tools.

Main Topic: The Background and Purpose of Web3 and AI

Let’s first take a look at the background of Web3 and AI.

The Background and Purpose of Web3 Web3 represents a new form of the internet. The conventional internet (Web2) is based on a model where users upload their data to centralized servers, which then connect them with others. In contrast, Web3 is a decentralized network based on blockchain technology, allowing users to control their own data and engage in transactions and information exchange without relying on centralized services.

The background behind Web3's emergence stems from dissatisfaction with the centralized control of data in Web2. Large corporations have been managing user data, and while users have been receiving services in exchange, concerns over privacy and data ownership have been growing. In response, Web3 emerged as a solution, offering a new form of the internet where users can own and freely trade their data.

The Background and Purpose of AI Next is AI (artificial intelligence). AI has evolved alongside the dramatic advancements in data processing capabilities. The fundamental purpose of AI is to automate human intellectual tasks and enhance efficiency. Early AI systems were rule-based, but with the advent of deep learning, AI has become capable of learning from vast amounts of data and performing complex decision-making and pattern recognition.

The development of AI is driven not only by technological advancements but also by a growing societal need for efficiency. From industrial automation to diagnostic support in healthcare and risk management in finance, AI’s applications are expanding, and it is having a significant impact on our lives.

Thus, while Web3 and AI were born to address different challenges, both are crucial technologies that will undoubtedly shape our future.

Furthermore, an advanced version of this article, with in-depth content, will be available as a Kindle book in just a few hours. For those who are interested, please make sure to check it out. In the Kindle book, we delve deeper into the topics discussed in this article, providing more detailed analysis and advanced insights.

👉 https://amzn.to/4eYwIf3

Next Episode: The Current State and Challenges of These Technologies

In the next installment, we will dive into how these technologies are currently being used and the challenges they still face. By understanding the real-world issues of Web3 and AI, we’ll gain deeper insight into how these technologies will affect society.

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