
「AI技術と日本の文化: 思いやりと調和を育む未来」 "AI Technology and Japanese Culture: Fostering a Future of Thoughtfulness and Harmony"












I have been researching Japan's first religion, "Shinto," based on classical Japanese literature such as "Kojiki," "Nihon Shoki," and "Manyoshu" to understand the fundamental thinking of the Japanese people. Through this research, I have been deeply exploring how the values that Japanese people cherish, such as "thoughtfulness" and "harmony," have been formed and how they have influenced society as a whole.

Overview of "Kojiki," "Nihon Shoki," "Manyoshu," and "Shinto":
"Kojiki" is Japan's oldest historical record, depicting the origins of the gods, the creation of heaven and earth, the formation of the Japanese archipelago, and the origins of the imperial family. "Nihon Shoki," written in classical Chinese, served as an official history for foreign audiences. "Manyoshu" is the oldest anthology of Japanese poetry, containing poems from various social classes, from emperors to commoners, reflecting Japanese emotions, views on nature, and societal norms. "Shinto" is Japan's indigenous religion, fundamentally based on nature worship and emphasizing living in harmony with nature.

The Need to Integrate Unique Japanese Values into AI Development:
AI technology should not merely be a tool for efficiency but should function as a means to pursue the well-being and harmony of society as a whole. By incorporating Japanese values like "thoughtfulness" and "harmony" into AI development, the technology can evolve from a human-centered perspective, improving dignity and quality of life, especially in fields like healthcare, elder care, and support for people with disabilities. For example, in elder care, it is important to design AI not only to meet physical needs but also to provide mental care and emotional support.

The Dangers of Ignoring Japanese Values in AI Development:
On the other hand, if these values are not incorporated into AI, the technology risks becoming overly focused on efficiency and profitability, losing the human touch and empathy within society. For instance, if AI in the caregiving sector prioritizes efficiency over users' emotional needs, it might be perceived as cold, impersonal technology, leading to alienation and distrust in society.

Explanation for the General Public:
AI technology is not only a tool to make our daily lives more convenient but also a means to create a more humane society. For instance, in the medical field, AI should not only diagnose diseases but also consider the patient's feelings and state, providing compassionate care. This way, AI will not only represent technological advancement but also promote cooperation and empathy in our lives.

Moreover, AI can play an important role in fields such as elder care and support for people with disabilities. By understanding the needs of the elderly and people with disabilities and providing support tailored to their individual circumstances, AI can enhance their quality of life. In a society with a declining birthrate and aging population, AI is expected to not only compensate for labor shortages but also play a role in maintaining social harmony by providing care that fits individual needs.

Thus, AI technology should not be limited to a tool for efficiency but should play a crucial role in solving Japan's social challenges. For this, it is essential to integrate Japanese values like "thoughtfulness" and "harmony" into technological design, developing AI as a tool to build a human-centered society.

#AIと日本文化 #思いやりと調和 #人間中心のAI #AIandJapaneseCulture #ThoughtfulnessAndHarmony #HumanCenteredAI
