
「40代以上がスタートアップで活躍する時代へ:報酬と働き方の変化」      "A New Era: 40+ Professionals Thriving in Startups with Competitive Pay and Flexible Work"








私(Tommy Yoshida)の視点から見ると、このような動きは日本のスタートアップ市場の進化を示しています。これまで日本のスタートアップは、大企業と比較して報酬や待遇が劣るとされ、若い世代に限られていました。しかし、今ではキャリアを重ねた中高年層もスタートアップに注目しているのです。


  1. 柔軟な働き方の提供: 特にミドル・シニア層が転職を考える際、フレキシブルな働き方を重視する傾向があります。スタートアップがリモートワークやフレックス制度を導入すれば、幅広い人材を引きつけることができます。

  2. 経験とネットワークの活用: 中高年層は長年のキャリアを通じて築いてきた経験や人脈を持っています。スタートアップがこの資産を活かすことで、大企業や新規事業開発の際の競争力を高めることができます。

  3. ダイバーシティの促進: 若手と中高年層の融合は、異なる視点からのイノベーションを生む可能性があります。異なる世代や背景を持つ社員が協力することで、より多角的な問題解決やアイデアの創出が期待されます。


The image of startups being a place where only young people work tirelessly is starting to change. According to a survey released by Recruit on September 17, more people over the age of 40 are moving to startups.

As many Japanese companies offer early retirement and voluntary retirement programs, the fluidity of the labor market has become a frequent topic of discussion. Middle-aged workers, in particular, are beginning to explore new career paths as they approach the later stages of their careers.

Increase in Startup Compensation and Job Switches

Recruit’s career change support service, "Recruit Agent," shows that the number of people transitioning to startups has more than tripled between 2015 and 2023. At the same time, job listings for startups have increased nearly sevenfold during the same period, showing that while startups are seeking skilled talent, the number of job seekers hasn't kept pace.

Middle-aged and older people changing jobs to start-ups

Takahiro Shindo, a startup consultant at Recruit, points out that the common image of startups differs from reality. Startups used to be seen as offering low pay and tough work environments, but now more companies are offering compensation on par with large corporations. Additionally, many startups are implementing flexible work styles to attract and retain top talent.

Insights into Japan's Startup Market

From the perspective of Tommy Yoshida, this trend reflects the evolution of Japan's startup market. Historically, Japanese startups were seen as inferior to large companies in terms of pay and benefits, limiting their appeal to younger generations. However, now even experienced mid-career professionals are taking an interest in startups.

For Japanese entrepreneurs and companies to capitalize on this trend, they can consider the following approaches:

  1. Offering Flexible Work Options: Middle-aged professionals, in particular, tend to prioritize flexibility when considering a career change. Startups that offer remote work or flexible hours can attract a broader range of talent.

  2. Leveraging Experience and Networks: Mid-career professionals bring a wealth of experience and connections built over years in the workforce. Startups can harness these assets to increase their competitiveness, especially in new business development or competing with large corporations.

  3. Promoting Diversity: The combination of young and experienced professionals can spark innovation from different perspectives. When employees from diverse backgrounds and generations collaborate, it can lead to more well-rounded solutions and creative ideas.

By adopting these approaches, Japanese startups can attract a wider range of talent and enhance their competitiveness.

#スタートアップ転職 #ミドルシニアキャリア #働き方改革
#StartupCareers #MidCareerShift #FlexibleWork
