
「香川未来創造DAOハウス:香西」プロジェクトに参加しませんか?"Would you like to join the Kagawa Future Creation DAO House: Kozai Project?"

1. プロジェクト概要

プロジェクト名: 香川未来創造DAOハウス:香西
所在地: 香川県高松市香西
目的: 地域活性化とWeb3・AIなどの先端技術の推進を目的に、宿泊施設兼学びの場を提供。地域文化と最新技術を融合させた新たな観光・学習体験を実現する。
対象: 四国遍路の巡礼者、スピリチュアル観光客、Web3やAIに関心を持つ技術者、スタートアップ関係者。

2. 施設詳細

建築面積: 約250㎡
工法: プレハブ工法を採用し、低コストかつ効率的な設計​(プレハブ工法での建築費)。

  • 畳敷きのドミトリースタイルの宿泊部屋

  • 共有シャワールーム・トイレ

  • 共有リビング・イベントスペース

  • 宿泊料金: 1泊3000円~5000円

  • ターゲット: 四国88か所巡礼者、Web3・AI関連イベント参加者、スピリチュアル観光客


3. 市場分析


  • 国内外の巡礼者、歴史・スピリチュアルに関心のある観光客

  • Web3やAI技術者、スタートアップ関係者

  • 地元住民や香川県内外の文化愛好家


  • 地元には類似の観光施設やテクノロジーに特化した学習施設が少なく、独自のコンセプトを強みとする。

  • Web3やAI関連のイベントの需要増加と、四国遍路の観光需要を見込む。

4. 収入モデル

1. 宿泊収入

  • 料金: 1泊3000円~5000円

  • 月間稼働率: 50%(初年度)、60~70%(2年目以降)

  • 予測収入:

    • 初年度: 3000円×250泊(50%稼働率)=750,000円/月

    • 2年目以降: 3500円×400泊(60%稼働率)=1,400,000円/月

2. イベント収入

1. Web3・AI茶話会(月1回開催)

  • 参加費: 5000円/人

  • 収容人数: 最大20名

  • 年間収入: 5000円×20名×12回=1,200,000円/年

2. スピリチュアルトークイベント(年4回開催)

  • 参加費: 10000円/人

  • 収容人数: 最大50名

  • 年間収入: 10000円×50名×4回=2,000,000円/年

3. 地元神社・寺院との文化イベント(年6回開催)

  • 参加費: 3000円/人

  • 収容人数: 最大30名

  • 年間収入: 3000円×30名×6回=540,000円/年

4. スペース貸し出し(随時利用可能)

  • 料金: 20000円~50000円/日

  • 利用予測: 年間10日間貸し出し(中規模企業ワークショップ利用想定)

  • 年間収入: 平均35000円×10日=350,000円/年

5. ワークショップ・ハッカソンイベント(年2回開催)

  • 参加費: 5000円/人

  • 収容人数: 最大30名

  • 年間収入: 5000円×30名×2回=300,000円/年

5. 総収入予測

  • 宿泊収入(初年度): 約9,000,000円

  • イベント収入: 約4,390,000円

  • 合計: 約13,390,000円/年

6. 建設コストと設備費


  • 建築単価: 1㎡あたり10万円~15万円​(プレハブ工法での建築費)

  • 建築面積: 250㎡

  • 最低コスト: 2,500万円(10万円/㎡)

  • 標準コスト: 3,750万円(15万円/㎡)


  • シャワールーム、トイレ、イベントスペースの設備: 300万円~500万円​(プレハブ工法での建築費)

  • 総額概算:

    • 最低コスト: 約2,800万円~3,000万円

    • 標準コスト: 約4,000万円前後

7. 資金調達計画

総予算: 約3,000万円~4,000万円

  • 銀行融資: 5年~10年返済プラン

  • 地域活性化ファンド、クラウドファンディング

  • 地方自治体の補助金・助成金申請

8. リスク管理


  • 宿泊稼働率が予想より低下した場合、イベント収入やスペース貸し出しで収益を補完。

  • Web3やAI関連の需要減少時には、スピリチュアルや文化イベントの比重を高める。


  • 地元寺院や神社との協力関係を強化し、地域との連携を深める。

  • イベント内容やゲストを多様化し、幅広い層へのアプローチを強化。

9. マーケティング戦略


  • WebサイトやSNSを活用し、特にWeb3・AI関連のコミュニティへアプローチ。

  • 地元観光協会と連携し、四国遍路やスピリチュアル観光客向けにプロモーションを展開。


  • トークイベントやセミナーの開催スケジュールを積極的に発信。

  • ターゲット層向けの定期的なメルマガや招待メールの送信。


1. プロジェクトマネージャー (1名)

  • 役割:

  • 必要な知識:

2. Web3・AIテクノロジーアドバイザー (1~2名)

  • 役割:

  • 必要な知識:

3. スピリチュアルイベントコーディネーター (1名)

  • 役割:

  • 必要な知識:

4. マーケティングおよび広報担当 (1~2名)

  • 役割:

  • 必要な知識:

5. 施設管理者 (1名)

  • 役割:

  • 必要な知識:

6. イベント企画・運営担当 (2名)

  • 役割:

  • 必要な知識:

7. 財務・会計担当 (1名)

  • 役割:

  • 必要な知識:

8. 技術サポートスタッフ (1名)

  • 役割:

  • 必要な知識:

総人数: 9~11名

  • プロジェクトマネージャー: 1名

  • Web3・AIテクノロジーアドバイザー: 1~2名

  • スピリチュアルイベントコーディネーター: 1名

  • マーケティングおよび広報担当: 1~2名

  • 施設管理者: 1名

  • イベント企画・運営担当: 2名

  • 財務・会計担当: 1名

  • 技術サポートスタッフ: 1名



👉  kagawanft@gmail.com



Project Overview

Project Name: Kagawa Future Creation DAO House: Kozai
Location: Kozai, Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture
Objective: To promote regional revitalization and the advancement of cutting-edge technologies such as Web3 and AI by providing a space that functions as both a lodging facility and a learning environment. This project aims to offer a new tourism and educational experience that merges local culture with the latest technology.
Target Audience: Pilgrims of the Shikoku pilgrimage, spiritual tourists, Web3 and AI enthusiasts, and startup professionals.

2. Facility Details

Building Area: Approximately 250 square meters

Construction Method: Prefabricated construction, which is cost-effective and efficient (based on the prefab construction cost estimate).

Lodging Facilities:

  • Tatami-style dormitory rooms

  • Shared shower rooms and toilets

  • Shared living room and event space
    Lodging Fees: 3,000–5,000 yen per night
    Target Audience: Pilgrims of the Shikoku pilgrimage, Web3 & AI event participants, spiritual tourists

Kagawa Future Creation DAO House: Kozai
Kagawa Future Creation DAO House: Kozai

3. Market Analysis

Target Market:

  • Domestic and international pilgrims, tourists interested in history and spirituality

  • Web3 and AI technology professionals, startup enthusiasts

  • Local residents and cultural enthusiasts from Kagawa Prefecture and beyond

Competitive Analysis:

  • Few similar tourism or tech-focused learning facilities in the area, making the unique concept a strong competitive advantage.

  • Growing demand for Web3 and AI-related events, as well as tourism around the Shikoku pilgrimage.

4. Revenue Model

1. Lodging Revenue

  • Price: 3,000–5,000 yen per night

  • Monthly Occupancy Rate: 50% (first year), 60–70% (second year and beyond)

  • Estimated Revenue:

    • First year: 3,000 yen × 250 nights (50% occupancy) = 750,000 yen per month

    • Second year and beyond: 3,500 yen × 400 nights (60% occupancy) = 1,400,000 yen per month

2. Event Revenue

1. Web3 & AI Tea Talks (held monthly)

  • Participation Fee: 5,000 yen per person

  • Capacity: Up to 20 people

  • Annual Revenue: 5,000 yen × 20 people × 12 sessions = 1,200,000 yen per year

2. Spiritual Talk Events (held four times a year)

  • Participation Fee: 10,000 yen per person

  • Capacity: Up to 50 people

  • Annual Revenue: 10,000 yen × 50 people × 4 sessions = 2,000,000 yen per year

3. Cultural Events with Local Shrines and Temples (held six times a year)

  • Participation Fee: 3,000 yen per person

  • Capacity: Up to 30 people

  • Annual Revenue: 3,000 yen × 30 people × 6 sessions = 540,000 yen per year

4. Space Rental (available as needed)

  • Rental Fee: 20,000–50,000 yen per day

  • Expected Use: 10 days a year (medium-sized corporate workshops expected)

  • Annual Revenue: Average 35,000 yen × 10 days = 350,000 yen per year

5. Workshops and Hackathons (held twice a year)

  • Participation Fee: 5,000 yen per person

  • Capacity: Up to 30 people

  • Annual Revenue: 5,000 yen × 30 people × 2 sessions = 300,000 yen per year

5. Total Estimated Revenue

  • Lodging Revenue (First Year): Approximately 9,000,000 yen

  • Event Revenue: Approximately 4,390,000 yen

  • Total: Approximately 13,390,000 yen per year

6. Construction and Equipment Costs

Prefabricated Construction Cost:

  • Unit Cost: 100,000–150,000 yen per square meter (based on prefab construction cost estimates)

  • Building Area: 250 square meters

  • Minimum Cost: 25,000,000 yen (100,000 yen/sq m)

  • Standard Cost: 37,500,000 yen (150,000 yen/sq m)

Equipment Cost:

  • Shower rooms, toilets, event space equipment: 3,000,000–5,000,000 yen (based on prefab construction cost estimates)

  • Total Estimated Cost:

    • Minimum Cost: 28,000,000–30,000,000 yen

    • Standard Cost: Approximately 40,000,000 yen

7. Funding Plan

Total Budget: Approximately 30,000,000–40,000,000 yen
Funding Sources:

  • Bank loans: 5 to 10-year repayment plan

  • Regional revitalization funds, crowdfunding

  • Local government grants and subsidies

8. Risk Management

Revenue Risks:

  • If the lodging occupancy rate falls below expectations, event revenue and space rentals will be used to supplement income.

  • If demand for Web3 and AI-related activities decreases, a greater emphasis will be placed on spiritual and cultural events.

Operational Risks:

  • Strengthening collaboration with local shrines and temples to deepen ties with the community.

  • Diversifying event content and guests to appeal to a wider audience.

9. Marketing Strategy

Approaching Target Audiences:

  • Utilize websites and social media to promote, especially to Web3 and AI communities.

  • Collaborate with local tourism boards to market to Shikoku pilgrims and spiritual tourists.

Promotional Activities:

  • Actively announce the event and seminar schedule.

  • Regular newsletters and invitation emails for target audiences.

Essential Team Members and Their Roles

This project requires a team of specialists in various fields for success. Below is a list of the key roles and the number of people required for each.

1. Project Manager (1 person)
Role: Oversee the entire project, manage finances, scheduling, and coordination with stakeholders. Ideally experienced in Web3, AI, and regional revitalization projects.
Skills Needed: Project management, fundraising (crowdfunding, grants), Web3/AI basics, regional communication skills

2. Web3 & AI Technology Advisor (1–2 people)
Role: Plan and implement Web3/AI events, provide technical support, and develop content for participants interested in Web3 and AI.
Skills Needed: Web3 technology (blockchain, DAO management), AI (machine learning, data analysis), startup and tech industry knowledge

3. Spiritual Event Coordinator (1 person)
Role: Plan and manage spiritual events. Knowledge of Japanese spiritual culture and nature-based faiths is essential to provide meaningful content to participants.
Skills Needed: Knowledge of Shinto, Buddhism, meditation, event planning/management experience

4. Marketing and Public Relations Manager (1–2 people)
Role: Promote the project and events through SNS and websites, targeting Web3 communities and tourists. Work with local tourism boards for regional promotion.
Skills Needed: Digital marketing, SNS strategy, tourism marketing, Web3/AI community engagement

5. Facility Manager (1 person)
Role: Operate and manage the lodging facilities, handle reservations, and assist guests. Ensure the facility is maintained and provides a comfortable environment.
Skills Needed: Hotel/lodging management, facility management, customer service experience

6. Event Planning & Operations Staff (2 people)
Role: Plan and operate Web3/AI tea talks, spiritual talk events, cultural events with local shrines, hackathons, and workshops. Schedule and prepare for various events.
Skills Needed: Event planning, logistics management, customer experience design skills

7. Finance & Accounting Manager (1 person)
Role: Manage finances, budget planning, tax filing, and financial operations for the project.
Skills Needed: Financial management, accounting knowledge (especially for NPOs and small businesses), knowledge of cash flow and tax procedures

8. Technical Support Staff (1 person)
Role: Manage event space equipment and handle technical issues related to Web3/AI technology. Provide technical support during events.
Skills Needed: Audio/visual equipment operation, IT support, ability to solve technical issues

Total Number of Team Members: 9–11 people

  • Project Manager: 1 person

  • Web3 & AI Technology Advisor: 1–2 people

  • Spiritual Event Coordinator: 1 person

  • Marketing and Public Relations Manager: 1–2 people

  • Facility Manager: 1 person

  • Event Planning & Operations Staff: 2 people

  • Finance & Accounting Manager: 1 person

  • Technical Support Staff: 1 person

If you are interested in participating in this project, learning more, or finding out how you can contribute, please contact us at the following email address:

👉 kagawanft@gmail.com

This project is a major step toward shaping the future of the region. We need your help!

If you want to join, please get in touch today!

#地域活性化 #Web3プロジェクト #スピリチュアルイベント
#CommunityRevitalization #Web3Project #SpiritualEvents
