
「日本の生成AIが注目されない理由:技術進化と新モデルの台頭」:”Why Japan's Generative AI Isn't in the Spotlight: Technological Advancements and the Rise of New Models”


1. 新しいAIモデルの登場


2. 専門特化型AIの台頭


3. エッジAIとオンデバイスAIの進化


4. 計算資源の最適化とエネルギー効率


5. 研究コミュニティと産業界の連携


6. ユーザーの多様化とニーズの変化




In 2020, Professor Yutaka Matsuo of the University of Tokyo pioneered Japan's first generative AI. However, its attention has waned due to rapid advancements in AI technology and the emergence of new models. Several key factors contribute to this trend:

1. Emergence of New AI Models

Recent years have seen the rise of AI models beyond large language models (LLMs). Technologies like Google’s Pathways and DeepMind’s AlphaFold offer high accuracy in specific tasks, reducing the reliance on LLMs and providing innovative approaches to AI applications.

2. Rise of Specialized AI

Generative AI’s broad applications are being overshadowed by AI models tailored for specific purposes. For instance, medical AI for disease diagnosis and financial AI for trading predictions are gaining prominence. These specialized models attract more attention as they meet precise needs.

3. Advances in Edge AI and On-Device AI

Edge AI and on-device AI allow real-time processing on devices, reducing latency and enhancing privacy. These technologies are increasingly used in smartphones and IoT devices, offering advantages over cloud-dependent generative AI in terms of responsiveness and security.

4. Optimization of Computational Resources and Energy Efficiency

New AI models prioritize computational efficiency and energy savings. Generative AI requires extensive computational resources, posing significant energy challenges. In contrast, recent models achieve similar performance with fewer resources, favoring energy-efficient solutions.

5. Collaboration Between Research and Industry

New AI models benefit from close collaboration between research communities and industry, facilitating rapid commercialization. Professor Matsuo’s generative AI, primarily an academic endeavor, faces delays in commercialization, limiting its industrial adoption and visibility.

6. Diversification of User Needs

User needs have diversified, with a growing demand for enterprise solutions and customizable AI models. Businesses seek specialized AI tailored to their specific requirements, preferring customizable solutions over generic generative AI. Consequently, newer models tailored to specific applications gain more traction.


Japan's first generative AI's lack of attention stems from the evolution of AI technology and the advent of new models. Specialized AI, edge AI, and computational efficiency have led to a relative decline in demand for traditional generative AI. Moving forward, integrating these technological trends into research and development will be crucial for gaining renewed attention. Professor Matsuo’s generative AI has the potential to regain focus by evolving in tandem with these new technologies.

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