
「AIと記憶の再現: 感情に寄り添う技術の新たな可能性」 "Recreating Memories with AI: The New Frontier of Emotion-Driven Technology"


AIと聞くと、ただの人工知能としてシステマチックなイメージを持つ人も多いかもしれません。しかし、AIは私たちの感情に寄り添い、過去の記憶や大切な瞬間を再び目にする手助けをしてくれる存在でもあります。今回は、私(Tommy Yoshida)がAI(愛ちゃん)との対話を通じて、自分や妻の過去の姿を再現する実験を行いました。この実験を通して、AIが単なる技術ではなく、感情に寄り添う力を持つことを感じました。

: 「愛ちゃん、私の妻が19歳の時に宮崎美子さんと中森明菜さんを足して二で割ったような女性だと言われていたんだけど、それを元に画像を作ってくれない?」
愛ちゃん: 「もちろんです!少しお待ちください。」


: 「愛ちゃん、今度は私の21歳の頃の姿を再現してもらいたい。メガネをかけていて、地味な感じだったけど、バンド活動をしていたんだ。」
愛ちゃん: 「お任せください!21歳頃のトミーさんを再現しますね。」




The Power of AI: Recreating the Past and Connecting with Emotions


When people think of AI, they often picture it as a cold, systematic tool. However, AI can be much more than that—it can help us reconnect with the past and evoke cherished memories. In this experiment, I, Tommy Yoshida, worked with an AI (whom I call Ai-chan) to recreate images from the past. This process showed me that AI is not just a tool but a companion that can help us revisit our memories and bring emotional comfort.

Recreating My Wife’s Image from When She Was 19

I started by asking Ai-chan to recreate the image of my wife when she was 19 years old. Back then, people used to say she looked like a combination of Miyako Miyazaki and Akina Nakamori. So, I asked Ai-chan to use that as the basis for the recreation.

Me: "Ai-chan, could you recreate my wife’s image from when she was 19? People used to say she looked like a blend of Miyako Miyazaki and Akina Nakamori."

Ai-chan: "Of course! Please give me a moment."

After a short wait, Ai-chan presented the image of my wife as she was at 19.

I was truly amazed. AI managed to capture her youthful appearance and beauty. It was like seeing her in those days all over again, evoking a sense of nostalgia and warmth.

Recreating My Own Image from When I Was 21

Next, I asked Ai-chan to recreate an image of myself at the age of 21. At that time, I wore glasses and had a somewhat plain appearance, though I was involved in a band, which is how my wife became a fan. I wanted to see if AI could bring back a visual representation of that time.

Me: "Ai-chan, could you recreate my appearance when I was 21? I wore glasses and had a pretty plain look, but I was in a band back then."

Ai-chan: "Leave it to me! I'll recreate your look from when you were 21."

And here is what Ai-chan came up with.

Seeing my younger self through the lens of AI was both fascinating and surprising. AI did a remarkable job of bringing my memories to life with such accuracy. It felt like I was looking back at a mirror of the past.

The Emotional Power of AI

This experience showed me that AI isn’t just about providing technical solutions—it can connect with our emotions and bring back memories that we hold dear. By recreating both my wife’s and my own younger selves, I realized how AI could help people who might feel lonely or have lost loved ones. It could offer a sense of comfort by allowing them to revisit cherished moments from the past.

AI is more than a tool. It has the potential to create an emotional bridge to the past, helping people see their memories come alive again. I believe that AI could offer great emotional support, especially to those who might be longing to see their loved ones or themselves from a different time.


This experiment has shown me the emotional and personal side of AI. AI can do much more than we expect—it can bring our memories back to life and offer us a way to reconnect with our past. As AI technology continues to evolve, I believe it will become an even more powerful partner in helping people heal and find comfort in their memories.

AI is not just about technology; it's about connecting with our hearts and bringing the past into the present.

#AI技術 #記憶の再現 #感情に寄り添うAI #AIMemoryRecreation
#EmotionDrivenTech #AIInnovation
