
ドージコインとインターネットミームの影響:The Impact of Dogecoin and Internet Memes




インターネットミーム(Internet Meme)は、インターネット上で流行するジョークや文化的なアイデアのことを指します。これらは、画像、ビデオ、テキストなどの形式で表現され、ユーザーによって共有され、改変されながら広まっていきます。ドージコインも、こうしたインターネットミームの一部として誕生しました。


かぼすちゃんは、日本の主婦である佐藤敦子さんが飼っている柴犬です。かぼすちゃんの愛らしい表情とポーズは、2010年頃からインターネット上で広まり、「Doge」というミームとして知られるようになりました。このミームは、通常、かぼすちゃんの画像に「Wow」「Such [noun]」「Very [adjective]」などの簡単な英語フレーズが付け加えられた形で拡散されました。








ドージコインやビットコインなどの暗号通貨の多くは、日本と深い関わりがあります。ビットコインの創設者であるサトシ・ナカモト(Satoshi Nakamoto)は、日本の名前を持ちながら、その正体は未だに謎に包まれています。また、かぼすちゃんのように日本発のインターネットミームが世界的な影響力を持つことは、日本がデジタル文化において重要な役割を果たしていることを示しています。



What is Dogecoin?

Dogecoin is a cryptocurrency developed in 2013 by Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer. Originally started as a joke, it quickly gained immense popularity due to its unique origin and the power of its community. The symbol of Dogecoin is the internet meme "Doge," featuring an image of a Shiba Inu dog named Kabosu.

What is an Internet Meme?

An Internet meme refers to a joke or cultural idea that becomes popular on the internet. These are expressed in the form of images, videos, texts, and more, and are shared and modified by users as they spread. Dogecoin was born as part of such an internet meme culture.

Kabosu and the Doge Meme

Kabosu is a Shiba Inu owned by a Japanese housewife, Atsuko Sato. Kabosu's adorable expressions and poses began spreading on the internet around 2010, becoming known as the "Doge" meme. This meme typically features Kabosu's image with simple English phrases like "Wow," "Such [noun]," "Very [adjective]" superimposed on it.

The Relationship Between Dogecoin and Internet Memes

Dogecoin leveraged its playful origin and the popularity of the "Doge" meme to become a unique presence in the cryptocurrency market. While many cryptocurrencies emphasize technical innovation or practicality, Dogecoin attracted attention through the power of its community and humor. As a result, it became a cryptocurrency that even beginners could easily get into.

The Dogecoin Community

The strongest feature of Dogecoin is its powerful community. Through online forums and social media, users share information and help each other. There are also many charitable activities and projects using Dogecoin, demonstrating the high level of unity within the community.

News About Kabosu and Its Impact

Recently, there was sad news about Kabosu. The elderly dog is not in good health, causing concern among fans worldwide. While this news may not directly impact Dogecoin's price or the cryptocurrency market, it served as a reminder of Kabosu's symbolic status in the Dogecoin community.

Japan's Relationship with the Crypto World

Many cryptocurrencies, including Dogecoin and Bitcoin, have deep connections with Japan. The creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, has a Japanese name, though their true identity remains a mystery. Additionally, the global influence of internet memes like Kabosu shows that Japan plays a significant role in digital culture.


Dogecoin is a unique cryptocurrency born from an internet meme, and its success is driven by community power and humor. The "Doge" meme, originating from an image of the Shiba Inu Kabosu, spread as the symbol of Dogecoin, making it a distinctive presence in the cryptocurrency market. The impact of memes originating in Japan is significant, and it is expected that such cultural phenomena will continue to bring new dynamics to the cryptocurrency market in the future.

#ドージコイン #インターネットミーム #暗号通貨
#Dogecoin #InternetMeme #Cryptocurrency
