
AI指示の達人になるためのコマンドプロンプトの重要性:astering the Art of Command Prompts for Effective AI Instructions



  1. 具体性: 何をしてほしいのかを具体的に記述することが重要です。例えば、「商品の説明文を生成して」という指示よりも、「30文字以内で、商品Xの魅力を簡潔に説明して」という指示の方が、AIはより正確な結果を提供しやすくなります。

  2. 条件設定: 特定の条件や制約を設けることで、AIの出力をコントロールすることができます。例えば、「カジュアルなトーンで」「技術用語を避けて」といった条件を追加することで、求めるスタイルのテキストを生成させることが可能です。

  3. 例示: 良い例を示すことで、AIに期待する出力の具体像を提供することができます。例えば、「以下のような文章を参考にして」と指示することで、AIはそのスタイルに近い結果を生成するようになります。


English: The Importance of Command Prompts When Instructing AI

To give effective instructions to AI, it is crucial to use clear and specific command prompts. Since AI operates based on the given instructions, vague commands can make it difficult to achieve the desired results. Especially for complex tasks or operations under specific conditions, the quality of the command prompt greatly impacts the outcomes.

For example, when requesting text generation using Natural Language Processing (NLP) AI, providing specific instructions can lead to more accurate and appropriate results. Here are some key points in designing command prompts:

  1. Specificity: Clearly describe what you want the AI to do. For instance, instead of saying "generate a product description," you could say "write a concise description of product X in 30 words or less." This helps the AI deliver more precise results.

  2. Condition Setting: Set specific conditions or constraints to control the AI's output. For example, adding conditions like "in a casual tone" or "avoid technical jargon" can guide the AI to produce text in the desired style.

  3. Examples: Providing good examples can give the AI a concrete idea of the expected output. For instance, instructing "use the following text as a reference" can help the AI generate results similar to the provided example.

Improving your understanding and skills in designing command prompts is essential for effectively utilizing AI. Even beginners can achieve higher-quality results by following these points.

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