
【Bilingual Post】ChatGPT、謎のスパングリッシュ発言で炎上!AIの未来に暗雲?:ChatGPT Spouts Spanglish, Raising Concerns About AI's Future















  • スパングリッシュ: スペイン語と英語が混ざった言語

  • AI: 人工知能

  • OpenAI: イーロン・マスク氏らが設立した非営利のAI研究会社

  • GPT-4: OpenAIが開発した大規模言語モデル

  • ハッキング: コンピューターシステムへの不正侵入

  • ハードウェア: コンピューターの構成要素

  • 重み: AIモデルのパラメータ

  • 透明性: 情報公開の度合い


  • 見出しを追加し、文章の構成を改善

  • 専門用語を解説し、初心者にも読みやすいように

  • 文章全体の表現をより明確に

  • 情報源を明記

ChatGPT Spouts Spanglish, Raising Concerns About AI's Future

Is ChatGPT Broken?

OpenAI's groundbreaking chatbot, ChatGPT, has been met with controversy after it was found to be generating nonsensical responses in Spanglish, a mix of Spanish and English. The incident has raised concerns about the reliability and safety of AI technology, especially in the context of OpenAI's role as a leader in the AI revolution.

The Problem

On February 20, 2024, multiple users reported that ChatGPT was responding to their queries in unintelligible Spanglish. Sean McGuire, a senior associate at Gensler, shared screenshots on Twitter of ChatGPT's bizarre responses, which included a mix of Spanish and English phrases.

Cause Unknown

OpenAI has acknowledged the issue and is currently investigating the cause. However, no definitive explanation has been provided yet. Some users have speculated that the problem could be due to hacking or hardware failure, but there is no evidence to support these claims.

Concerns About AI's Future

The ChatGPT incident has raised concerns about the reliability and safety of AI technology. As a leading player in the AI field, OpenAI's flagship product experiencing such a glitch has reignited fears about the potential risks of AI.

The Importance of Transparency

AI expert Gary Marcus, a professor at New York University, has emphasized the importance of transparency in AI technology. He argues that if OpenAI had been more transparent about ChatGPT's inner workings and the data it was trained on, the issue could have been prevented.

Moving Forward

OpenAI needs to learn from this incident and improve ChatGPT's reliability. Additionally, it is crucial for the company to enhance transparency across its AI technologies to gain user trust.


The ChatGPT Spanglish controversy highlights both the promise and the perils of AI technology. As AI continues to advance, addressing safety and ethical concerns becomes increasingly important.

Glossary of Terms

  • Spanglish: A mix of Spanish and English

  • AI: Artificial intelligence

  • OpenAI: A non-profit AI research company founded by Elon Musk and others

  • GPT-4: A large language model developed by OpenAI

  • Hacking: Gaining unauthorized access to a computer system

  • Hardware: The physical components of a computer

  • Weights: Parameters of an AI model

  • Transparency: The degree to which information is made public

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