
「年金不安を解消するWeb3とAIの活用法」"How Web3 and AI Can Alleviate Pension Anxiety"

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1. Web3技術を利用した副業の確立

  • NFT(非代替性トークン)の活用: 例えば、個人のスキルや経験をデジタルアート、音楽、デザインなどの形でNFTとして発行し、販売することができます。これにより、年齢に関係なく、収入を得ることが可能です。特に、製造業や手工芸品の経験を持つ高齢者にとっては、自分の作品をデジタル化し、NFTマーケットで販売することで、新たな収入源を確保できます。

  • DAO(分散型自律組織)への参加: 自分のスキルを活かして、分散型のプロジェクトに参加することも考えられます。Web3の技術を活用して、自身の専門知識や経験を提供することで、報酬を得ることが可能です。特に、製造業の経験を持つ人は、DAOに参加して製品開発や技術コンサルティングを行うことができます。

2. AI技術を利用した収入向上

  • AIを活用したパーソナライズドサービス: 高齢者が持つ豊富な知識や経験をAIによって分析し、適切な仕事や副業を提案するサービスを利用することで、効率的に収入を得ることができます。例えば、AIが高齢者の経験に基づいて最適な副業やスキルアップの方法を提案するプラットフォームを利用することが考えられます。

  • AIを利用したオンライン教育: 高齢者が持つ専門知識をオンラインコースとして提供し、それをAI技術で最適化することで、幅広い受講者に届けることができます。これにより、自分の知識を活かして収入を得ることが可能です。例えば、製造業の技術やノウハウをオンラインで教えることで、収入を増やすことができます。

3. Web3技術によるコミュニティ形成と支援

  • 分散型金融(DeFi)プラットフォームの活用: Web3の分散型金融技術を活用することで、年金に頼らずに資産運用を行うことが可能です。高齢者がDeFiプラットフォームで自分の資産を管理し、リスクを分散しながら資産を増やすことができます。

  • シニア向けWeb3コミュニティの構築: シニア世代がWeb3技術を学び、活用するためのコミュニティを構築することで、同じような悩みを持つ人々と情報共有し、サポートし合うことができます。これにより、孤立感を解消しながら、新たな収入源を模索することができます。

4. AIを利用したヘルスケアと生活サポート

  • AIによる生活費の最適化: AIを利用して光熱費や食費、医療費などの生活費を最適化するツールを提供することで、無駄な出費を抑え、生活の質を維持しつつ、経済的負担を軽減することができます。

  • 介護支援AIの導入: 高齢者が年齢とともに介護が必要になった場合、AIを活用した介護支援ツールを導入することで、介護費用を削減し、年金だけでも生活が成り立つようなサポートが可能です。



The Current State of Anxiety Among Japanese People Regarding Pensions

In modern Japan, many elderly individuals are anxious about their ability to sustain their lives solely on their pensions. For example, a man in his 70s who worked in the manufacturing industry has been receiving his employee pension since the age of 60, but the amount is approximately 145,000 yen per month. His monthly expenses include 60,000 yen for housing, 10,000 yen for utilities, 20,000 yen for life and health insurance, and 30,000 yen for food. In addition to these costs, he also needs to pay for his mobile phone and medical expenses. He states, "The current pension amount is not enough to live on. The rising cost of living and the depreciation of the yen are really taking a toll."

Similarly, an 80-year-old man who ran his own business and primarily contributed to the national pension system receives less than 50,000 yen per month. Although he saved systematically when he was younger and currently faces no major financial difficulties, he still asserts, "It’s impossible to survive on just a pension. Absolutely impossible!"

Many elderly people share this concern, expressing anxiety over the current pension amount. With increasing deductions for nursing care insurance and other expenses, pensions are shrinking, leading to sentiments such as, "I wish the pension amount were higher, but it's unlikely given the current system."

This anxiety is rooted in the concern that, as Japan's population ages and the birthrate declines, the pension system's financial resources will become increasingly strained. The government is considering extending the period for contributing to the national pension system from the current 40 years (from age 20 to 60) to 45 years, requiring contributions until age 65. If implemented, this change would increase the financial burden on employees and self-employed individuals who reach retirement age at 60, as they would need to continue paying into the pension system for an additional five years.

Younger generations also express concern, with some saying, "I’m worried that even though I’m paying into the pension system now, I might not receive anything when it’s my turn." Others are less engaged, noting, "I don’t really think about the pension system and don’t feel the burden; I’m just not that interested."

In this way, anxiety regarding pensions is widespread across generations in Japanese society, highlighting the urgent need for solutions to address the challenges facing the current system.

To address these pension-related issues, several strategies leveraging Web3 and AI technologies can be proposed:

1. Establishing Side Jobs Using Web3 Technology

  • Utilizing NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens): For example, individuals can create and sell digital art, music, designs, or other skills and experiences as NFTs. This allows people, regardless of age, to earn income. For elderly individuals with experience in manufacturing or handicrafts, digitizing and selling their work in the NFT market can provide a new source of income.

  • Participating in DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations): Leveraging Web3 technology, individuals can contribute their expertise to decentralized projects and earn rewards. Those with manufacturing experience can join DAOs to participate in product development or provide consulting services.

2. Enhancing Income Using AI Technology

  • AI-Powered Personalized Services: AI can analyze the wealth of knowledge and experience possessed by elderly individuals and recommend suitable jobs or side gigs. Platforms utilizing AI to suggest optimal side jobs or skill enhancement opportunities based on an individual’s experience can help efficiently increase income.

  • Online Education Using AI: Elderly individuals can share their expertise through online courses optimized by AI, reaching a broader audience. This allows them to monetize their knowledge. For instance, they can teach manufacturing techniques and increase their income.

3. Building Communities and Support Systems Using Web3 Technology

  • Leveraging DeFi (Decentralized Finance) Platforms: Web3’s decentralized finance technology allows elderly individuals to manage and grow their assets independently of the pension system, spreading risk and increasing wealth.

  • Creating Senior-Oriented Web3 Communities: Establishing communities where the senior generation can learn and utilize Web3 technology enables them to share information and support each other in finding new income sources, reducing the sense of isolation.

4. Healthcare and Life Support Using AI

  • Optimizing Living Expenses with AI: AI can provide tools to optimize living costs such as utilities, food, and medical expenses, helping to reduce unnecessary spending and maintain the quality of life while alleviating financial burdens.

  • Introducing AI for Care Support: As elderly individuals may require care as they age, AI-powered care support tools can reduce caregiving costs, making it possible to live on a pension alone.


By utilizing Web3 and AI technologies, various income sources and life support strategies can be provided to supplement the insufficiencies of elderly pensions. Particularly, the use of NFTs and DAOs as side jobs, AI-driven income enhancement, and asset management through DeFi are effective methods. These approaches can help ensure a stable future for elderly individuals.

#年金不安 #Web3 #AI活用 #PensionAnxiety #Web3 #AItechnology
