
「Web3、AI、DAOの未来:初心者でも分かる最新技術の動向」 "The Future of Web3, AI, and DAOs: A Beginner’s Guide to the Latest Tech Trends"


国内 (日本) - Web3とDAO関連:

SBIホールディングスのスタートアップ支援 最近、日本ではSBIホールディングスが大規模なスタートアップ支援を始めることが発表されました。この支援は、Web3やAI、そしてメタバースといった新しい技術を使っている企業を対象にしています。具体的には、150から200のスタートアップに対して、合計で663億円もの資金を提供する予定です。


このような支援があることで、日本のスタートアップが安心して新しい技術を試せる環境が整いつつあります。これから日本がWeb3やAIの分野で世界をリードしていく可能性が広がっています​ (MetaNews)​ (DailyCoin)。

海外 - AIとWeb3関連:

AIがDAOのガバナンスに貢献 海外では、AI(人工知能)を使って分散型自律組織(DAO)の運営を改善しようという動きが広がっています。分散型自律組織(DAO)とは、中央に管理者がいない組織で、みんなの意見や投票で運営が決まる仕組みです。


この技術のおかげで、DAOはさらに進化し、より多くの人々が参加しやすい組織になっていくでしょう。将来的には、AIとDAOの組み合わせが、これまでにない新しい形の組織運営を生み出す可能性があります​ (Crunchbase News)。



New technologies like Web3, AI, and DAOs are rapidly transforming how we live and conduct business. While these concepts might seem complex and technical at first glance, they are deeply connected to our everyday lives and society. In this article, I’ll break down some of the latest developments in these areas, making them accessible to beginners. By exploring news from both Japan and abroad, we’ll see how these technologies are shaping our future.

Domestic (Japan) - Web3 and DAO:

SBI Holdings’ Support for Startups Recently, SBI Holdings in Japan announced a significant initiative to support startups. This initiative focuses on companies utilizing cutting-edge technologies like Web3, AI, and the metaverse. Specifically, they plan to provide a total of 66.3 billion yen to support 150 to 200 startups.

The goal of this support is to help new Japanese companies become competitive on the global stage. The Japanese government is also backing this effort by reforming regulations and tax laws to further encourage the growth of startups. For example, there are ongoing tax reforms to simplify the treatment of cryptocurrency-related businesses.

This support provides a secure environment for Japanese startups to experiment with new technologies, potentially positioning Japan as a global leader in the Web3 and AI sectors​ (MetaNews)​ (DailyCoin).

International - AI and Web3:

AI’s Role in Enhancing DAO Governance Globally, there is a growing movement to improve the governance of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) using AI (artificial intelligence). DAOs are organizations that operate without a central authority, relying instead on collective decision-making through voting.

By integrating AI, the management of DAOs can become more efficient, with better data handling and decision-making processes. For example, a company called ILUMA offers AI tools that help DAO leaders and members easily find the information they need and support decision-making.

Thanks to this technology, DAOs are evolving to become more inclusive and easier for more people to participate in. In the future, the combination of AI and DAOs could create entirely new forms of organizational management​ (Crunchbase News).

Through these explanations, I hope that even beginners can better understand these complex topics like Web3, AI, and DAOs. Let’s continue to explore how these technologies will impact our lives and businesses in the future.

#Web3技術 #AIの未来 #DAO革命 #Web3Tech #FutureOfAI #DAORevolution
