
「私の活動を支援してください: フリー記事とマニュアル作成のために」"Support My Work: Free Articles and Manual Creation"






I will continue to make all my articles freely available, ensuring that anyone can access and use them. However, to support the creation of these manuals and further enhance the content I provide, I am introducing a system where readers can make voluntary contributions to support my activities.

Please note that contributions are entirely optional and not obligatory. If you find my work and articles helpful, I would be grateful if you could express your support through a donation. Any contributions will be used to further develop content and promote these technologies.

Given my age of 65, it is challenging to devote significant effort to activities outside of writing. Nevertheless, I am committed to using my knowledge and experience to continue providing valuable information to all of you. I would greatly appreciate your understanding and support.

Thank you for your continued support.

TOMMY YOSHIDA (Tsutomu Yoshida )




銀行名: 三井住友銀行
支店名: オリーブBLUE支店
口座種別: 普通 口座番号: 3048194
名義人: ヨシダ トム


仮想通貨(USDT)での寄付をご希望の場合は、以下のウォレットアドレスへ送金をお願いします。 ウォレットアドレス: 0xDa05D83fF0fb190Cc73BBd05D0BeFE92CC56A7F5
ネットワーク: Polygon (USDT on Polygon network)

【Donation Methods】

If you would like to support my activities, donations can be made through the following methods. Donations are entirely voluntary and not required. Any contributions will be used to further enhance content creation and promote the dissemination of technology.

Bank Transfer

Bank Name: Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
Branch Name: Olive BLUE Branch
Account Type: Regular
Account Number: 3048194
Account Holder: Tsutomu Yoshida

Metamask (USDT Only)

If you prefer to donate using cryptocurrency (USDT), please send your donation to the following wallet address:
Wallet Address: 0xDa05D83fF0fb190Cc73BBd05D0BeFE92CC56A7F5
Network: Polygon (USDT on the Polygon network)



#フリーコンテンツ #寄付のお願い #技術普及支援   #FreeContent #SupportMyWork #TechAdvocacy
