香川の事業展開を強化する「イノベーションスキルパスポート2024」について:About Strengthening Business Development in Kagawa: Innovation Skill Passport 2024
香川での事業展開・販路開拓を強化したい方のための講座付き新規ビジネスイベントの開催案内が来ますが、具体的に香川での事業展開・販路開拓を強化したい方のための講座付き新規ビジネスコンテスト「イノベーションスキルパスポート2024」 https://bit.ly/4682m6z について意見をまとめてみました。
① イベント内容の評価・修正案
② 講師・コーディネーターの経歴・足りない点・提案
篠原 啓祐 氏(しのはら・けいすけ):
Setouchi-i-Baseコーディネーターおよび株式会社Success arts Consultingの代表取締役として、ビジネスモデルに関する知識と経験を持っています。しかし、香川県の具体的な課題や地域振興に直接関わった経験が不明です。
晄 直紀 氏(ひかり・なおき):
山田 恵理子 氏(やまだ・えりこ):
名智 伸明 氏(なち・のぶあき):
伊藤 一幸 氏(いとう・かずゆき):
小西 真由 氏(こにし・まゆ):
篠原 啓祐 氏(しのはら・けいすけ):
三上 浩紀 氏(みかみ・ひろき):
About Strengthening Business Development in Kagawa: Innovation Skill Passport 2024
I have received a notice for a new business event with lectures aimed at strengthening business development and market expansion in Kagawa. Here are my thoughts on the "Innovation Skill Passport 2024" contest for those who want to strengthen their business development and market expansion in Kagawa.
① Evaluation and Proposal for Event Content
"Innovation Skill Passport 2024" is a highly valuable event for business operators and entrepreneurs aiming for business development and market expansion in Kagawa. Below, I present an evaluation of the current program and a proposal for modifications to make the program more effective.
Evaluation Points
Comprehensive Curriculum:
The program covers essential business skills such as marketing, business models, prototyping, and sales activities, enabling participants to acquire a wide range of knowledge.
Practical Learning:
The content of each lecture is practical, and activities like mock sales presentations and final presentations provide participants with real-world experience.
Expert Lecturers:
The program features lecturers with specialized knowledge, promising high-quality education.
Improvement Points and Proposals
Introduction of Follow-up Sessions:
Follow-up sessions after each lecture can help reinforce and apply what participants have learned. By sharing challenges and questions they face, participants can deepen their understanding with advice from lecturers and coordinators.
Implementation of Internships:
Offering opportunities for participants to engage in one-day internships at local companies during the program will allow them to practice the skills they have learned in real business settings and receive feedback from companies, thereby enhancing their practical skills.
Conducting Joint Lectures:
In addition to the current lecturers, inviting experts familiar with specific issues and regional development in Kagawa to conduct joint lectures can provide more concrete and practical knowledge.
② Evaluation of Lecturers and Coordinators, Identified Gaps, and Proposals
Evaluation of Lecturers
Mr. Keisuke Shinohara:
As a coordinator at Setouchi-i-Base and CEO of Success arts Consulting, Mr. Shinohara possesses knowledge and experience in business models. However, his direct involvement in specific challenges and regional development in Kagawa is unclear.
Mr. Naoki Hikari:
As the CEO of Sofun Setouchi, Mr. Hikari is expected to have knowledge and experience in prototyping. However, his concrete achievements in prototyping technology and related regional development projects are unclear.
Ms. Eriko Yamada:
As a web analytics master and senior SNS manager at AOGIRI.net, Ms. Yamada has knowledge of web analytics and SNS marketing. However, her specific experience and successful examples in BtoB sales are unclear.
Mr. Nobiaki Nachi:
As the CEO of Alumnus Inc., Mr. Nachi is expected to have experience in sales activities. However, specific success stories or experience in the Kagawa market are unclear.
Evaluation of Coordinators
Mr. Kazuyuki Ito:
As the chief coordinator of Setouchi-i-Base, Mr. Ito has extensive knowledge and experience in regional development.
Ms. Mayu Konishi:
As a coordinator at Setouchi-i-Base and CEO of Kakeru Komachi Inc., Ms. Konishi brings valuable experience in business management.
Mr. Keisuke Shinohara:
Already designated as a lecturer, Mr. Shinohara is also suitable as a coordinator.
Mr. Hiroki Mikami:
As a coordinator at Setouchi-i-Base and CEO of Catalyski, Mr. Mikami brings valuable business management experience.
#KagawaBusiness #RegionalDevelopment #Innovation2024 #香川ビジネス #地域振興 #イノベーション2024