
デジタルノマド官民推進協議会を設立しました Established Digital Nomad Public Private Council

*English follows Japanese


On October 16th 2024, the establishment of the Digital Nomad Public Private Council was announced at the Digital Nomad Symposium.  On the day, many mayors and local government representatives gathered for the symposium.  In addition, we received messages of support for the establishment of the council from Shunsuke Takei, former member of the House of Representatives, and Soichiro Imaeda, member of the House of Representatives. and from the mayors who were unable to attend on the day.

デジタルノマドシンポジウム 2024年10月16日 TiBにて
Digital Nomad Symposium, October 16, 2024, at TiB

※写真右より、中野智恵(日本デジタルノマド協会代表理事)、下道英明(洞爺湖町長)、田中敦(山梨大学教授)、片山健也(ニセコ町長)、西村賢(日向市長)、牧野裕貴(RULEMAKERS DAO)、平澤岳(山ノ内町長)、田鍋敏也(壮瞥町長)、西岡貴史(観光クロスオーバー協会)※敬称略

From right to left in the photo: Tomoe Nakano (Representative Director of the Japan Digital Nomad Association), Hideaki Shimomichi (Mayor of Toyako Town), Atsushi Tanaka (Professor at Yamanashi University), Kenya Katayama (Mayor of Niseko Town), Satoshi Nishimura (Mayor of Hyuga City), Yuki Makino (RULEMAKERS DAO), Gaku Hirasawa (Mayor of Yamanouchi Town), Toshiya Tanabe (Mayor of Sobetsu Town), Takashi Nishioka (Tourism Crossover Association) *Honorifics omitted

About Digital Nomad Symposium

About Digital Nomad Public Private Council


Digital nomads are people who work while traveling, like nomads (nomadic people), using IT technology and not being tied down by location.  Many of them are considered to be highly educated knowledge workers with high incomes.  The Japanese government has also begun to attract digital nomads, and on March 31st of this year, a Ministry of Justice ordinance was enacted to create a residency status for digital nomads.  The measures to accept digital nomads have only just begun, and in order to make the system more beneficial to the national interest and local economies in the future, it will be important to carry out actual recruitment activities, share know-how such as successful case studies, and share information on issues that have arisen in the recruitment process.  In addition, rather than each local government working independently, it is necessary for them to work together and collaborate in order to carry out attraction activities.  Therefore, in order to share information and promote wide-area collaboration, the Digital Nomad Public Private Council was established to meet the growing need for a council in which local governments and the private sector work together.

Founding supporters

小笠原春一(登別市長)、片山健也(ニセコ町長)、齊藤啓輔(余市町長)、下道英明(洞爺湖町長)、田中幹夫(南砺市長)、田鍋敏也(壮瞥町長)、西村賢 (日向市長)、迫俊哉 (小樽市長)、平澤岳 (山ノ内町長)、松井孝治 (京都市長)、丸山俊郎 (白馬村長)、村山卓 (金沢市長) (50音順 敬称略)

Haruichi Ogasawara (Mayor of Noboribetsu City), Kenya Katayama (Mayor of Niseko Town), Keisuke Saito (Mayor of Yoichi Town), Hideaki Shimomichi (Mayor of Toyako Town), Mikio Tanaka (Mayor of Nanto City), Toshiya Tanabe (Mayor of Sobetsu Town), Satoshi Nishimura (Mayor of Hyuga City), Toshiya Hazama (Mayor of Otaru City), Gaku Hirasawa (Mayor of Yamanouchi Town), Koji Matsui (Mayor of Kyoto City), Toshiro Maruyama (Mayor of Hakuba Village), Takashi Murayama (Mayor of Kanazawa City) (in Japanese alphabetical order, honorifics omitted)

田中敦(デジタルノマド&ワーケーションラボ Co-Founder)、中野智恵(一般社団法人日本デジタルノマド協会代表理事)、西岡貴史(一般社団法人観光クロスオーバー協会代表理事)、牧野裕貴(RULEMAKERS DAO) (50音順 敬称略)

Atsushi Tanaka (Digital Nomad & Workation Lab Co-Founder), Tomoe Nakano (Representative Director of the Japan Digital Nomad Association), Takashi Nishioka (Representative Director of the Tourism Crossover Association), Yuki Makino (RULEMAKERS DAO) (in Japanese alphabetical order, honorifics omitted)

Participating Local Governments

和歌山県、小樽市、金沢市、京都市、下関市、南砺市、登別市、日向市、宮崎市、壮瞥町、洞爺湖町、ニセコ町、山ノ内町、余市町、白馬村 (2024年12月3日現在)

Wakayama Prefecture, Otaru City, Kanazawa City, Kyoto City, Shimonoseki City, Nanto City, Noboribetsu City, Hyuga City, Miyazaki City, Sobetsu Town, Toyako Town, Niseko Town, Yamanouchi Town, Yoichi Town, Hakuba Village (as of December 3, 2024)

About the activities of the Digital Nomad Public Council


• デジタルノマドの誘致・受入に関する施策・事例・ノウハウ・課題等の情報の交換
• デジタルノマド誘致・受入のための自治体間連携の促進施策の実施
• デジタルノマド受入促進に関する政策の検討及び提言の実施
• 上記を目的とする会員間の情報交換会(隔月定例会)
• 会員向け各種イベントの実施

The activities of the Digital Nomad Public Private Council are as follows.

• Exchange of information on measures, case studies, know-how, issues, etc. related to attracting and accepting digital nomads
• Examination of policies and implementation of proposals related to the promotion of the acceptance of digital nomads
• Information exchange meetings (regular meetings every other month) between members for the above purposes
• Implementation of various events for members

About the Organization of the Digital Nomad Public Private Council

The organization of the Council is as follows.

1 協議会役員
1  Council Officers


田中敦(山梨大学教授 / デジタルノマド&ワーケーションラボ)

Satoshi Nishimura (Mayor of Hyuga City)

Hideaki Shimomichi (Mayor of Toyako Town)
Mikio Tanaka (Mayor of Nanto City)
Atsushi Tanaka (Professor at Yamanashi University / Digital Nomad & Workation Lab)

2 協議会幹事
2  Council Secretary

常岡武史(一般財団法人ロングステイ財団 顧問・上級研究員・財団フェロー / 一般社団法人地域観光資源開発推進機構代表理事)

Kenya Katayama (Mayor of Niseko Town)
Toshiro Maruyama (Mayor of Hakuba Village)
Ryo Osera (Executive Director of the Japan Digital Nomad Association)
Takeshi Tsuneoka (Advisor, Senior Researcher, and Fellow of the Long Stay Foundation/ Representative Director of the Organization for the Promotion of Regional Tourism Resources Development)
Takashi Nishioka (Representative Director of the Tourism Crossover Association)

3 協議会事務局
3  Council Secretariat

4  会員種別
4  Membership Category


Local government members
Partner members
Private members



For inquiries about the Digital Nomad Public Private Council, please contact the following.

デジタルノマド官民推進協議会 事務局
Digital Nomad Public Private Promotion Secretariat
