
物理学上の理論の相互関係の整理と妄想(Organizing and fantasizing about the interrelationships of physical theories)

I have organized the interrelationships of current physical theories in the diagram below.


Looking at the image above, I understand that the combination of gravity and spatial distortion is severe, and the situation cannot be called elegant. For example, during the formation of a black hole, a transition like the one shown below occurs.


Once a black hole is created, its mass and gravitational field should become unobservable from outside the Schwarthard radius. I believe that the observed gravity becomes a hologram, just like any other field. In Einstein's equations, gravity and the distortion of space are coupled, and we believe that this mechanism is difficult to explain. As a hypothesis, I thought of the diagram below.


I think we should consider Einstein's equations by dividing them into two parts: the gravitational field and the distortion of space. In the diagram above, we are imagining a mechanism in which the distortion of space is not caused by gravity, but from internal energy, which is the source of mass. Although we have not yet considered how to specifically develop Einstein's equations, we believe that we need to solidify our direction first. This hypothesis suggests that spatial distortions are influenced by all fields. The gravitational field provides purely the function of exchanging gravitons (transferring gravity).

I once again understood that Einstein's equations have not yet gone beyond the realm of phenomenology.

If the metric tensor controls only the spatial density, can it be treated independently of gravity?

