ヨーロッパ経済ニュースEUROPE NNAは2022年04月07日に、イギリス政府は2022年04月05日に、フラッキング(hydraulic fracturing/水圧破砕法)によるシェール(Shale/頁岩)ガス採掘を巡る最新の科学的助言を求め、BGS(British Geological Survey/イギリス地質調査所)に調査を依頼した。
In a letter to the BGS, Mr Kwarteng made it clear the review would be desk-based and not involve any drilling or seismic monitoring. The BGS was asked to investigate:
new developments in the science of hydraulic fracturing or new techniques that would reduce the risk and magnitude of seismic events
new techniques that would be suitable for use in fracturing in UK geology and high population density
how seismicity caused by fracturing compares with other forms of underground energy production, such as geothermal and coal mining, or surface activities such as construction
Whether safe thresholds for these activities remain the correct ones and that any differences are justified
how geological modelling has improved since the moratorium in November 2019 and whether ministers could be completely confident about modelling of seismic events
whether there are other sites, outside Lancashire, which might be at a lower risk of seismic activity
what level of confidence government would have in an assessment of seismic activity in these areas
石油・天然ガス規制機関のOGA(Oil and Gas Authority/石油・ガス局)は2019年の報告書で、フラッキングによる採掘で引き起こされる地震の頻度や規模を予測するのは不可能と結論付けた。これを受け政府は、今後も地震が発生する可能性は否定できないとして、「地面の揺れに関して信頼のおける予測と管理を実施しない限り、フラッキングに対する許可はこれ以上与えない」ことを決定した。