
Apple Payは、米国にのティーンエイジャーに人気の決済アプリ。

米国で、Apple Payはティーンエイジャーに人気の決済アプリであることが調査により判明。

ジェフ・ブッツ(Jeff Butts)はMacObserverで2022年04月06日に、ティーンエイジャーの若者は、テクノロジーやその他の分野での文化の方向性を示す良い指標となり得る。


Apple Payは、ティーンエイジャーの若者の間で決済アプリのトップにランクインしている。

iPhoneが好きなのは知っていたが、Apple Payも?



グループメッセージの「blue bubbles」を持っていないティーンエイジャーが仲間はずれにされたり、少なくとも嘲笑されたりするという報道は、それを明確に示している。

Do you know "blue bubbles"

しかし、最近の調査では、この層は競合のPayPal、Venmo、さらにはCashAppよりもApple Payを好むことも明らかになった。

Piper Sandler社は、米国のティーンエイジャーの若者7,100人を対象に、2022年02月16日から2022年03月22日の間に、調査会社の第43回半期報告書「Taking Stock With Teens」調査を実施した。


ティーンエイジャーの決済アプリとしては、回答者の87%がiPhoneを持っていることもあってか、Apple Payが1位となった。2位はPayPalのVenmo、3位はSquareのCashAppであった。PayPal自体は、Z世代では4位にランクインしている。

このランキングではっきりしないのは、ティーンエイジャーの若者たちがApple Payを小売店で使っているのか、それとも互いに送金し合っているのか、ということだ。Piper Sandlerは、リンゴとオレンジを比較していないことを期待します。





[Demographics & Spending:]

Our 43rd semi-annual Taking Stock With Teens survey was conducted between February 16 and March 22

*Regional responses were 45% in the South, 22% in the West, 21% in the Midwest and 12% in the Northeast

39% of teens hold a part-time job – up from 38% last fall and 33% in spring 2021

*Teen “self-reported” spending improved to $2,367 or +4% sequentially & 9% Y/Y; parent contribution was 60% vs 61% last fall

*Females lead increase in spending, with all female spend +9% Y/Y lead by clothing +15% and footwear +16%;

*Food returns to upper-income teens’ No. 1 wallet priority at 22% share, up from 21% in fall 2021 but down from 23% LY

*Teens allocate 7% of their shopping time to secondhand; 46% of teens have purchased & 56% have sold secondhand

*The core beauty wallet (cosmetics, skincare, fragrance) stood at $264/year, up 10% Y/Y and led by fragrance (+33% Y/Y)

*Skincare held the highest priority of spending in the beauty wallet at $107, followed by cosmetics at $94 and haircare at $90

*60% of females read ingredients in beauty products. 88% would pay more for “clean” and 58% would pay more for “science-backed”

*For payment apps, Apple Pay ranked first, partly due to 87% of teens in the survey saying they have an iPhone

*PYPL’s Venmo ranked No. 2 (with the PayPal app No. 4) behind Apple Pay among payment apps used in the last month while SQ’s Cash App ranked No. 3

*For buy now pay later (BNPL), teens said they used PayPal “Pay in 4” most frequently, followed by SQ’s Afterpay

*Cash is the most penetrated payment method, with 89% teens saying they used cash in the past month vs 83% LY

*While 26% of teens own a VR device, just 5% use it daily. 48% of teens are either unsure or not interested in the Metaverse

[Brand & Preference Rankings:]

*53% of teens cite Amazon as their No. 1 favorite e-com site (-300 bps Y/Y); Importantly, Amazon decreased from 47% share to 35% Y/Y among upper-income females

*Nike is the No. 1 apparel brand for teens & LULU gains 300 bps Y/Y; Nike is the No. 1 footwear brand—up 400 bps Y/Y

*Athletic brands mindshare accounted for 44% of teens' favorite apparel brand – the most ever in our survey by 300 bps

*Crocs increased from the No. 8 preferred footwear brand to No. 6 while Hey Dude is in the top 10 for two consecutive surveys

*Vans lost 400 bps of mindshare as a favorite footwear brand and 600 bps of share among upper-income teens

*e.l.f. rose to the No. 1 preferred makeup brand for all teens for the first time–-gaining 300 bps Y/Y and displacing Maybelline

*Ulta remained the No. 1 preferred beauty destination with 48% mindshare (46% LY) while Sephora remained at No. 2 and ceded 400 bps of share

*Olaplex was the No. 1 preferred haircare brand among females with 11% mindshare and 15% share among UI females

*Chick-Fil-A is No. 1 restaurant; Chipotle No. 3 gained 300 bps of share to 8% (vs. 5% LY); Starbucks remained No. 2 at 11% mindshare

*Teens' interest in plant-based meat is slipping; 43% consume or are willing to try it, down from 49% in spring 2021

*87% of teens own an iPhone and 87% expect an iPhone to be their next phone; 72% of teens already have AirPods

*Teens spend 30% of their daily video consumption on Netflix and YouTube (both 30%); HBO Max gained share

*TikTok is the favorite social media platform (33% share) surpassing Snapchat for the first time (31%); Instagram was again third (22%)

*Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was the most important political or social issue -- combining gas prices and inflation results in 14% mindshare, enough to displace the Russian/Ukraine situation
