

米国のNSF(National Science Foundation/全米科学財団/国立科学財団)は2021年11月04日に、クジラの摂食に関する研究は、大型海洋哺乳類の急激な減少がいかに海洋生態系を破壊したかを示していると報告した。

スタンフォード大学(Stanford University)、カリフォルニア大学サンタクルーズ校(UC Santa Cruz)、デューク大学(Duke University)の研究者が、西南極半島付近(Western Antarctic Peninsula)の表層海域でボートとドローンを使ってザトウクジラ(humpback whale)の調査を行っている。


南氷洋に生息するヒゲクジラ(baleen whales)は、1910年から1970年の間に推定150万頭が殺され、海の生態系が破壊された。ヒゲクジラは、皮下脂肪、肉、そして摂取した水から獲物をろ過するために使用されるヒゲの板(baleen)を目的として狩猟されていた。スタンフォード大学の研究者らが『Nature』誌に発表した新しい研究によると、南氷洋におけるヒゲクジラの減少は、驚くべきことに、大型海洋動物の主要な栄養源であるオキアミの減少にもつながっているという。




このような調査レポートは、昔の鯨オイル(Whales Oil)の協会に残っている。
The American whale oil industry: A look back to the future of the American petroleum industry?
Why was whaling so big in the 19th century?
The History of Whaling in America

1846, 735 ships and 70,000 people served the industry. ... By 1890, only 200 whaling vessels were at work, and by 1971, no American commercial whaling ship sailed the world's oceans.


論文の筆頭著者であるマシュー・サヴォカ(Matthew Savoca)は、「鯨の捕獲をやめてから50年が経過しましたが、それがどのような影響を与えたのか、いまだに分かっていません」と述べている。「私たちは、この情報を使って海洋生態系を回復させ、クジラを復活させる方法を検討しています。その結果、生物多様性の保全、漁業の生産性、炭素貯蔵など、あらゆる面でメリットがあることを期待しています。」と述べている。

科学者たちは、シロナガスクジラ(blue whales)、ナガスクジラ(fin whales)、ザトウクジラ(humpback whales)、ミンククジラ(minke whalesいずれもヒゲクジラ/baleen whales)データを分析し、ヒゲクジラはこれまで考えられていたよりも2〜3倍多くのものを食べていることを発見した。また、魚類を餌とするクジラは、推定値と同じかそれ以下の量しか食べていない可能性が高く、餌の密度と十分なエネルギーを得るために必要な餌の量には相関関係があることが示唆された。

論文の上級執筆者であるジェレミー・ゴールドボーゲン(Jeremy Goldbogen)は、「大型のヒゲクジラが大きくなるにつれて、食事をするための解剖学的機構も相対的に大きくなっています。」「食べるための機械として進化してきたのです。この不釣り合いなほど大きな飲み込みサイズによって、オキアミのような豊富な餌を利用できるようになったのです。」

本研究の一部を助成したNSFの生物学的基盤部門のプログラムディレクターであるダニエル・マレンダ(Daniel Marenda)は、「この研究は、好奇心に基づく質問に対する答えを探す基礎研究が、私たちを取り巻く世界について新たな知識をもたらすこと、そして人間の行動が私たちの環境やその機能に影響を与える可能性があることを示しています。また、次世代の科学者に投資することで、重要かつ素晴らしい結果が得られることを示しています.」と述べている。



Whaling on Nantucket takes root as settlers construct small fishing hamlets at Quidnet and Siasconset.

Ichabod Paddock, a Long Islander, is recruited by Nantucketers to help increase the efficiency of their shore whaling operations.

1700 Into Deep.jpg
Flensing Ashore, Courtesy: New Bedford Whaling Museum
Approximately 60 English settlers and 160 Native American Wampanoags are engaged in shore whaling on Nantucket.

John Richardson, a Quaker, visits Nantucket and proselytizes Mary Coffin Starbuck; as a prominent civic figure, Starbuck's conversion is crucial to Quaker ascendance there.

Whaling off the coast of Nantucket, Courtesy: Nantucket Historical Association
Nantucketer Christopher Hussey kills the island's first sperm whale, and deep-ocean whaling commences. For the next century and a half, Nantucketers will specialize in hunting sperm whales.

Tryworks -- brick oven furnaces used to render oil from whale blubber -- are first installed on ships, increasing profitability and extending length of whaling voyages.

Prominent Nantucket whaling merchant Joseph Rotch resettles to New Bedford, anticipating the city's future importance to the whaling industry.

A family on a roofwalk overlooking Nantucket Sound, Courtesy: Nantucket Historical Association
During the Revolutionary War, whaleships are targeted by the British Navy with nearly fatal consequences to the industry. Nantucket's fleet is reduced from 150 vessels to fewer than 30, and ports elsewhere in Massachusetts and on Long Island are likewise impacted. Many Nantucket merchants, who, prior to the war had strong commercial links to Britain, relocate their whaling operations abroad -- to London, Canada, and France.

Several whaling businesses, shaken by the destruction of the war, relocate their operations from Newport, Providence, and Nantucket to Hudson, NY, which is more than 100 miles from the open ocean.

Great Britain, anxious to subsidize its own whaling industry (and perhaps to rebuke its rebellious former subjects), imposes a duty on imports of whale oil. U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain John Adams famously argues to Prime Minister William Pitt that the duty "sacrifices the general interest of the nation [Great Britain] to the private interests of a few individuals." Adams' argument is rejected, and the duty upheld.

A British whaling vessel, the Amelia, becomes the first to sail around Cape Horn in pursuit of whales.

With the discovery of the whale-rich "onshore grounds" off the coast of South America, the Pacific Ocean is an increasingly popular destination for American whaling vessels.

Nantucket's fleet has recovered from the losses of the Revolutionary War, and at 116 vessels it is the largest in the young American republic.

War of 1812: As during the Revolution, American whaling vessels are preyed upon by the British Navy; several dozen are either seized or destroyed, and among American whaling ports only Nantucket continues to send out voyages.

Spring 1818
Just when the onshore grounds have become depleted of whales, the thickly-populated "offshore grounds" are found by the Nantucket whaleship Globe more than 1,000 miles from the South American coast.

October 1818
A court case in New York, Maurice v. Judd, is tried over whether the oil from whales qualifies as "fish oil" (which is taxed). At issue are evolving comprehensions of natural science and taxonomy.

A whale hunt, Courtesy: Nantucket Historical Association
After the War of 1812, the whaling industry enters its "Golden Age." Among the investors attracted to the industry is novelist James Fenimore Cooper, who, while visiting a relative in Sag Harbor, Long Island, invests in a whaling firm. (The investment ultimately returns a loss.)

The Nantucket whaleship Essex is stove by a sperm whale in the middle of the Pacific. Fearing cannibals in the nearby Marquesas Islands, the majority of the crew members crowd into three small whaling boats and head east on a 3,000 mile journey towards the coast of Peru. When two of the boats are recovered nearly three months later (the third boat is lost), the surviving crew members admit to sustaining themselves with the bodies of their shipmates.

A Nantucket schooner, Industry, departs for the Pacific with an all-black crew.

Filling sperm oil casks, Courtesy: New Bedford Whaling Museum
For the first time, New Bedford's whaling fleet exceeds that of Nantucket.

A 21-year-old Herman Melville signs aboard the whaler Acushnet out of Fairhaven. He will remain at sea for more than three years.

During a "gam" with the whaling vessel Lima in the South Pacific, Melville meets William Henry Chase, son of Owen Chase, who presents him with a copy of his father's narrative.

Life in Marquesas Islands, Courtesy: Corbis
In July, Melville deserts the Acushnet and spends several weeks ashore in the Marquesas Islands.

Already disadvantaged by a sandbar at the mouth of its harbor (which was prohibitive to the larger whaling vessels typical of the industry's Golden Age), Nantucket is ravaged by The Great Fire. The whaling industry there will never recover.

The toggle harpoon -- a weapon substantially more effective than its fluted predecessor -- is invented by Lewis Temple, an African-American blacksmith.

July 1848
Sag Harbor whaling captain Thomas Welcome Roys opens the arctic to American whalers via the Bering Straight. Arctic whaling will gain increasing importance after mid-century, as the industry shifts its focus from oil to baleen.

December 1848
New Bedford artists Caleb Purrington and Benjamin Russell debut their 1,295-foot moving panorama of "A Whaling Voyage Around the World," just as popular interest in the industry is peaking. Among the events depicted in the panorama is the ramming of the Essex and the mutiny aboard the whaleship Sharon of Fairhaven.

January 1849
The Nantucket whaleship Aurora sets sail for San Francisco. By December it will be abandoned in the harbor when the crew heads inland looking for gold.

October 15, 1850
An open letter submitted to the Honolulu Friend by a "Polar Whale" laments the "murdering in cold blood" of that whale's peers, and asks, "Must our race become extinct?"

Because of profits from whale oil and baleen, New Bedford is the wealthiest city per capita in the country.

1851 Into Deep.jpg
A whale destroys a boat, Courtesy: Mariner's Museum
August 1851
The whale ship Ann Alexander, cruising in the Pacific under Captain Deblois, becomes the second such vessel to be stove by a whale, 30 years after the Essex.

November 1851
Moby Dick is published in the United States and Britain. It is panned by literary critics.

Melville's notes about Captain Pollard, Courtesy: Houghton Library, Harvard
The "Golden Age" of American whaling reaches a soaring peak. In the industry's most profitable year, sales of whale products total $11 million.

It is reported in the Honolulu Friend that at least 42 wives have accompanied their husband-captains on whaling voyages to the Pacific. Since 1850, this practice has been becoming more common, with many wives establishing seasonal households on Hawaii -- by then an important stopping-over port for American whaling vessels between cruises in the Arctic.

Oil on a farm, Courtesy: New York Public Library
After more than a year of drilling, Edwin Drake finally discovers petroleum in Titusville, PA. Petroleum -- cheaper, more abundant, and more easily obtained than whale oil -- will soon displace whale oil in the illuminant market.

The Stone Fleet, assembled of 24 New Bedford whaling vessels purchased by the Union Navy, sails for Charleston, South Carolina, where it is sunk en masse to blockade the harbor from runners supporting Confederate interests.

The confederate raider CSS Shenandoah terrorizes New Bedford whaling vessels in the Pacific.

An early winter traps 32 whaling vessels -- a substantial proportion of the American fleet -- in the arctic ice. The crews, half of whom are native Hawaiians, are rescued, but all of the vessels are lost.

Another Arctic disaster claims a further 12 whaling vessels.

The Mary and Helen is launched as the first steam-powered whaling vessel in the United States.

As railroads increase the efficiency of coast-to-coast transportation, San Francisco passes New Bedford as the nation's foremost whaling port.

Herman Melville dies.

Men holding baleen bundles, Courtesy: Nantucket Historical Association
Paul Poiret, a Parisian designer, introduces a "slim, up-and-down" line of women's clothing, undercutting demand for corsets, and thereby baleen.

The New Bedford whaling vessel Wanderer is blown aground by a hurricane at Cuttyhunk in Buzzard's Bay, bringing the American whaling industry to a symbolic end. The Wanderer had been embarking on the last whaling voyage aboard a sail-powered vessel.

The International Whaling Commission bans commercial whaling after a global anti-whaling movement in the 1970s. The ban, however, permits whaling for scientific research. This provision has allowed countries such as Japan to whale under scientific research permits.
