
イギリスの自然派化粧品ブランドのTHE BODY SHOP(ザボディショップ)、管財人指名。

ヨーロッパ経済ニュースEUROPE NNAは2024年02月13日に、日本の新宿にも出店しているイギリスの自然派化粧品ブランドのTHE BODY SHOP(ザボディショップ)が、イギリスでの事業について、近日中に管財人を指名する見通しで、店舗閉鎖や人員整理につながる可能性があるとBBC電子版などが伝えた。

THE BODY SHOP(ザボディショップ)は2023年11月に、投資会社アウレリウス(Aurelius)・グループが買収した。その後のクリスマスから1月にかけての売り上げが芳しくなかったとされている。運営資金も不足しているという。


ザボディショップは1976年にイギリスのブリングトン(Brighton, England)で設立。創業者のアニータ・ロディック(Anita Roddick)が2006年に事業を売却して以降、3度にわたり身売りしている。現在、イギリスでは200店舗以上を展開している。日本にも渋谷、新宿、池袋に支店がある。

10 The Body Shop Jobs
The Body Shop was founded in 1976 in Brighton, England. From her original shop, which offered a line of 25 different lotions, creams, and oils, Roddick became the first successful marketer of body care products that combined natural ingredients with ecologically-benign manufacturing processes. Her company's refusal to test products on animals, along with an insistence on nonexploitative labor practices among suppliers around the world, appealed especially to upscale, mainly middle-class women, who were and have continued to be the company's primary market.

In 1977, Roddick purchased another shop through selling 50% of the business to a local garage owner.

The company's fast-paced development continued when it went public in April 1984.

The business went public in April 1984, and was floated on London's Unlisted Securities Market, opening at a price of 95p, with the Roddicks keeping 27.6% shares in the company, and Anita continued as managing director so as to retain control of the company's direction.

As sales boomed, even the conservative financial markets approved of The Body Shop's impressive profit picture, and a public stock offering in 1984 was successful.

The Body Shop is rooted in activism, and our history of campaigning started in 1986.

1987: The Trade Not Aid program begins.
In 1987, Roddick offered $3.5 million to the owners of the original Body Shop, Peggy Short and Jane Saunders, for the exclusive rights to the business's name.

The Body Shop opened its first stores in the United States in 1988; all were owned directly by the company.

Deciding that the company needed to first adjust to the new market, particularly to selling in shopping malls, Roddick postponed franchising any stores until 1990.

The company's two first major competitors appeared in 1990.

Leslie Wexner, owner of the Limited, opened Bath & Body Works in the United States in the fall of 1990; 18 months later he had 100 stores grossing $45 million.

The company’s two first major competitors appeared in 1990.

Other charitable activities included donating £230,000 in 1991 to start a weekly newspaper to be sold by the homeless in London.

In 1991, sales were up 46 percent from the year before to $238.4 million; net profits were $26.2 million, up 71 percent from the previous year.

When Roddick announced the Body Shop's collective opposition to the Gulf War in 1991, she big-footed a protest within the company.

The Body Shop's phenomenal growth slowed somewhat in 1992.

A rocky year in 1992 frustrated investors more than the Roddicks.

