

Mediumの哲学博士アクセル・カサス(Axel Casas, PhD Candidate)が2025年01月12日に「Cogni.tiva」で全文公開した「5 Books That Will Make You Smarter Than 97% Of People And embrace effective lifelong learning」で、
これらの本は皆さんを賢くしてくれると確信しています :)



  1. Uncommon Sense Teaching: Practical Insights in Brain Science to Help Students Learn by Barbara Oakley, Beth Rogowsky, and Terrence Sejnowski
    You should start with this one.
    Oakley and colleagues are experts in the science of learning. They spent decades researching effective study and teaching methods. In this book, they condense all that information into around 300 pages.
    What I love about this is that it is impossible not to engage with it.
    It is so well written! Here, you will learn:
    The best science-based study strategies.
    How students often get fooled by the illusion of learning.
    The different types of learners.
    The neuroscience of learning.
    Table of Contents:
    Building Memory: How Students Fool Themselves into Thinking They’re Learning.
    Teaching Inclusively: The Importance of Working Memory Capacity.
    Active Learning: The Declarative Pathway.
    Remedies for Procrastination.
    How Human Brains Evolved — and Why This Matters for Your Teaching.
    Active Learning: The Procedural Pathway.
    Building Community Through Habits.
    Linking Learners: The Power of Collaborative Learning.
    Online Teaching with Personality and Flair.
    Charting Your Course to the Finish Line: The Power of Lesson Plans.

  2. Ultra-Learning: Accelerate Your Career, Master Hard Skills, And Outsmart The Competition by Scott Young
    Once you have the basics, you can aspire to more.
    Ultra-learning changed my life forever. It made me think about learning differently. It made me realize it is a superpower that can help me in my personal development, getting jobs, scholarships, and more.
    Scott starts this book by sharing his experience studying Computer Science at MIT.
    From home and for free.
    You read that right. He used the free resources available on MIT’s OpenCourseWare and crafted a plan to master it. By doing so, he finished this 4-year degree in only one.
    Truly inspiring.
    Table of contents
    Can You Get an MIT Education Without Going to MIT?
    Why Ultralearning Matters
    How to Become an Ultralearner
    Principle 1-Metalearning: First Draw a Map
    Principle 2-Focus: Sharpen Your Knife
    Principle 3-Directness: Go Straight Ahead
    Principle 4-Drill: Attack Your Weakest Point
    Principle 5-Retrieval: Test to Learn
    Principle 6-Feedback: Don’t Dodge the Punches
    Principle 7-Retention: Don’t Fill a Leaky Bucket
    Principle 8-Intuition: Dig Deep Before Building Up
    Principle 9-Experimentation: Explore Outside Your Comfort Zone
    Your First Ultralearning Project
    An Unconventional Education

  3. Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning by Peter Brown, Henry Roediger, Mark McDaniel
    This book is pure science!
    As a PhD student, I love that. Although this book is from 2013, I think it is still one of the best about effective learning. The only reason it’s not above the others is that it can be more challenging to read for beginners.
    Here, you will learn about:
    Pure science of the best study strategies and why they work.
    How to practice retrieval.
    How to avoid illusions of learning and improve metacognition.
    How to actually make information stick to your memory.
    Table of contents
    Learning Is Misunderstood.
    To Learn, Retrieve.
    Mix Up Your Practice.
    Embrace Difficulties.
    Avoid Illusions of Knowing.
    Get Beyond Learning Styles.
    Increase Your Abilities.
    Make It Stick.

  4. Building a Second Brain: A Proven Method to Organize Your Digital Life and Unlock Your Creative Potential by Tiago Forte
    Information nowadays is overwhelming.
    There’s too much for our brains to digest. For these reasons, Tiago argues, a personal knowledge management (PKM) is more important than ever. He proposes to build a “second brain.”
    This can help you:
    Making our ideas concrete.
    Revealing new associations between ideas.
    Incubating our ideas over time.
    Sharpening unique perspectives.
    Ultimately, a second brain will help you retrieve information.
    And that will make you smarter by enhancing creativity and cognitive flexibility.
    Table Of Contents
    Part One: The Foundation: Understanding What’s Possible
    Chapter 1: Where It All Started
    Chapter 2: What Is a Second Brain?
    Chapter 3: How a Second Brain Works
    Part Two: The Method: The Four Steps of CODE
    Capture 4: Capture — Keep What Resonates
    Chapter 5: Organize — Save for Accountability
    Chapter 6: Distill — Find the Essence
    Chapter 7: Express — Show Your Work
    Part Three: The Shift: Making Things Happen
    Chapter 8: The Art of Creative Execution
    Chapter 9: The Essential Habits of Digital Organizers
    Chapter 10: The Path to Self-Expression

  5. Procrastination: What It Is, Why It’s a Problem, and What You Can Do About It by Fuschia M. Sirois PhD
    Finally, a book about learner’s biggest enemy.
    You may have read that procrastination is about being lazy or lacking effective time management skills. Well, this book says that it is way more complex than that.
    This book completely changed my view on procrastination.
    To defeat it, Sirois argues, we need to understand why it happens.
    Fuschia Sirois is a psychologist who has done 20 years of research on how and why humans procrastinate. The strongest argument in her book is that we do it to avoid the negative feelings related to a task.
    For example, I voluntarily delayed studying some topics during my degree because I hated them.
    Interesting reading that includes many exercises and guides to apply in your daily life.
    Table of Contents
    Part I How Procrastination Affects Your Life
    Chapter 1 Procrastination: An All-Too-Common Problem
    Chapter 2 That Mystical Land of Tomorrow: Lost Productivity and Abandoned Dreams
    Chapter 3 Can Procrastination Be Bad for Your Health?
    Chapter 4 Procrastination Through a Social Lens
    Part II When and Why Do People Procrastinate?
    Chapter 5 Procrastination Decoded: Why Mood Matters
    Chapter 6 Seek the Source
    Part III Evidence-Based Strategies to Help You Stop Procrastinating
    Chapter 7 Why Mindset Matters
    Chapter 8 Perspective Matters: The Power of Reframing
    Chapter 9 Embrace Your Future Self to Bridge the Temporal Gap
    Chapter 10 Ready, Set, Go!

After years of learning new skills, I found these books ideal for beginners.
To recap:
Learn the basics of effective learning by reading “Uncommon Sense Teaching”* by Oakley and colleagues and/or “Make it Stick”* by Brown and colleagues.
Rocket your learning by reading “Ultra-learning”* by Scott Young.
Learn how to manage information and facilitate retrieval by reading “Building a Second Brain”* by Tiago Forte.
Finally, learn how to avoid procrastination by reading “Procrastination”* by Fuschia Sirois.
I hope these books help you in your learning revolution.
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Ways I can help you:
Subscribe to my new free newsletter The Super Learning Lab.
And get my free eBook “Rocket Learning: 7 Hacks To Survive University, Ace Exams, And Learn Anything.”

The Super Learning Lab. Image created by the author with Canva.
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