

こんにちは、現在、ユーザベースでUI&BXデザイナーとして働いている、Nirmal Fernando(ニルマール・フェルナンド)です。この記事は、DESIGN BASEとしての最後の記事です。才能ある素晴らしい仲間との2年間の旅が終わます(新しい門出を迎えます)
私は、Uzabaseを卒業するわけではなく、UBグループの他の事業会社に移ることになりました。このnoteでは、SaaS Design Division "DESIGN BASE"のSPEEDA デザインチームで過ごした2年間の旅を共有したいと思います。

Hi, I'm Nirmal Fernando, currently working as a UI&BX designer in Uzabase, inc. This article will be my last article under the DesignBase channel after a two-year journey comes to and end with talented people and great colleagues.
I’m not leaving Uzabase but moving to another subsidiary company. This article will reveal my two-year journey with DESIGN BASE, SaaS Design Division.


Uzabaseのコーポレート執行役員 CDO(Chief Design Officer)である平野友規(平野さん)とは、入社当時から仲良く仕事をしてきて、言葉の壁があっても、私たちは常にコミュニケーションの方法を見い出してきました。

Tomoki Hirano (Hirano-San), Chief Design Officer at Uzabase, with whom I worked with very closely from the very beginning. Even though we had some language barriers, we always found a way to communicate.
Hirano-San identified my strengths and weaknesses as a designer and directed me to projects with confidence. He is the best mentor I have ever had in my career journey.



I can recall some projects I worked on; SPEEDA Font Design Project is one of them. When he assigned the task to me, I told him I had never designed a font but would like to take the challenge. He said he was confident about my skills and asked me to go ahead and do it. 


I worked with another super design team member, Yurie Yokota (Lily-San), on this project. She is one of the best designers I have come across in my design journey. Shiori-Sato also joined the project later on, and she has done a fantastic job creating and finalizing the whole font family.



SPEEDA is one of the top and core products under the Uzabase group. It’s incredible to see how Hirano-San encouraged me to work on some top projects and helped me with his knowledge.


私は、期待に応えるUX/UIデザイナーになるべく、多くの学びに投資しました。(DESIGN BASEの)上司や先輩というのは、今の私に大きな影響を与えていると思います。この場を借りて、私のデザインキャリア形成を描いてくれた平野さんに感謝したいです。

I started building myself as a severe UI/UX designer investing more in my education. Your manager/superior can indeed make a big difference in who you are today. I take this opportunity to thank Hirano-San for shaping my design career.
Most importantly, he is not pushing to get what he wants but helps bring out the best in me.



After every quarter, we organized a design review meet-up to see and review every designer’s work. I am so proud to say every designer in our team has outstanding skills. They never hesitate to help another colleague. I am so lucky to work with this fantastic design family. They never forgot to share my portion when they produced some merchandise.


社内にデザインスタジオを設置し、それをDESIGN BASEと名乗りったことは、私たちの歴史の中でも画期的なことです。今後もDESIGN BASEがUzabaseやデザインコミュニティ全体に素晴らしい貢献をしてくれることを期待しています。

Making SaaS Business an internal design studio and naming it "DESIGN BASE" is a milestone in our history. I know DESIGN BASE will make an excellent contribution to Uzabase and the whole design community.
Arigatou gozaimasu.

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