ルノルマンカード(Red OwlとBlu bird)の中には、カードに英語が書かれているものがあります。
*私はRed Owlしか持っていないので、カードの写真はRed Owlのみです。
(Red owl版)As herald of malaise or even decay, it’s best the coffin stays out of your way. Your courage and asset both drain away: all of this happens without any delay.
(Bluebird版) Illness is known, sickness is near. Fate has its own ending to fear. You lose your money, all's hopeless to you. And what is the saddest, your courage fails too.
30 「ユリ」
(Red) The lilies overhead of purest virtue speak: lilies underfoot will mean that penance one should seek.
(Blue) Lilies are white, green leaves surrounded. The outlook is bright and passion will abound. When this card rests higher, It means good disposition. The card resting lower is a dubious position.
(Red) A string of lucky enterprises, the fish near you will bring; far away they tell a tales of losses that will sting.
near youなので「あなたの近く」ですが、「あなたのカードの近く」ですね。
(Blue) When fish swim near in an ocean vast, Prospects are clear for a fortune amassed. If fish swim away, hopes are battered. Cheer turns to dismay, and dreams are shattered.
(Red) The cross is a prophecy of misfortune of all sorts. The farther away, the worse it will be; Near, the pain will be strong and short.
(Blue) A cross weaves pain historically sad. A distance too close means tidings are bad. Suffering increases when the cross is near. But burdens can lift if you persevere.