2024.7.27 Sat
1週間ぶりに家族がそろったね。 Mamaも君がいない間、搾乳機を現地で購入し 母乳がでなくなることを防ぐために 頑張ってくれていたよ。 Mamaのお母さん(君のおばぁちゃん)のことは、心配だけれど、家族みんなで祈りながら 見守っていけたらと思うよ。 君の存在は、君のおばぁちゃんにとって、希望になっていると思う。 なので、成長した姿を、電話越しではなく、海外にいってみせることができたらいいね。 Papaもその日がくることを心待ちにしているよ。
Dear Son
It's been a week since the family has been together.
While you were away, Mama did her best to prevent her milk from drying up by purchasing a breast pump locally. Although we're worried about Mama's mother (your grandmother), I believe we can support each other as a family and keep her in our prayers.
Your presence brings hope to your grandmother. It would be wonderful if you could show her how much you've grown in person rather than just over the phone. Papa is also looking forward to the day when we can make that happen.
With all our love