2024.11.10 Sun
Dear Son
A Sunday Starting at Expo Park
Today, the weather was so beautiful, so Papa made lunch, and Papa, Mama, and you went for a picnic at Hattori Ryokuchi Park. 🧺
Papa had asked Papa’s sister about a nice park for picnics, but somehow Papa ended up at a different one by mistake. In the end, though, Papa found a wonderful place with ponds filled with lotus leaves and lots of play areas. You were looking all around with curious eyes.
Papa spread out a blue sheet, and we enjoyed a late lunch with the food Papa made. When you’re a bit bigger, Papa will take you here again.
Today was also a special day—it was your Grandpa and Grandma’s 50th wedding anniversary! On a whim, Papa decided to bring you and a cake and some dessert to their house with Mama.
Grandpa and Grandma were so happy. It was just a little gift, but Papa’s real purpose wasn’t the present itself; it was to show up on their important day. Papa thought bringing you to see them would be the best gift of all.
Papa hopes that as you grow up, you’ll also find ways to show people how much they mean to you on their special days.
Mama and Papa feel like they’ve received the most precious gift in you. Thank you for choosing Papa and Mama to be your family.
With all our love,