Dawomxn: What Is It?
In the beginning, woman was truly the sun. An authentic person. Now she is the moon, a wan and sickly moon, dependent on another, reflecting another's brilliance.
- Raicho Hiratsuka, 1911
These powerful poems were crafted over 100 years ago by Japanese womxn. 100+ years have passed and many things have changed since. But not so much. Today in 2020s Japan, the accounts of gender bias are still far reaching, and womxn's healthcare and wellness topics have still been dismissed. There is so much to be done to move the mountains and once again become self-sufficient.
We want to believe we've reached the dawn of the day the mountains finally move.
What We Do
1. SHARE the experience of living in Japan in the 2020s as a womxn
2. EXPOSE it outside Japan
3. RESEARCH products and services which are trying to improve womxn's health and wellness (femtech)
4. SPREAD the idea that improving womxn's health improves family health, the global economy & gender equality - it's not just about womxn!
Improving womxn's health improves family health, the global economy & gender equality.
- Femtech Focus
Every Action Counts
In America, everything seemed fixable, and in Japan, difficult problems were to be endured. Sho ga nai, sho ga nai. How many times had he heard these words? It cannot be helped.
- Min Jin Lee, Pachinko
We have to act. We cannot just stay quiet and keep pretending as if none of these problems exist. We need to stop expecting someone else to take responsibility. If we want to make the world a better place, each one of us has to act.