Whale watching tour クジラを観にいきました
My family and I joined a whale watching tour this morning because my wife and got tired of going to pool with my kids everyday. I somehow got my kids up early and took them to a pier where a cruise ship left.

I forgot to take a picture of the ship exterior, but a travel agency in Waikiki said to me that the cruise was so small that it was reasonable. the rate was only $39 per person. However, the tour was fully booked and there were 55 passengers. As long as I saw, there were only a few Japanese.
船の外観の写真を撮り忘れたのですが、ワイキキの旅行代理店さんによると、クルーズはとても小さいのでリーズナブルだとのことでした。 料金は 1 人あたりわずか 39 ドルでした。 しかし、ツアーは満席で、55人の乗客がいました。 私が見た限り、日本人は数人しかいませんでした。

The ship left the pier at 10am and headed to the big hawaiian ocean to find whales. The ocean and the sky were quite beautiful, on the other hand, the ship shook badly. In addition, it was too hot to be in the sun. Although all the passengers including my family were eager to see whales, we could not.
Therefore, the top photo of whale was not taken by me and is free from copyrights.
海も空もとても綺麗な反面、船は大きく揺れました。さらに、太陽の下では暑すぎました。 私の家族を含む乗客全員がクジラを見たいと思っていましたが、私たちは見ることができませんでした。

Inside of the ship which was going back to the pier without seeing whales was like a torture because of the ship shaking and the hot weather.

After that, we went to pool as usual.
Thank you for reading,