First visit of this year to a shrine 初詣
My family and I visited a shrine today.
It is one of traditional behaviors in a new year that people visit a shrine at the begining of the year.
A lot of Japanese people visit shrines during this time to pray for the happiness and health of themselves and their family.
However, as you can see in the above photo, it was so crowded that we gave up worshipping in front of the offertory box.
We drew Omikujis. Omikuji is a fortune-telling slip. In my case, the total luck was Kichi. Kichi means a small luck, but I don’t have to be pessimistic because it means there are many rooms to improve my fortune.
私たちはおみくじを引きました。おみくじは占いの書いてある紙切れです。私の場合、総合的な運勢は吉でした。 吉とは小さな幸運を意味しますが、運気を上げる余地がたくさんあるという意味なので、悲観する必要はありません。
I like investment to stocks but it was written in the Omikuji that you had better be modest in investment. I probably comply with that because I don’t want to lose my property.
In any case, I hope my family and I stay healthy.
Thank you for reading,