
Learn English: Can This House be "Reformed"?

 Learn English: Can This House Be "Reformed"?
Quick answer, no, it can't. It can be redecorated, remodeled, refurbished, and even re-built, but it cannot be "reformed." Why not?
While the dictionary will tell you that reform means to change or improve, it cannot be used in the sense of any of the above words regarding improvements.
The nuance of the word suggests a kind of moral change, or change of heart, but not a change of design. For example, we could say, "Ken is a reformed gambler." Meaning he had a gambling habit or addiction, but now he has had a change of heart and behavior. (Reform could probably be used in connection with most addictions, and someone stopping them or shunning them, i.e. a reformed smoker, a reformed drinker, etc.)
Along with this moral nuance we could use the term to mean a new government with new policies, particularly in the light of some form of corruption. "Ms. Saito leads the new reform government in the city."
So, if you have a kitchen that needs fixing up you can remodel it. If you have a living room with shabby carpet and drapes and old furniture, you could redecorate it. If you have an old house, and you want to keep the shell but you want the interior changed, you can refurbish it. (A hotel, or even a train station, like Tokyo Station could be refurbished as well.)
 And if the building was just too old, and too expensive to renovate, you could tear it down and rebuild it.
Could we then say the word reform is so called Japanese-English? I don't think so. I am not a believer is the existence of Japanese English. If a word crosses an imaginary dividing line from English to Japanese, then in my opinion, it is a Japanese word, even though it might look like English.
それでは、reform という言葉はいわゆる和製英語と言えるのでしょうか。私はそうは思いません。私は和製英語の存在を信じていません。単語が英語から日本語への想像上の境界線を越える場合、たとえ英語のように見えても、それは日本語の単語だと私は考えています。
Good luck with your redecorating, remodeling, refurbishing and rebuilding. And good luck using the word reform, because, well, now you know.
Photo: Courtesy of David Hoffman, FLICKR
 ©David Parmer 2024 all rights reserved. (For reprint tokyodave66@gmail.com)
